Being practical in life can go a long way. Sticking with sensible decisions while pregnant is possible even for first-time moms. We’ve gathered a few useful tips for expecting mommas.

Pregnant woman with doctor

Switching to a different OB-GYN is okay

Some are lucky to have an OB-GYN they’re comfortable with even pre-pregnancy. There are some cases though that their beliefs or recommendations do not go in line with our values or gut feel. We’re not discounting the fact that these doctors have studied a lot and have valuable experiences. But, it is essential to know your rights as a patient, especially as a mother who will go through this beautiful experience of giving birth to another life form. 

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Definitely, not all deliveries are the same, but all births should be gentle. This means that the expecting mother’s rights are respected, she is empowered to choose, and that her birth support and providers follow her preferences. Just make sure you bring your records so that you don’t have to go through the necessary checks or tests that the new doctor needs to know.

A pregnant woman with baby clothes

Hand-me-downs are not a bad thing

In fact, this could probably be the most sound thing to do: to be a willing recipient for pre-loved clothes or other baby items like cribs, strollers, babywear, bouncers, high chair, etc. Whether you get them for free or for a very much lower price, it’s a great way to help other families get rid of things that will just end up in storage, and save a lot of money from buying brand new items that will only be used for a month or probably 2 years at the longest.

Bag with baby items

Make use of what you have

Concerning receiving or buying second-hand items, it is also best to look around your house for things that could be of use too. Say, for example, someone gifted you with a stroller; you can probably double it as a high chair. Check on your regular towels if they are hypoallergenic and can be used by the baby too. Or you can take some extra cotton/flannel fabrics and cut them into small squares. With edges sewn, these can be used as cloth wipes! Yes, items for the baby don’t always have to come from the baby section as long as you can do your checks.

Pregnant woman reading a book

Information overload is normal

Just like learning anything new, we are bound to feel overwhelmed with all the information at hand. So take one concept at a time. You have nine months to get just the right knowledge about those topics. Whether it’s about Gentle Birth, Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Attachment Parenting, and any other concepts you’re inclined to. You can also attend seminars and events other than reading about them. This is perfect not just for better retention but also to find people who are into the same beliefs and advocacies.

Mother and father playing with baby girl

Keep your partner/husband/support team in the know

Everything essential you gained from reading, mentioned by your doctor and all the knowledge you have on certain concepts should definitely be shared to your support team. As the old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise the child.” For any support that you need from pregnancy, until birth, newborn stage, toddler stage, and so on, it is best to really involve those important people around you and let them in on the help you need and how you want to raise your child.

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This is a life-changing phase of your life. Embrace it and enjoy this rollercoaster experience you’ll be taking on. Don’t worry; you’ll be great.

About the Writer:

Rachel Peralta is a freelance writer who finally took the leap of getting out of her comfort zone in the corporate world for 11 years. She loves traveling, supports the zero-waste movement and strives to practice intentional parenting as a hands-on mom to her active & curious little daughter.