Last week, I took a trip to the dollar store. Of course, they had all their Halloween stuff out, so I picked up a few things to put in a Halloween sensory bin for Rosebud. She is loving it so far!

Fall Halloween Sensory bin pin

What’s in the bin?

  • Acrylic leaves, pumpkins and acorns,
  • Pompoms,
  • Mini jack-o’-lanterns,
  • Glittery spiders,
  • Sticky eyeballs,
  • Tongs,
  • Small bowls.

Fall Halloween Sensory Bin pin

I found the spiders, mini pumpkins and eyeballs at the dollar store, but I wasn’t sure what to do for the filler. I was thinking of dying some rice orange, but didn’t want to go through the trouble. I was shopping on Amazon for some mini pumpkins and happened to come across this set of acrylic fall items. The pack comes with pumpkins, leaves, and acorns. These work great for the halloween theme, but would also be great for a general fall sensory bin.

Halloween sensory bin

So far, we’ve made patterns, sorted the objects, pretended to feed Rosebud’s babies, practiced fine motor skills with the tongs and tried to make pumpkin towers. Rosebud wanted to use the bin with her magnet blocks. I built a divided box and we sorted the objects into their own sections, but Rosebud broke it before I could snap the picture. She has gotten quite creative with this sensory bin, using it in her play kitchen as well as with the blocks. I’m interested to see what else she does. Here, she is feeding her baby and Kermit the Frog who she has dressed up for the occasion.

A baby doll and Kermit with bowls of Halloween items.

Are you doing any fall or Halloween sensory activities? Let me know in the comments.