I’m a traditionalist and will be handing out candy on Halloween this year. While Rosebud doesn’t get too much candy, Halloween is the one day that we can go wild with the candy. Plus I can sneak off to the pantry closet when I have a chocolate craving. Times are changing though. With the increase in allergies, the obesity epidemic, the expense of candy and the craziness of the world, many people are skipping candy and offering non edible favors for trick-or-treaters instead. Some people skip trick-or-treating altogether and just attend Halloween parties or parades. These favors are also great for trunk-or-treat or for filling goody bags for Halloween parties. When I was a kid, if we got anything non candy, it was a pencil. Obviously, I was disappointed with this, but these days, there are so many more fun options to choose from. If you are handing something out this year, but want to skip the candy, you should definitely read on for my list of unique non candy favors for Halloween.21 Non Candy Halloween Favors pin

Practical and Fun

It gets dark early on Halloween night. Glow sticks can be fun and practical.

Rosebud loves these little flash lights for special occasions. She got a couple for Valentines Day and still plays with them. If you only have a few kids to buy for, these are a great option.

Something special to wear on Halloween night.

A throw back to the 90’s.

Rings are a popular goody bag filler, but these glow in the dark.

Girl in princess costume looking in the mirror

School and Art Supplies

If you want to get Halloween themed school supplies, these are great for class parties.

You could get these fun Halloween erasers.

To make the pencils more interesting, how about this Halloween scented version?

These mini notepads would be great for drawing while out and about.

Kids love stickers any time of year. These would also be great for your Halloween party crafts.

Kids will have fun with these stamps and they are also great for Halloween themed crafts.

Bowl of candy corn with spider


If Halloween stresses you out, how about handing out these candy corn stress balls? Stress balls make great fidget toys for kids who have trouble staying still.

Small Halloween puzzles for toddlers. I’d never thought of handing out puzzles.

Temporary tattoos are fun for special occasions. Some of them even glow in the dark.

I used to collect keychains as a kid. These novelty Halloween keychains would’ve been a hit.

Children dressed up with Halloween toys


Bouncy balls are always popular goody bag items. Kids will especially love these that glow in the dark.

These rubber duckies are a fun addition. Good for bath time or play time.

I happened to find these when I was researching items for this post. I can’t wait to get these for Rosebud! You can either buy the mini dolls or a building blocks set.

Who doesn’t love windup toys?

Child witch cooking magic potion in caldron

Spooky Sensory Fun

Even the youngest kids will enjoy these bubbles.

How about these glow in the dark silly putty eggs?

It wouldn’t be a spooky party without a sticky hand.

Better yet, a stretchy skeleton!

21 unique non candy Halloween favors pin

If you are putting together goody bags, here are a couple to choose from.

I had fun putting this list together. There are a lot of things I never considered handing out that would be fun for kids to get instead of candy. What are you handing out this year if anything? Tell me in the comments.