Since 2020 is finally wrapping up, I want to start focusing on 2021. Honestly, I’m grateful that 2020 is ending. It has been a horrible year for many. However, I will be taking some things from 2020 with me like the importance of slowing down, continuing to build my business as well as the personal progress I’ve made this year. While I know all the terrible things won’t go away the moment the ball drops, it’s important to look ahead. Have you been thinking about New Years resolutions?
The truth is most people make resolutions and then lose their motivation after a month or two. This is why I’ve gotten into the practice of choosing a word for the year. Even if you change or drop your goals, your word can still guide you. You don’t have to feel guilty about not sticking to those New Years resolutions. You can use your word as a guide for your daily actions and even if you skip a day or a week, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Doesn’t that sound much better? Here is how to choose your word for 2021.
Word for 2021 Brainstorming Exercises
You may already have a word in mind or you might not know how to start if this is your first time. The first step is to brainstorm and you can go about this in several ways.
Write in your journal. Describe what you want 2021 to look like. Don’t forget all areas of your life. Personal, family, professional, social life, hobbies etc. The sky is the limit.
- Do any themes reoccur?
- Do any words pop out at you?
- What feeling do you get?
Vision Board
If you are a more visual person, you may want to create a vision board for 2021. If you spend time visualizing your goals, you will achieve them. Just the act of visualizing your goals can bring them closer. If you don’t know where to start or don’t have any inspiration, there are tons of vision board images and tutorials online.
You can create a physical version with a sheet of poster board and some cut out pictures or you can create a digital version.
Here are some things you may want to put on your board.
- Inspirational quotes or phrases,
- Words that resonate with you,
- Places you’d like to travel too,
- Items you’d like to have,
- Pictures of your dream home,
- Pictures that represent your goals such as money, fitness, schooling, new hobbies etc.
- Family life: Children, weddings, new partner, current partner etc.
The sky is the limit with this exercise too. Let your imagination and creativity go and make something you love!
Word Cloud
Make a word cloud or list of words that resonate with you. Whatever pops into your head. You can either do this exercise first or be inspired to make your list by one of the other exercises. Anything goes here as well.
- What word or words pop out at you?
- Which words connect to your goals?
Set Goals
If you haven’t already, set some goals for the new year. I know that I’ve said you may not want to set New Years resolutions, but there still may be goals or dreams you have in mind for 2021 and beyond. Maybe you want to get in better shape, find a new relationship, be more present with your kids, take a family vacation etc. List your goals and the steps you need to take to get there. For more specific goal setting tips, come join me on Instagram!
For now, just make a list of your top goals and see if any of them are connected. Perhaps, that’s where you will find your word.
Let’s take my goals for 2021 as an example.
- 1. Get ten coaching clients.
- 2. Take a course for marketing on Instagram.
- 3. Create my new weekly newsletter.
- 4. Meet the man I have been talking to online.
- 5. Be more present with Rosebud.
- 6. Try a new hobby.
Most of these goals relate to beginning, creating, or starting something new, so I have chosen the word beginning for 2021. When I picture 2021, I picture a year of beginnings. A fresh start with opportunities to create something new. Wiping the slate clean and drawing a new picture. Rosebud has this new writing tablet and when she is done with her picture, all she has to do is push a button and it disappears. You are left with a blank screen to start over. That is my metaphor for 2021. Beginning again.
List of Words for Inspiration
If you aren’t inspired yet, here are a list of words to help you get started.
Adventure, Abundance, Change, Confidence, Connection,
Direction, Excitement, Focus, Friendship, Gratitude,
Happiness, Joy, Kindness, Learning, Love,
Movement, Positivity, Present, Productive, Reflection,
Renewing, Results, Self-acceptance, Self-care, Sharing,
Tolerance, Trust, Truth, Wealth, Wonder.
What is your word for 2021? Tell me in the comments. I’d love to know. I wish you a happy new year. May 2021 be filled with peace and prosperity for all of us. I hope 2021 will be a time to reconnect and reunite. As always, stay safe and healthy.
Hey! I love picking a word of the year, and this year my word is FUN!