Years ago, I saw this creative ice cream shop sensory tub by Counting Coconuts. I thought it was a neat idea and always wanted to put together my own ice cream sensory bin. Back then, I didn’t have any kids and it’s been years since I’ve been able to do any lesson planning for my job. Well, I finally made one for Rosebud and she loved it.

Ice cream sensory bin pin

What’s in the bin?

  • An ice cream set,
  • Ice cream cones from bubbles,
  • White beads for whip cream,
  • Pompoms for toppings,
  • Measuring spoons,
  • Small bowls,
  • Foam marshmallows.

Ice cream sensory bin

For the bulk of this bin, I used this cute little ice cream set that has everything you’ll need to make pretend ice cream Sundays. Rosebud plays with it a lot, but it’s funny how adding other materials changes the play. I added bigger bowls that are not pictured so that everything wouldn’t fall out, but I will have to get pictures of that later to add to the post.

These foam marshmallows were also a big hit! I bought them to do another sensory bin this coming winter, but thought they’d be cute added as another ice cream topping. It was Rosebud’s idea to create patterns. Marshmallow, bead, Marshmallow bead or bead, pompom, bead, pompom. Patterning is a pre-math skill, so I’m glad she has incorporated it into her play. Other than patterning, we made ice cream sundays with different toppings, sorted objects by color and size and counted marshmallows and beads.

Ice cream sensory bin pin

I just put this sensory bin out this week, so I’m interested to see what else Rosebud does with it. Have you made any sensory bins this summer? Let me know in the comments.