I started this blog in March of 2018 and I’ve learned a lot since then. In my welcome post, I mentioned my previous blogs. One was dedicated to early childhood education. It focused on my experiences in the classroom and educational activities. My other blog was more about day to day life. My early childhood blog had a small following, but nothing substantial. I think what helped was all the time and energy I would put into it. I had time to build up a Twitter following and interact more. I had more time to comment directly on other people’s blog posts. Although I was proud of that blog, I lost my passion for working in the classroom and the blog basically died out. I knew nothing about SEO. I didn’t use Facebook and wasn’t apart of a community of any kind. It was very basic. It was fun in the beginning and then I let it go when it wasn’t.
This time around, I’m definitely more excited about my blog. I’m passionate about being a mom, creating content and sharing experiences that might help others. I’m happy with my blog, but it could always be better. In order to make anything successful, you have to plan and set goals. Even if you change the goals, you should have something to strive for. Eventually, I want to incorporate this blog as apart of my business. Whether it be childcare, coaching or both. So, I’m keeping this in mind when I think about my blogging goals.
1. Find additional ways to increase traffic
My main goal is to increase the amount of traffic to my blog. Since March, this has been a challenge. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I am unable to effectively use Pinterest. This puts me at a disadvantage. Many mom bloggers I know use Pinterest as their main source of traffic. I think my content would do well on Pinterest, but since it is inaccessible to me and I do not have the means to pay a virtual assistant to create and schedule pins, I have to think of other creative ways to promote my blog. Most of my current traffic comes from Facebook groups. In 2019, I need to work on finding other traffic sources for my blog.
2. Make posts more SEO friendly
As I’ve already said, I knew nothing about SEO before and not much has changed. I use tags, but I haven’t done my research on which key words I should be using to bring more traffic. I have increased the amount of back links which can bring up my ranking with Google, but it’s not just about back links within your own blog, if reputable sites link back to your blog, that brings the ranking even higher. My goal is to read more articles and maybe take a course on SEO in 2019.
3. Write at least one guest post
On some of the Facebook blogging groups, I see posts asking for guest posts. Guest posting on another blog is a great way to promote your blog because you get exposed to a wider audience. I’d like to guest post, but I don’t know what I’d write. Do I just take one of my post ideas that have been floating around? What if they don’t like what I write? What if it’s not good enough? This thought process may seem irrational, but these are the questions that go through my head. Of course, I don’t have to guest post, but it would be a great opportunity to reach a broader audience. The whole idea makes me uncomfortable, but I could start by hosting a guest post on this blog and simply return the favor.
4. Rejoin Amazon Affiliates and make the required three sales
As you may or may not have noticed, some of my posts had Amazon affiliate links. In my older posts, the links are still there and will take you to a product, but I do not get a commission. Unfortunately, I did not make any sales in 2018 so, my account was closed. The great thing about Amazon Affiliates is that you can reapply. I’m waiting until the traffic to my blog increases before I try again. Now I post links to products for your convenience and I love sharing the products that I use and believe in even if I don’t make a penny. I’m planning to reapply for Amazon Affiliates within the next few months depending on the traffic.
5. Create and follow a schedule
Back in December, I had a final session with my coach and we discussed my blog. My main focus was creating a schedule. At the time, it seemed that Tuesdays and Fridays were the best days to post. Now I’m rethinking it. I still want to post twice per week, but I’m wondering about rearranging the schedule. I’m so worn out on Mondays that I can’t seem to find the energy to put together a post for Tuesday. I try to write on the weekends, but Rosebud is no longer napping so, it’s harder to find the time. Maybe Mondays and Fridays would work better, but then again, there’d only be two days between posts and then nothing for several days. I need to get my butt in gear and schedule posts ahead of time, but as a multitasking mom, when do I have time for that? This goal is a lofty one, but it’s one I really need to work on.
To recap, my goals are to find additional ways to increase traffic, make blog posts more SEO friendly, to write at least one guest post, to rejoin Amazon Affiliates and to create and follow a posting schedule. What are your blogging and or business goals for 2019? Tell me in the comments.
Great goals! I use the plugin Yoast to help me with my SEO and making the text better – that seems to help a little. But I am very new to this myself!
Thanks for your comment and the tip about Yoast. Someone else suggested that as well and I will definitely check it out.
Good luck with your goals! I’m sure you will achieve them . Sometimes blogging is daunting and you can feel like a needle in a haystack but we must believe in ourselves.
Believing in ourselves is so important. If we don’t, we won’t be successful. Thank you for your comment.
Great content! Great list!
Thank you. Amber
I’m glad you liked the content. Thank you.
Wishing you the very best for 2019 and achieving all your goals! Like you, I am trying to learn and work out all of the above. There is so much to think about when blogging isn’t there? Take care x
Blogging these days is harder than it was before. With seo and social media, there is a lot more involved in running a successful blog. It’s hard to find the time to learn and then actually do everything. Thank you for commenting. Good luck to you as well.
This list has offically become my to-do list hahah. All the best with your goals!
Thank you and I’m glad it was helpful.
We started around the same time and have very similar goals! Good luck on your journey! I also second Yoast plugin for seo and then it’s about creating headings every new topic using keywords. I know that’s so much harder to do when you don’t see the difference yourself.
Thank you for your tips. Have you noticed an increase in the traffic since starting to use Yoast? I will check that out. Thank you for your comment.
I am brand new to blogging and everything else that comes with it. I wish I had some tips to help you but all I have is google. Keep it up and good luck!
Google has definitely been my friend in this process. Although I’ve gotten a lot of tips from Facebook groups and by looking at others blogs. I’ve subscribed to your blog. Keep up the great work and thanks for commenting!