I was inspired by a quote I saw today. It was about how we are all unique and have our own story to tell. There are so many benefits from not only journaling, but telling our stories as well. We can work through feelings, think creatively, express ourselves, share our ideas with others, let others know that they are not alone and once we feel comfortable with our story, we become more confident.

You may be wondering what telling our stories has to do with career coaching. Well, I find that when exploring possible new careers or if you are in the job search process, it takes a certain level of confidence and or courage. You will make mistakes. You will face rejection. You may wonder if you are making the right decision. You may be telling yourself stories about yourself that keep you stuck. That leaves you feeling under valued and less confident.
This type of activity may not work to build confidence for everyone and that’s okay. Take what works for you and leave the rest. You may just want to use some of the prompts to explore. If you are a teacher, these prompts may be useful to some of your students. These prompts can be a fun way to get you thinking outside the box which is something you need for career exploration and or job searching these days. The cherry on top is if you enjoy writing, consider it a form of self-care.
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- What was your funniest memory?
- What is precious to you?
- What have been your biggest adventures?
- What are your travel experiences?
- What makes me unique?
- Who inspires me?
- What is my biggest fear?
- What is my biggest regret?
- What was the darkest time in my life?
- What was the happiest time in my life?
- What is your dream job?
- What do you remember most about your pets?
- What if anything do I admire about other cultures?
- How do I stay active?
- What is the best way to express myself?

Self Reflection
- What do I value?
- What do others think of me?
- What do I think of myself?
- What do I no longer need to Cary with me?
- What brings me happiness?
- How do I cheer myself up after a bad day?
Autobiographical Prompts
- My future goals are…
- My childhood was like…
- My school life was like…
- My favorite place is…
- My favorite things are…
- My favorite person is…
- My favorite things to do are…
- My hero is…
- My dream home is…
- My experience in love has been…
- The craziest time ever was…
- My most valuable possessions are…
- My worst job was…
- My biggest accomplishments are…
- My favorite feature is…
- My family is…
- Success means…
- My best decade was…
- My physical and mental health has been…
- My worst habits are…
- My experience with religion has been…
- My scariest experience was…
- The strangest food I’ve ever tried was…
- I had the most courage when…
- The best conversation I ever had was…
- My wish that came true was…

Creative Prompts
- If I were writing a book, I’d write about…
- If I were invisible I’d…
- If I had a time machine, I’d…
- My super power is…
- If I were an animal I’d be…
- If I were something in nature I’d be…
- If I wind the lottery I would…
- If I could talk to anyone in the world, we’d talk about…
- My dreams mean…
- If I could live anywhere it would be…
- If I could buy anything, I’d buy…

Did you try any of these? If so, let me know in the comments. To get my other tips and inspiration, follow me on Instagram.