Getting a child involved in the arts is a great way to help boost their confidence and introduce new learning methods that will translate into other areas, according to Public School Review. For children who have learning disabilities, art and music can open up a whole new world of expression that allows them to build confidence and even overcome behavioral issues related to frustration. The arts are also a great way to provide children (and their parents) with a much-needed opportunity for self-care, which in turn reduces stress.
With that in mind, here are some tips from Navigating Motherhood Coaching to get you started.

Give them examples.
An easy way to introduce your child to visual art is to look for photos of dynamic works online, such as Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”, and have your child try to recreate it in their own style. You might even look for short videos that talk about famous works of art and how they were created, or tutorials that are appropriate for their age group. Show your child how to mix colors, create movement, and use different mediums to achieve different effects. This is something that can be done even with very young children if you have the right resources.
Try various methods.
Visual art is a wonderful means of expression, but it’s not the only one. If your child loves to move and has trouble sitting still for a period of time, try dance and other forms of movement, which, as One Dance UK notes, can be highly beneficial for those who have learning disabilities.

Put on some music and show them how to move to the beat. Introduce them to various forms of dance, such as ballet, jazz, tap, and hip-hop, with videos and tutorials. Keep in mind that some kids are visual learners, which means they’ll do best after watching how a dance is performed; others learn best when they can actually do it themselves.

Give them the right tools.
Whether your child is interested in visual art, dance, music, or other creative art forms, it’s essential to make sure they have the right tools to be successful. Providing things like crayons, markers, and paint is perfect for those interested in visual arts, while access to instruments and a quiet place to play music or dance is great for those interested in other forms of creativity.
As with all forms of art, it’s important not to put limits on your child’s ideas. With the right tools, they can be in charge of their own creative output, which will boost their self-esteem and help them find new ways to communicate and learn. In fact, studies have shown that kids who are involved in some creative pursuits–like playing an instrument–do better in school and have more fully formed social skills.
Don’t put limits on yourself, either.

One great way to help your child succeed with a new endeavor is to lead by example. If you discover that you truly enjoy teaching your child a new creative pursuit, consider starting a business to give lessons to others. A home-based or online business provides plenty of flexibility; you’ll just need to make sure you have a business license and take some precautions by forming an LLC.
A limited liability company will allow you the freedom to run your business the way you want while ensuring that you aren’t entirely personally responsible for any financial issues the business might accrue. You’ll need to read up on the steps involved, which include designating a registered agent; LLClaws differ from state to state, so do some research before jumping in. ZenBusiness is a great resource to use to navigate the process.
If you do decide to create an at-home business, creating a space that accommodates your child’s artistic bent may be a great investment not only in your child’s learning and expressive environment but as it relates to your home’s appraisal value. Updates like a new multi-purpose room — a keen feature for homebuyers who can envision the space as their home office or gym — can increase your property value. Be sure to save all receipts from the upgrade, plus before and after photos, as you’ll want to be able to show proof of the renovation.

Getting your child involved with the arts can be a fun way to bond together, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to engage in some self-care – for parents and children alike. After all, creativity allows you to express yourself, which reduces stress and anxiety. So take advantage of the many online resources available to help but you and your child make the most out of an expressive new hobby.
My name is Darcey and I created Navigating Motherhood Coaching to help moms of young children find life balance and rediscover themselves. In addition to being a certified professional coach, I am also an early childhood educator. If you have questions, please let me know!