New Years Resolutions

How To Achieve Your Goals in 5 Easy Steps

Since this is a beginning of a new year, it’s the perfect time to think about setting goals and of course, achieving them. If you didn’t make New Years resolutions, don’t worry about it. If you have already fell off the resolution wagon, that’s okay. You can start over. I will show you how to achieve your goals in five easy steps.

How to achieve your goals in 5 easy steps

Step 1: Choose Your Non Negotiables

What will you make non negotiable? Meaning what will you focus on? What areas of your life light you up or which areas need to be improved?

Deciding what you need to focus on is the first step towards achieving your goals. For me, one area that I focused on last year is fitness. Specifically, exercising daily. I didn’t specify how much weight I wanted to lose or what size I wanted to drop to. I focused on one specific measurable action. To exercise for at least a half an hour daily.

Once you have decided on area to focus on and a specific action to take, it’s on to step 2.

Types of Goals you can achieve

Business goal: To have 10 coaching clients by December 2021.

Specific action: Reach out to 10 people per month on social media and invite them to a discovery call.

Personal goal: Read 20 books in the next 6 months.

Specific action: Read for 15 minutes each night before bed.

Relationship goal: To have one date night per week.

Specific action: Make a list of 20 date night ideas.

Parenting goal: To be more present with my children each day.Specific action: Put phone in another room for 1 hour each day.

I would suggest starting with two or three areas that are the most important to you. Then make one, two, or three goals for each area.

Step 2: Make your goals measurable

Remember that specific action from step one? It’s time to break those down even further.

This will help you track your progress and celebrate your wins! It will also make reevaluating your goals easier.

Here’s one example from my business goals. My over arching goal is to get 10 paying coaching clients by December of 2021. One strategy I will use to promote my services and find clients is using Instagram. Here are two measurable action steps I can take.

1. Post once per day,

2. Comment on at least four other people’s posts per day.

Since I can’t control the actions of others meaning whether they will sign on as clients, I can control my level of engagement. Building relationships with people through engagement is my strategy.

Here’s another example.

Goal area: Fitness

Specific goal: To lose 20 lbs in 6 months.

Measurable action steps: 1. Run 30 minutes each day.

2. Eat one serving of fruits and vegetables with each meal.

3. To drink 4 glasses of water each day.

Do you notice how the action steps all relate to fitness, but they are different? Let’s say the person misses a few days of running, but they are still able to eat healthier and drink more water. Technically, they are still working on their goals and it can still be a win even if you don’t do all your action steps each day. Having more than one measurable action is like having a backup plan.

Achieve your goals with an accountability partner

Step 3: Accountability

The third step towards achieving your goals is holding yourself accountable. Meaning how will you commit to your goals? Will you write it down in a place where you will see it everyday? Will you tell someone who will check in on your progress? Do you work best when you work on your goals alone?

Often, we achieve our goals faster if we have an accountability partner. I know for me, if I’m going to check in with someone about the goals I’m working on, I feel worse if I have nothing to report. Finding an accountability partner may be a good motivator to stay on track. It may also help if your partner is working towards the same goals, but it’s not necessary.

Some things to consider when looking for an accountability buddy are:

  • Who will you choose?
  • When will you tell them?
  • How often will you check in?

If you’re a person who works best alone, here are some suggestions.

  • Put a sticky note where you will see it everyday.
  • Create a vision board representing your goals.
  • Send reminders to yourself using your phone.
  • Write your top goals each day when you get up each morning.

How to achieve your goals step by step

Step 4: The hard work of achieving your goals

You’ve chosen areas of your life to focus on, you’ve created goals and specific action steps and you’ve found ways to keep yourself accountable. Now it’s time to do the hard work. It’s time to put your plans in action and make your dreams a reality. This is where people often get stuck. This is the most important step and where you can start seeing your progress which will look different depending on your goals. If you are crushing your goals, that is fantastic, but if you get stuck, ask yourself:

What do I need to put in place to help me achieve this goal?

It could be anything from a physical item to getting rid of thoughts of self doubt.

How will my life change if I achieve this goal?

By answering this question, you will reach the why behind your goal. You will see what will be different if you keep going.

Finally, if you feel the goal is too big,

How can you break it down into even smaller steps?

What is stopping you from achieving your goals?

If you are on the hard work of step 4 and you are feeling stuck. It would be the perfect time to reach out for help. Let’s have a chatso that we can get you back on track.

Journal to reevaluate your goals

Step 5: Reevaluate your goals

Reevaluating serves two purposes. First you see what progress you’ve made. Maybe you’ve already achieved your goal and can move on to the next. Maybe you are progressing, but need to keep going as you are. Finally, your goal may be too large, not specific enough or not as important to you anymore. If you don’t reevaluate, you’ll miss out on this important information. It’s a good opportunity to be honest with yourself about what you truly want.

When you are doing your planning, you’ll want to decide when you will be checking your progress. Will it be weekly, monthly, quarterly etc? These time frames will be different depending on the goal. Here are some examples.

Business: Make a 90 day marketing plan with at least one item to do each day.

Progress check: Have you done each item on your plan?

Personal goal: Write in your journal each day.

Progress check: How many days this week did you write in your journal?

If not, what stopped you.

Personal goal: Losing weight

Progress check: Weekly weigh in.

Have you lost weight? Gained weight? How many days this week did you exercise? Why or why not?

Here are some questions to ask yourself when you are reevaluating your goals while feeling stuck.

  • Is this goal still important to me?
  • What is getting in the way of me achieving this goal?
  • How can I remove these blocks?
  • What different measurable action steps can I take?
  • If this goal is no longer meaningful, what are my new goals?
  • How can I hold myself accountable?
  • How am I feeling about this particular goal?
  • How will I feel when I accomplish this particular goal?


To summarize, there are five easy steps you can take to help you achieve your goals.

  • Step 1: Pick 1, 2 or 3 areas to focus on and make specific goals.
  • Step 2: Make it measurable. Write 1, 2 or 3 action steps that you can take to achieve your goals.
  • Step 3: Keep yourself accountable. Find an accountability partner or write your goal in a place where you will be reminded every day.
  • Step 4: The hard work. This is where you put your plan into action. This is the most important step. You can get stuck, but you can also make things happen!
  • Step 5: Reevaluate. Here’s where you see your progress. You will learn what is working and what you need to change.

What are your goals for 2021. I’d love to hear about them over a discovery call. If you are feeling stuck, need some help prioritizing your goals or need an accountability partner, I’d love to work with you!


How to Choose Your Word for 2021

Since 2020 is finally wrapping up, I want to start focusing on 2021. Honestly, I’m grateful that 2020 is ending. It has been a horrible year for many. However, I will be taking some things from 2020 with me like the importance of slowing down, continuing to build my business as well as the personal progress I’ve made this year. While I know all the terrible things won’t go away the moment the ball drops, it’s important to look ahead. Have you been thinking about New Years resolutions?

How to choose your word for 2021

The truth is most people make resolutions and then lose their motivation after a month or two. This is why I’ve gotten into the practice of choosing a word for the year. Even if you change or drop your goals, your word can still guide you. You don’t have to feel guilty about not sticking to those New Years resolutions. You can use your word as a guide for your daily actions and even if you skip a day or a week, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Doesn’t that sound much better? Here is how to choose your word for 2021.

Word for 2021 Brainstorming Exercises

You may already have a word in mind or you might not know how to start if this is your first time. The first step is to brainstorm and you can go about this in several ways.Journal and planner for 2021


Write in your journal. Describe what you want 2021 to look like. Don’t forget all areas of your life. Personal, family, professional, social life, hobbies etc. The sky is the limit.

  • Do any themes reoccur?
  • Do any words pop out at you?
  • What feeling do you get?

Make your dream come true

Vision Board

If you are a more visual person, you may want to create a vision board for 2021. If you spend time visualizing your goals, you will achieve them. Just the act of visualizing your goals can bring them closer. If you don’t know where to start or don’t have any inspiration, there are tons of vision board images and tutorials online.

You can create a physical version with a sheet of poster board and some cut out pictures or you can create a digital version.

Here are some things you may want to put on your board.

  • Inspirational quotes or phrases,
  • Words that resonate with you,
  • Places you’d like to travel too,
  • Items you’d like to have,
  • Pictures of your dream home,
  • Pictures that represent your goals such as money, fitness, schooling, new hobbies etc.
  • Family life: Children, weddings, new partner, current partner etc.

The sky is the limit with this exercise too. Let your imagination and creativity go and make something you love!

Word Cloud

Make a word cloud or list of words that resonate with you. Whatever pops into your head. You can either do this exercise first or be inspired to make your list by one of the other exercises. Anything goes here as well.

  • What word or words pop out at you?
  • Which words connect to your goals?

Goal Setting for 2021

Set Goals

If you haven’t already, set some goals for the new year. I know that I’ve said you may not want to set New Years resolutions, but there still may be goals or dreams you have in mind for 2021 and beyond. Maybe you want to get in better shape, find a new relationship, be more present with your kids, take a family vacation etc. List your goals and the steps you need to take to get there. For more specific goal setting tips, come join me on Instagram!

For now, just make a list of your top goals and see if any of them are connected. Perhaps, that’s where you will find your word.

Let’s take my goals for 2021 as an example.

  • 1. Get ten coaching clients.
  • 2. Take a course for marketing on Instagram.
  • 3. Create my new weekly newsletter.
  • 4. Meet the man I have been talking to online.
  • 5. Be more present with Rosebud.
  • 6. Try a new hobby.

Most of these goals relate to beginning, creating, or starting something new, so I have chosen the word beginning for 2021. When I picture 2021, I picture a year of beginnings. A fresh start with opportunities to create something new. Wiping the slate clean and drawing a new picture. Rosebud has this new writing tablet and when she is done with her picture, all she has to do is push a button and it disappears. You are left with a blank screen to start over. That is my metaphor for 2021. Beginning again.

List of Words for Inspiration

If you aren’t inspired yet, here are a list of words to help you get started.

Adventure, Abundance, Change, Confidence, Connection,

Direction, Excitement, Focus, Friendship, Gratitude,

Happiness, Joy, Kindness, Learning, Love,

Movement, Positivity, Present, Productive, Reflection,

Renewing, Results, Self-acceptance, Self-care, Sharing,

Tolerance, Trust, Truth, Wealth, Wonder.

Choosing your word for 2021

What is your word for 2021? Tell me in the comments. I’d love to know. I wish you a happy new year. May 2021 be filled with peace and prosperity for all of us. I hope 2021 will be a time to reconnect and reunite. As always, stay safe and healthy.

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How To Choose Your Word for 2020

I know this post is long overdue, but before I get to that, I want to wish you all a happy new year. I hope 2020 has started on a positive note for everyone, but if not, this post can point you in the right direction.
How to Choose Your Word for 2020

December was a busy month for me and I needed to take a break from the blog and although I’m posting today, I don’t know how often the entries will be coming. I suppose whenever I get inspired. I’ve really needed this break so that I can focus on other things. While I love the blog, I was having to devote way too much time to it. With being a single parent, working in a highly stressful job and dealing with other obligations, it was getting harder to carve out time for anything else, so I’ve had to rethink my priorities. I want the blog to be successful and I know that blogging is hard work, but I need to coast for a while. One of the reasons I’ve made this decision is because of the new year. I wrote in my journal and thought hard about what I want 2020 to look like.

Happy New Year 2020

Why one word instead of a New Years resolution?

I have always hated New Years resolutions. I make tons of goals for the new year, get excited about them and there’s a big push in January, but by February, everything gets dropped. Then there’s the guilt and all the negative self talk about why I didn’t accomplish my goals yet again. This year, I’m doing things differently. I’ve decided to choose one word to live by this year. I did this last year as well, but wasn’t really following it with intention. In order for this to work, you have to be passionate about the word you choose.

The word love in roses.

My word for 2020 is love. I chose the word love because after soul searching, I found that love was the most meaningful thing that I needed to work on for this year. Both for myself and others. This also means that all the goals I’ve chosen to work on for 2020 are connected to love in some way. some of my goals for the year include

  • Getting in better shape,
  • Being more present and patient with Rosebud,
  • Taking more time for self-care,
  • Changing my mindset,
  • Being in a loving relationship.

These goals all relate to taking care of myself or others. Having a connection between the goals will help to make them achievable. My intention for 2020 is love, but yours may be different. Maybe your word is action, happiness, mindful or change. It can be any word. Here are some suggestions if you are still having trouble coming up with a word.

How to Choose Your Word

  • 1. Write in your journal about what you want 2020 to look like. Are there any common themes?
  • 2. Brainstorm a list of words and see which word or group of words resonate with you the most.
  • 3. Make a vision board using images, words and or quotes. Are there any words or themes that pop out at you?
  • 4. If you are torn between two or three words, take time to think and then come back the next day. Do you have any new thoughts?
  • 5. Be sure your word and and any goals connected to your word energize you. Think about intentional things that you can do every day to bring your word to life.

How to Choose Your Word for 2020

Be Intentional

For my word, love, I have thought about what I can do everyday to bring love into my life. I can practice self-love by exercising and taking care of my body daily. I can send out loving energy by writing down a gratitude list of things that I’m thankful for each day. I can reach out to people to increase the chance of finding a meaningful relationship. There are so many things I can do to bring love into my life and that is what I intend to do in 2020. How about you? Do you have a word for the year? What are your plans, dreams or goals for 2020? Tell me in the comments.