Parent Prep for Spring and Summer: A Guide to Outdoor Safety

Prepping your home and lawn for warm weather is more than just mowing, cleaning, and planting; it’s also a good idea to make sure everything is safe for your little ones. Making plansnow to get everything in order will help give you peace of mind and allow your kids to have fun outdoors when the sun is out. But where do you start?

Parent Prep for Spring and Summer An OUtdoor Safety Guide

Think about what your kids will be doing most often during warm weather. If you have a pool or other water-based area in your yard, Swim University advises making sure it’s clean and has plenty of safety equipment available, such as flotation devices, life jackets, and slip-free surfaces. Grass should be kept short to help prevent biting bugs and snakes. It’s also a good idea to think of some fun, safe outdoor activities that your little ones can do in your own backyard once school is out for summer. 

Here are a few of the best tips from NMC Coaching on how to prepare for spring and summer outdoor play.

Children safely exploring outdoors

Lay the Groundwork

Hours will be spent in the front and back yards, so get your lawn and landscaping ready for action. Inspect the grassy areas and remove hazards like fallen limbs, and Allstate suggests filling inany holes that may have developed over the months. Overgrown hedges or dying plants should be taken care of or changed out. You may consider using decorative landscaping using shrubs, tall decorative grasses and trees to create a safe place for kids to play; the goal is to create privacy and contain the kids in the yard and prevent them from wandering off.

Child exploring mushroom.

All of the prepwork can be completed quickly and competently by a professional landscaping company, so start your research now. Online service directories are very helpful as you search for companies that specialize in backyard landscaping, as ratings and reviews are available for many of the companies listed. As you narrow your search, be sure to look for those who are insured and bonded, and ask for a detailed estimate up front.

Keep Sunscreen Handy

The first rule of outdoor safety is sunscreen. Teach your kids that even on cloudy or overcast days, or days that don’t feel so hot, it’s still important to slather on the sunscreen for outside time. Keep a bottle handy in the garage or on the back porch so it’s always accessible, and read the label. Some brands require a few minutes on the skin before they’re effective, so it might be necessary to put it on before the kids head outside.

Water Safety

Water safety is imperative, no matter how old your kids are. If you have a pool, make sure everyone in the family has a life vest that is in good shape and that the pool itself is clean and has the right amount of chemicals to keep bugs away. This is especially important when it comes to mosquitoes, who love standing water and can spread several types of disease when the weather gets hot. If you have a deep, in-ground pool and young children, consider investing in a motion sensor alarm that will alert you when someone gets too close.

Backyard camping is a safe outdoor activity

Prepare Some Fun Activities

Giving your kids some fun activities to do when it heats up outside will keep them entertained, and if you make them family oriented, you can turn this summer into a bonding session for all your loved ones. Bird watching, building and painting a birdhouse or feeder, backyard campouts, nature hikes, outdoor treasure hunts, bike riding expeditions, and setting up a lemonade stand are all great ways to spend time together while staying active. 

Preparing your backyard for all the fun activities your kids can do this summer can be a big job, so make a list of all the things you’ll need so nothing gets left out. Get the kids involved and have them help you clean up and get things ready. This will keep them motivated to play outside when it warms up rather than staying in to play video games, and it will also remove some of the burden from your shoulders. This way, everyone can have a fun, relaxing summer.

How to keep your children safe outdoors

Are you looking for balance in your life? Do you feel lost after becoming a mom? NMC Coaching is here for you. Book a Discovery call today for more information!


Get Your Child With Learning Disabilities Involved in the Arts With These Tips

Getting a child involved in the arts is a great way to help boost their confidence and introduce new learning methods that will translate into other areas, according to Public School Review. For children who have learning disabilities, art and music can open up a whole new world of expression that allows them to build confidence and even overcome behavioral issues related to frustration. The arts are also a great way to provide children (and their parents) with a much-needed opportunity for self-care, which in turn reduces stress.

With that in mind, here are some tips from Navigating Motherhood Coaching to get you started.

Get your child with learning disabilities involved in the arts with these chips

Give them examples.

An easy way to introduce your child to visual art is to look for photos of dynamic works online, such as Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”, and have your child try to recreate it in their own style. You might even look for short videos that talk about famous works of art and how they were created, or tutorials that are appropriate for their age group. Show your child how to mix colors, create movement, and use different mediums to achieve different effects. This is something that can be done even with very young children if you have the right resources.

Try various methods.

Visual art is a wonderful means of expression, but it’s not the only one. If your child loves to move and has trouble sitting still for a period of time, try dance and other forms of movement, which, as One Dance UK notes, can be highly beneficial for those who have learning disabilities. 

Child practicing the piano

Put on some music and show them how to move to the beat. Introduce them to various forms of dance, such as ballet, jazz, tap, and hip-hop, with videos and tutorials. Keep in mind that some kids are visual learners, which means they’ll do best after watching how a dance is performed; others learn best when they can actually do it themselves.

How to get your kids involved in the arts

Give them the right tools.

Whether your child is interested in visual art, dance, music, or other creative art forms, it’s essential to make sure they have the right tools to be successful. Providing things like crayons, markers, and paint is perfect for those interested in visual arts, while access to instruments and a quiet place to play music or dance is great for those interested in other forms of creativity. 

As with all forms of art, it’s important not to put limits on your child’s ideas. With the right tools, they can be in charge of their own creative output, which will boost their self-esteem and help them find new ways to communicate and learn. In fact, studies have shown that kids who are involved in some creative pursuits–like playing an instrument–do better in school and have more fully formed social skills.

Don’t put limits on yourself, either.

Child having fun painting

One great way to help your child succeed with a new endeavor is to lead by example. If you discover that you truly enjoy teaching your child a new creative pursuit, consider starting a business to give lessons to others. A home-based or online business provides plenty of flexibility; you’ll just need to make sure you have a business license and take some precautions by forming an LLC. 

A limited liability company will allow you the freedom to run your business the way you want while ensuring that you aren’t entirely personally responsible for any financial issues the business might accrue. You’ll need to read up on the steps involved, which include designating a registered agent; LLClaws differ from state to state, so do some research before jumping in. ZenBusiness is a great resource to use to navigate the process.

If you do decide to create an at-home business, creating a space that accommodates your child’s artistic bent may be a great investment not only in your child’s learning and expressive environment but as it relates to your home’s appraisal value. Updates like a new multi-purpose room — a keen feature for homebuyers who can envision the space as their home office or gym — can increase your property value. Be sure to save all receipts from the upgrade, plus before and after photos, as you’ll want to be able to show proof of the renovation.

Family drawing together

Getting your child involved with the arts can be a fun way to bond together, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to engage in some self-care – for parents and children alike. After all, creativity allows you to express yourself, which reduces stress and anxiety. So take advantage of the many online resources available to help but you and your child make the most out of an expressive new hobby.

My name is Darcey and I created Navigating Motherhood Coaching to help moms of young children find life balance and rediscover themselves. In addition to being a certified professional coach, I am also an early childhood educator. If you have questions, please let me know!


Self-care for Nursing Mothers: A How-to Guide

Nursing is a wonderful way to bond with your baby when you’re a new mom. That said, breastfeeding isn’t always easy! Sometimes it can be challenging, frustrating, or downright uncomfortable. It’s important to take care of yourself during this time. By investing in self-care, you will ensure that you are mentally and physically feeling your best. You will then be able to give your child the best care possible.

This guide covers self-care for nursing moms.

Self-care for Nursing Mothers: ! How-to Guide

Make breastfeeding easier with the right tools

The right tools can help make nursing easier, safer, and more comfortable for you and your baby. People has a list of handy items worth checking out, including disposable nursing pads, breast pumps, and milk screens to check for alcohol in your breastmilk after you’ve had a drink. You can even get a radiation protection cover to shield your little one from the radiation of cell phones and other devices.

Create a soothing space for breastfeeding your baby

Self-care for nursing moms

Nursing can take up a good chunk of your time every day. Make sure you have a comfortable space to get the job done. Create a quiet corner where you can soothe your baby and relax while nursing. A nursing chair is a great investment. To choose a chair, consider characteristics like comfort, support, and practicality. For example, prioritize models with stain-resistant fabric that’s easy to clean. For more tips on family living and reviews on home products, visit Home Life Daily. 

Invest in comfortable yet stylish clothing for nursing moms

You don’t have to sacrifice comfort for style as a new mom. Invest in cozy clothing that will have you looking and feeling your best while also accommodating nursing. Kindred Bravely is a one-stop shop for all kinds of cute maternity gear, from joggers to leggings, nursing tank tops, lounge shorts, pajamas, and more. You’ll find clothing in a variety of colors and materials, ensuring you can find pieces that suit your personal style.

Eat healthy meals to maintain your energy

Did you know that you burn more calories while breastfeeding? According to Healthline, nursing moms burn up to 500 additional calories every day. It’s important to feed yourself the fuel you need to stay healthy and energized during this time. Since you may have trouble finding time to cook, focus on easy-to-prepare meals that you can prepare in batches, freeze, and save for later.

Mom exercising for self-care

Make time for exercise

Regular physical activity will help you stay fit and can help you shed the baby weight. That said, giving birth takes a toll on your body and it’s important to take your time as you ease back into a fitness routine. Prioritize exercises that are well-suited to postpartum bodies. The Bump offers a roundup of suitable activities, from weight training for arms to core exercises. Best of all, you don’t need a gym and can do these moves at home.

Schedule some “me” time every day

As a new mom, it’s easy to get lost in your baby’s world. You want to do all you can to keep your little one happy and healthy, so it’s understandable that you’ll give them a lot of attention. However, it’s also critical to schedule some “me time” into your day. Give yourself 15 minutes every day without the baby. Use this time to do something that you enjoy, like reading a book or taking a bath. This is your chance to unwind, relax, and focus on yourself.

Exhausted mom Working while nursing baby

Try to get the sleep you need

The average adult should get about seven hours of sleep per night. As a new parent, this can be tough. Your baby likely won’t sleep through the night at first, making seven straight hours of uninterrupted rest a remote possibility. Luckily, there are other ways to get that much-needed slumber. Experts recommend sleeping whenever your baby sleeps, for example, and using a white noise machine to soothe your baby to snooze.

Connect with other new moms

Motherhood is exciting but it can also be exhausting. Connecting with other women who share your feelings and know exactly what you’re going through can be useful. If you have friends or family with kids, make time to talk to them. If you don’t know many women with children, you can still find a supportive community online. There are many virtual platforms specifically for moms, including and

Don’t hesitate to use your support network for help

As a new mom, you may sometimes feel isolated or like you’re in this by yourself. Don’t let yourself fall into this trap. You likely have plenty of friends and family who will be happy to give you a helping hand. You simply have to ask! Getting hands-on help from your support network will free up your time for self-care. Ultimately, this will allow you to be a better mother to your baby.

Self-care for nursing moms

When you’re a new mom, it’s easy to focus solely on your baby. However, it’s also important to take care of yourself. The above tips will help you keep fit emotionally and physically.

Emma Grace Brown lives her life by her rules; and it works! When she’s not snuggling puppies, Emma promotes female empowerment through her website. Her mission is to help those who live with self-doubt to realize they don’t have to mold themselves to conventionality.


Three Ways Modern Women Can Get Ahead in the Workplace

This week, I’m sharing a post written by Brad Krause. Are you a mom trying to juggle work, family and other responsibilities? If your career is an important part of your identity, it can be a struggle to maintain balance while furthering your career. You are not alone. There are so many of us in this boat! However, there are strategies that can help you become and stay successful in your profession regardless of your career path. This post maps out 3 ways women can get ahead in the workplace.

3 ways women can get ahead in the workplace

The fight for equality for women in the workplace seems to be making progress. As of 2019, 47 percent of workers in the U.S. were women. But in spite of that significant number, there’s still much to do when it comes to establishing women’s worth in the professional sphere.

NMC Coaching offers three specific ways women can achieve their dream careers without giving up their rights.

Adjust Your Attitude at Work

While no one can argue that it’s women’s attitudes that hold them back in the professional sphere, perception can play a significant part in your ability to boost your career. Changing the way you act, speak, and even email can affect your work.● Muscling your way into the break room won’t earn you any favors. But learning and applying powerful body languagecan increase your confidence (and impress your coworkers). It can also help you communicate more effectively in high-stakes situations.● Consider changing up your speech patterns. One speech coach suggests cutting “filler” words such as “like,” “I mean,” “just,” and others from your vocabulary for more powerful communication. Changing your speech may not be necessary, but it could impact the length and impact of your verbal interactions.● Understanding different communication styles is also crucial for success in the workplace. There are gender communication differences, so learning more about them can offer insight and help you strategize.

Make the Workplace Change for You

While many women are content to rise above professional barriers, others will feel compelled to break them down. And the truth is, making the workplace change for you is one way to ensure a well-trodden path for yourself and future generations.

Work life balance

● Encourage your workplace to host training workshops on diversity, sexual harassment, and other relevant topics that impact your work experience.

● Enlisting other women for support and advocating for work-life balance are two ways you can navigate a male-dominated field. It may not be easy, but it’s meaningful work that could pay off in the form of a promotion.

● It’s not easy to report harassment or deal with the aftermath. But if it’s happening to you or a coworker, you have rights. When it comes to discrimination at work, know the law and your rights so you can be prepared.

Business woman juggling work life balance

Do Something Different

Taking a different path than ‘most women’ in your profession (or generation) can be refreshing. Consider doing something unexpected with your career, and you may have a more unique experience than you’d think.

● Research suggests that women remain underrepresented in senior management roles. While you may not be in complete control of your professional trajectory, setting your sights higher is one way to start chipping away at the glass ceiling.

● If you really want to break the mold, choosing a male-dominated career path could be the perfect fit. For example,women in STEM roles are a minority. Despite the barriers, embarking on such a trajectory could mean more opportunities.

● Consider the benefits of adding a credential to your name. Even if your field doesn’t require it, obtaining state licensure or a formal degree can elevate your professional standing.● For women who are balancing (or want to balance) growing a family with their career aspirations, recognize the challenges and potential payoffs. You can enjoy both family life and professional endeavors if you don’t let guilt or a non-supportive partner get in your way.

3 ways women can design their career path

Pursuing a rewarding career shouldn’t be controversial for women. And yet, getting ahead isn’t always seen as a priority. But these avenues toward achieving your goals can help you recognize the potential that exists for your professional future. 

After spending most of his time in a corporate setting and neglecting his own self-care far too long, Brad embraced his calling and decided to become a full-time life coach. He now spends the rest of his life helping people get a better foothold on their wellness above all else. To learn more about Brad and his work, visit Self Caring.


Time Saving Tips for the Busy Mompreneur

Today, I have a guest post by Tina Martin. It is so important to create a work life balance. Especially if you are a business owner. Tina has shared some useful tools that will help you save time and energy. Doing Business Is Great but Downtime Is Crucial — Here’s How to Accommodate Both

When you own a business, it may feel as though you cannot get a break. Between monitoring employees, fulfilling orders, and meeting customer expectations, running a business can leave entrepreneurs feeling depleted and burned out. Taking a break can prevent burnout and refresh your energy. Entrepreneurs who take breaks and maintain a routine that includes time off make better decisions and are more likely to have better work-life balance.

How to increase productivity while having more free time

NMC Coaching helps business-owning parents manage the multiple responsibilities of both jobs, learning ways to be present at work and at home. One important aspect of establishing a good balance between work and home life is delegating tasks to reduce the burden. Using apps will also reduce the strain on business owners and free up time for relaxation.

Delegating and Scheduling

Business owners who delegate responsibilities to employees often find that it improves morale among workers. Reducing your workload will also result in growth for employees. You can delegate tasks like doing inventory and reordering supplies, for instance. Inventory management apps will also speed up the process, making the most out of a business owner’s time and resources.

Scheduling apps can also create more time for business owners. Between meetings, scheduling employees, and other time-related tasks, it can be time-consuming just to manage your calendar. Scheduling apps will also ease the burden and logistics of staffing.

Time Saving Tips for Business Owners

Inventory and Payroll

Inventory and payroll are two tasks that can be a time-drain for business owners. By using apps for either or both, entrepreneurs will save countless hours. Optimizing your wholesale distribution with a solution like QuickBooks Enterprise can be a game-changer. With automation, your business can order supplies from vendors more effectively and reduce costly errors. Having a centralized database for vendors will also give you more visibility on current purchase orders and identify where you can cut costs. Other features like efficient order management, multiple integrations, and barcode scanning will also guarantee healthy profit margins.

Investing in a payroll platform also saves time and aggravation. Ideally, look for solutions that offer seamless integration with existing software and simplify tax preparation and new employee onboarding.

Time Saving Tips for Mompreneurs


By freeing up time in your schedule, you value yourself. Business owners who wish to invest in their own wellness by taking time off will find that productivity apps will help you make more efficient use of your time. Trello, for instance, has a vast range of functions, from assigning tasks to calendar coordination. Not only does this free up a lot of your time, but it ensures that your projects and workflows continue to move forward efficiently.

Creating time for rest and relaxation should be a priority for business owners and entrepreneurs. Rested, refreshed business owners and employees make better business choices, which impacts the company positively in the long term.

For more guidance on finding a better balance between business and your home, learn more about what NMC Coaching can do!

Woman relaxing after work day

“Tina Martin started her career in business administration but eventually decided to pursue something that actually inspired her: becoming a personal fitness instructor. Today she stays busy as a life coach and works hard to help herself and her clients achieve a healthy work-life balance. She started as a side project to reach as many people as possible, and encourage them to put their dreams first.”


No More ‘Sunday Scaries’: 11 Resources for a Productive Weekend

This week, I have a special treat for you. A guest post by Elena Stewart. Do you wake up on Sundays already dreading the week ahead? Do you lose sleep on Sunday nights because your to do list is already a mile long? Read on to learn how to overcome those Sunday scaries and have a productive but relaxing weekend.

12 ways to overcome the Sunday scaries

It’s a Sunday afternoon, and your stress levels are rising as you think about everything you need to do to finish up to get ready for the next week. The “Sunday scaries” are settling in, and this weekly phenomenon drains the joy from your final day off. However, if you’re a parent, working with NMC Coaching can help you figure out how to reclaim your time. Plus, these resources are packed with suggestions on getting rid of the Sunday scaries!

Taking Care of Your Body

It’s hard to continue eating healthy and working out on the weekends. Here’s how to keep up with these habits through Sunday.

● Using a smartwatch with a fitness tracking app will keep you on top of your routine.

● To make sure your smartwatch fits properly, you’ll need a snug watch band!●

By meal prepping on Sunday, you’ll already have your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners portioned for the week.

Don’t forget to take your vitamins and supplements on Sunday night!

12 Resources to help you overcome the Sunday Scaries

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Maybe you’re used to feeling stressed every Sunday — but it doesn’t have to be this way. These resources will help you approach Sunday with a more positive attitude.

  • ● Step away from the world for a while by having a home spa day.
  • ● This bedtime yoga routine will give you sweet dreams!
  • ● If you tend to have racing thoughts every Sunday night, meditation could be the solution.
  • ● Taking care of little ones? A coach who works with parents can help you with stress management. Contact NMC Coaching for more information.

Clean Up Your Space

Starting the week with a clean home allows you to stay focused on things you need to get done.

  • ● Block off an hour or so to take care of any clutter in your closet. ● Don’t start the week with a dirty kitchen! Wipe it downafter cooking on Sunday.
  • ● Spruce up your bathroom in no time with these handy speed cleaning tips.

If you feel your mood dip every Sunday, it’s time to turn things around. You can turn Sundays into a day that you look forward to instead! By following the tips from the resources outlined above, you can overcome the Sunday scaries. 

How to have a productive weekend

Is parenting making it tough for you to manage your time on the weekends? NMC Coaching can help you get your schedule under control! Contact us through our website to get started.

About Elena

Elena made the jump from a corporate job she wasn’t entirely happy with, to running her own business that gives her the financial freedom and flexible lifestyle she’s always wanted. As a life coach, she now gets the happiness of helping others get to the places that might seem out of reach. To learn more about Elena and her services, head on over to!


How To Spoil Your Guy On Valentine’s Day

When you think of Valentine’s Day, what comes to mind? In the stores, you always see chocolates, teddy bears and flowers. You hear about getting jewelry or you’ll see women getting a flower arrangement from their guy. It’s supposed to be a day for love, but of course it has been commercialized and much of the marketing is directed at men and the things they should be buying their wives or girlfriends. While Valentine’s Day can be about love for your friends, your family, your children or even for yourself, I’m talking about the guys today. Here are 12 ways to spoil your guy on Valentine’s Day.

How To Spoil Your Guy on Valentines Day

1. A Special Valentine’s Day Meal

Cook him his favorite meal

They say the way to man’s heart is through his stomach, so this is definitely one way to spoil him. If you don’t feel like cooking, order his favorite meal for takeout.

2. Valentine’s Dessert

Does your guy have a favorite treat that you make? If so, this is another great way to make him feel special. Plus you took the time to make it, so it makes it even better!

Couple enjoying a Valentines picnic on the beach

3. Have a Valentine’s Picnic

Have you noticed a theme here? This post won’t be all about food, I promise, but a picnic can definitely be romantic. If the weather is nice, put some food and drinks in a basket and find a nice place to have a picnic. Maybe you have a favorite park that you go to or maybe you like to spend time on the beach. You can pick a spot that is special to the both of you or try somewhere new. Either way, it’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors and reconnect with each other.

4. Valentine’s Movie Night

Does your guy love movies? If so, this is for you. Rent or buy one of his favorite movies or choose a new movie to watch together. Grab some popcorn and your favorite drinks. This is a perfect night in for cuddling on the couch. You could also binge watch a tv show together. That’s always fun!

5. Game Night

Is your guy into sports? If his sport is in season watch a game with him. Don’t forget his favorite snacks. Grab some things you like too. Especially if you’re not that into the game. Sometimes the best gift is just letting him do something he really enjoys.

Couple enjoying reading book together

6. Books

If your guy likes to read, you can get him a book that he’d like. Who knows. Maybe it’s something you can both read together. Sometimes books can make great conversation topics.

7. Create a Love Puzzle

You can create a personalized puzzle. This cross word maker is great. I made one for my guy that was all about him. The possibilities with this are endless.

Woman giving man Valentine’s gift

8. Date Night Subscription Boxes

Are you out of date ideas? If you feel like you’ve tried everything, why not get one of these date night subscription boxes? They have fun activities to get to know each other better and the best part is they come once a month, so you almost have to make time for it, right? I suppose this is something for yourself as well, but it can be good for both of you and your relationship.

9. Valentine’s Gift Baskets

If you really want to pamper your guy, why not. Make him a gift basket? Some ideas are personal items, sports/fitness, tools, gaming, things for his desk, favorite snacks and or candy etc. You can combine themes to make the perfect personalized gift basket for your man.

How to Spoil Your Guy on Valentine’s Day breakfast in bed

10. Valentine’s Photo Album

A lot of men love photos. You can make him a photo album of all the things that he loves. It can be all photos of you or if you have children, you may want to include them in the album. You can take pictures of his favorite places, things that bring back memories, his pets, etc.

You can also make a photo collage or a vision board.

Some themes include:

  • Coupple goals,
  • our dates for the upcoming year,
  • our family,
  • how I feel about you,
  • our bucket list.

You can even do this together. It will help you reconnect around your hopes and dreams as a couple.

11. Make a Valentin’es Playlist

Most people love music, so create a special playlist for him. You can do this on a streaming service, through Itunes or if you’re old school, you can burn a CD. Does anyone do that anymore?

12 Valentine’s Day gift ideas for men

12. Write a Love Letter

One of the simplest things you can do is to make him a heart felt card or write a love letter. Some men aren’t great at expressing their feelings, but most guys would be appreciative if you told him everything you love about him. Women are supposed to be better at expressing feelings. Well, that’s according to the stereotype, but if the love letter is not for you, there are other options.

You can find love quotes that resonate with how you feel about him. Leave them on sticky notes where he can see them, send him texts or sprinkle them in your love letter if you decide to write one.

12 Ways to Spoil Your Guy on Valentine’s Day

There you have it. My list of 12 ways to spoil your guy on Valentine’s Day. Did I forget anything? I’d love to hear what you are doing for your guy on Valentine’s Day. tell me in the comments. If you are single, Valentine’s Day can still be enjoyable for you too! Follow me on Instagram where I will be sharing the best ways to pamper yourself this Valentine’s Day!


Five Simple Ways to Organize Your Kids Toys

One of my goals for the year is to reorganize my home. One source of constant clutter is all the toys. Well, it’s not even just the toys. It’s the books, games and art supplies too. If you have kids, you know what I’m talking about. Kid’s stuff can take over the entire house if you let it. I thought I was organized until I had Rosebud, but now Istruggle to keep up, but we now have a system in place for toy organization. Here are five simple ways to organize your kids toys.

5 simple ways to keep your kids toys organized

1 Keep Toys Visible

If you keep toys visible, you have more of an incentive to keep them organize. If you shove them in a box or closet somewhere, no one actually sees them. That’s wonderful if you are quickly trying to hide clutter from house guests, but then you and your kids can’t find what you are looking for. You know, the puzzle pieces that disappear or those doll clothes your daughter has been looking for all week. Yes, that happens here. This is the quickest way for toys to get lost. Especially if they are tiny toys.

There are several ways I keep Rosebud’s toys visible.

1. Use open baskets.

Art and craft supplies in an open basketNot only is this a great way to keep toys and supplies contained, but you can find baskets of any size, shape or color to go with any decor.

2. Use clear plastic containers.

Toy organization using clear plastic containers

These are especially great for small items or if you are limited on space. We got some of these containers from the dollar store. I’ve had them a few years and most of the containers are still in good condition. They are great for stacking if you have limited space.

3. Use Labels

I don’t currently do this in my home, but this trick is great for open shelves if you want to divide them up. It’s also good for bins that you cannot see through. We do this in all the classrooms I work in and it’s a great way for the children to see how to organize. It’s also a great matching activity as they are matching the toy with the picture.

If your child reads, you can simply label the bins with words as well. If you’d like to print or create custom labels, here are some free

toy bin labels.Neatly organized drawer with kids craft supplies

2 Make Toys Inviting

If you have toys out, most likely children will gravitate towards them, but presentation helps peak their interest. Some ideas for making toys inviting are

  • Keep only a few toys on each shelf with space in between.
  • If toys have multiple parts, put them on a tray, in a basket or box to keep pieces together.
  • Change the set up from time to time. Sometimes just rerranging the toys can make them feel new.

Toys organized on shelves by theme

3 Organize toys by theme

This is how I like to organize toys. We have a science/sensory shelf, a shelf with games and books, a shelf for puzzles and shelves for doll props and dramatic play. This way makes the most sense to me and works best when it comes to toy rotation.

Organized childrens books, toys and games.

4 Toy rotation

Rotating toys is a great way to bring out older toys and to your kids, they will feel new all over again. How often you rotate toys depends on your childrens level of interest in the current toys, how much space you have and how much you plan a curriculum at home. Many homeschooling moms may rotate toys and other items depending on daily lessons or weekly themes. I’m not a homeschooling mom, so I don’t have a regular schedule for rotating toys. I change things up a bit when Rosebud loses interest or if I want to focus on a certain theme. For example, I brought out the Christmas and winter books in mid November. I will be bringing out the spring themed books soon as well as making play-dough and sensory bins related to spring. I also will bring out different themed coloring pages or arts and crafts ideas.

Container filled with collage materials for kids arts and crafts

Speaking of arts and crafts, I use this wonderful container with dividers for collage materials.

5 simple ways to organize your kids toys

5 Get the kids involved in toy clean Up

This is the most important thing of all. Don’t be afraid to get your children to help clean up at a young age. Children as young as one-year-old can help you put things back into bins or put items on a shelf. This helps children feel a sense of ownership for their toys and other items. They will feel good accomplishing a task. Clean up is also a good lesson in tream work. If we work together, we can get things done faster. If we work together, we can keep our home clean and organized. If your children start cleaning up at a young age, they are more likely to help you keep their toys organized as they grow.

Rosebud will pitch in and help with clean up most of the time. There have been the natural consequences of losing toys because they were all thrown together and not put back where they would normally go. Overall, she has adapted to grouping things together and everything has its place.

What is the toy situation in your home? How do you organize toys? Tell me in the comments.


How To Achieve Your Goals in 5 Easy Steps

Since this is a beginning of a new year, it’s the perfect time to think about setting goals and of course, achieving them. If you didn’t make New Years resolutions, don’t worry about it. If you have already fell off the resolution wagon, that’s okay. You can start over. I will show you how to achieve your goals in five easy steps.

How to achieve your goals in 5 easy steps

Step 1: Choose Your Non Negotiables

What will you make non negotiable? Meaning what will you focus on? What areas of your life light you up or which areas need to be improved?

Deciding what you need to focus on is the first step towards achieving your goals. For me, one area that I focused on last year is fitness. Specifically, exercising daily. I didn’t specify how much weight I wanted to lose or what size I wanted to drop to. I focused on one specific measurable action. To exercise for at least a half an hour daily.

Once you have decided on area to focus on and a specific action to take, it’s on to step 2.

Types of Goals you can achieve

Business goal: To have 10 coaching clients by December 2021.

Specific action: Reach out to 10 people per month on social media and invite them to a discovery call.

Personal goal: Read 20 books in the next 6 months.

Specific action: Read for 15 minutes each night before bed.

Relationship goal: To have one date night per week.

Specific action: Make a list of 20 date night ideas.

Parenting goal: To be more present with my children each day.Specific action: Put phone in another room for 1 hour each day.

I would suggest starting with two or three areas that are the most important to you. Then make one, two, or three goals for each area.

Step 2: Make your goals measurable

Remember that specific action from step one? It’s time to break those down even further.

This will help you track your progress and celebrate your wins! It will also make reevaluating your goals easier.

Here’s one example from my business goals. My over arching goal is to get 10 paying coaching clients by December of 2021. One strategy I will use to promote my services and find clients is using Instagram. Here are two measurable action steps I can take.

1. Post once per day,

2. Comment on at least four other people’s posts per day.

Since I can’t control the actions of others meaning whether they will sign on as clients, I can control my level of engagement. Building relationships with people through engagement is my strategy.

Here’s another example.

Goal area: Fitness

Specific goal: To lose 20 lbs in 6 months.

Measurable action steps: 1. Run 30 minutes each day.

2. Eat one serving of fruits and vegetables with each meal.

3. To drink 4 glasses of water each day.

Do you notice how the action steps all relate to fitness, but they are different? Let’s say the person misses a few days of running, but they are still able to eat healthier and drink more water. Technically, they are still working on their goals and it can still be a win even if you don’t do all your action steps each day. Having more than one measurable action is like having a backup plan.

Achieve your goals with an accountability partner

Step 3: Accountability

The third step towards achieving your goals is holding yourself accountable. Meaning how will you commit to your goals? Will you write it down in a place where you will see it everyday? Will you tell someone who will check in on your progress? Do you work best when you work on your goals alone?

Often, we achieve our goals faster if we have an accountability partner. I know for me, if I’m going to check in with someone about the goals I’m working on, I feel worse if I have nothing to report. Finding an accountability partner may be a good motivator to stay on track. It may also help if your partner is working towards the same goals, but it’s not necessary.

Some things to consider when looking for an accountability buddy are:

  • Who will you choose?
  • When will you tell them?
  • How often will you check in?

If you’re a person who works best alone, here are some suggestions.

  • Put a sticky note where you will see it everyday.
  • Create a vision board representing your goals.
  • Send reminders to yourself using your phone.
  • Write your top goals each day when you get up each morning.

How to achieve your goals step by step

Step 4: The hard work of achieving your goals

You’ve chosen areas of your life to focus on, you’ve created goals and specific action steps and you’ve found ways to keep yourself accountable. Now it’s time to do the hard work. It’s time to put your plans in action and make your dreams a reality. This is where people often get stuck. This is the most important step and where you can start seeing your progress which will look different depending on your goals. If you are crushing your goals, that is fantastic, but if you get stuck, ask yourself:

What do I need to put in place to help me achieve this goal?

It could be anything from a physical item to getting rid of thoughts of self doubt.

How will my life change if I achieve this goal?

By answering this question, you will reach the why behind your goal. You will see what will be different if you keep going.

Finally, if you feel the goal is too big,

How can you break it down into even smaller steps?

What is stopping you from achieving your goals?

If you are on the hard work of step 4 and you are feeling stuck. It would be the perfect time to reach out for help. Let’s have a chatso that we can get you back on track.

Journal to reevaluate your goals

Step 5: Reevaluate your goals

Reevaluating serves two purposes. First you see what progress you’ve made. Maybe you’ve already achieved your goal and can move on to the next. Maybe you are progressing, but need to keep going as you are. Finally, your goal may be too large, not specific enough or not as important to you anymore. If you don’t reevaluate, you’ll miss out on this important information. It’s a good opportunity to be honest with yourself about what you truly want.

When you are doing your planning, you’ll want to decide when you will be checking your progress. Will it be weekly, monthly, quarterly etc? These time frames will be different depending on the goal. Here are some examples.

Business: Make a 90 day marketing plan with at least one item to do each day.

Progress check: Have you done each item on your plan?

Personal goal: Write in your journal each day.

Progress check: How many days this week did you write in your journal?

If not, what stopped you.

Personal goal: Losing weight

Progress check: Weekly weigh in.

Have you lost weight? Gained weight? How many days this week did you exercise? Why or why not?

Here are some questions to ask yourself when you are reevaluating your goals while feeling stuck.

  • Is this goal still important to me?
  • What is getting in the way of me achieving this goal?
  • How can I remove these blocks?
  • What different measurable action steps can I take?
  • If this goal is no longer meaningful, what are my new goals?
  • How can I hold myself accountable?
  • How am I feeling about this particular goal?
  • How will I feel when I accomplish this particular goal?


To summarize, there are five easy steps you can take to help you achieve your goals.

  • Step 1: Pick 1, 2 or 3 areas to focus on and make specific goals.
  • Step 2: Make it measurable. Write 1, 2 or 3 action steps that you can take to achieve your goals.
  • Step 3: Keep yourself accountable. Find an accountability partner or write your goal in a place where you will be reminded every day.
  • Step 4: The hard work. This is where you put your plan into action. This is the most important step. You can get stuck, but you can also make things happen!
  • Step 5: Reevaluate. Here’s where you see your progress. You will learn what is working and what you need to change.

What are your goals for 2021. I’d love to hear about them over a discovery call. If you are feeling stuck, need some help prioritizing your goals or need an accountability partner, I’d love to work with you!


How to Choose Your Word for 2021

Since 2020 is finally wrapping up, I want to start focusing on 2021. Honestly, I’m grateful that 2020 is ending. It has been a horrible year for many. However, I will be taking some things from 2020 with me like the importance of slowing down, continuing to build my business as well as the personal progress I’ve made this year. While I know all the terrible things won’t go away the moment the ball drops, it’s important to look ahead. Have you been thinking about New Years resolutions?

How to choose your word for 2021

The truth is most people make resolutions and then lose their motivation after a month or two. This is why I’ve gotten into the practice of choosing a word for the year. Even if you change or drop your goals, your word can still guide you. You don’t have to feel guilty about not sticking to those New Years resolutions. You can use your word as a guide for your daily actions and even if you skip a day or a week, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Doesn’t that sound much better? Here is how to choose your word for 2021.

Word for 2021 Brainstorming Exercises

You may already have a word in mind or you might not know how to start if this is your first time. The first step is to brainstorm and you can go about this in several ways.Journal and planner for 2021


Write in your journal. Describe what you want 2021 to look like. Don’t forget all areas of your life. Personal, family, professional, social life, hobbies etc. The sky is the limit.

  • Do any themes reoccur?
  • Do any words pop out at you?
  • What feeling do you get?

Make your dream come true

Vision Board

If you are a more visual person, you may want to create a vision board for 2021. If you spend time visualizing your goals, you will achieve them. Just the act of visualizing your goals can bring them closer. If you don’t know where to start or don’t have any inspiration, there are tons of vision board images and tutorials online.

You can create a physical version with a sheet of poster board and some cut out pictures or you can create a digital version.

Here are some things you may want to put on your board.

  • Inspirational quotes or phrases,
  • Words that resonate with you,
  • Places you’d like to travel too,
  • Items you’d like to have,
  • Pictures of your dream home,
  • Pictures that represent your goals such as money, fitness, schooling, new hobbies etc.
  • Family life: Children, weddings, new partner, current partner etc.

The sky is the limit with this exercise too. Let your imagination and creativity go and make something you love!

Word Cloud

Make a word cloud or list of words that resonate with you. Whatever pops into your head. You can either do this exercise first or be inspired to make your list by one of the other exercises. Anything goes here as well.

  • What word or words pop out at you?
  • Which words connect to your goals?

Goal Setting for 2021

Set Goals

If you haven’t already, set some goals for the new year. I know that I’ve said you may not want to set New Years resolutions, but there still may be goals or dreams you have in mind for 2021 and beyond. Maybe you want to get in better shape, find a new relationship, be more present with your kids, take a family vacation etc. List your goals and the steps you need to take to get there. For more specific goal setting tips, come join me on Instagram!

For now, just make a list of your top goals and see if any of them are connected. Perhaps, that’s where you will find your word.

Let’s take my goals for 2021 as an example.

  • 1. Get ten coaching clients.
  • 2. Take a course for marketing on Instagram.
  • 3. Create my new weekly newsletter.
  • 4. Meet the man I have been talking to online.
  • 5. Be more present with Rosebud.
  • 6. Try a new hobby.

Most of these goals relate to beginning, creating, or starting something new, so I have chosen the word beginning for 2021. When I picture 2021, I picture a year of beginnings. A fresh start with opportunities to create something new. Wiping the slate clean and drawing a new picture. Rosebud has this new writing tablet and when she is done with her picture, all she has to do is push a button and it disappears. You are left with a blank screen to start over. That is my metaphor for 2021. Beginning again.

List of Words for Inspiration

If you aren’t inspired yet, here are a list of words to help you get started.

Adventure, Abundance, Change, Confidence, Connection,

Direction, Excitement, Focus, Friendship, Gratitude,

Happiness, Joy, Kindness, Learning, Love,

Movement, Positivity, Present, Productive, Reflection,

Renewing, Results, Self-acceptance, Self-care, Sharing,

Tolerance, Trust, Truth, Wealth, Wonder.

Choosing your word for 2021

What is your word for 2021? Tell me in the comments. I’d love to know. I wish you a happy new year. May 2021 be filled with peace and prosperity for all of us. I hope 2021 will be a time to reconnect and reunite. As always, stay safe and healthy.

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