
10 Stocking Stuffers for Babies

I know it’s early to start thinking about Christmas, but it’ll be here before you know it. Filling a stocking can be challenging because you need items that are small, useful and thoughtful. Who wants to get a bunch of junk in their stocking? Although finding stocking stuffers can feel like a scavenger hunt, I love it when I find something neat that I know the person will enjoy.
Click here to find Stocking Stuffers for toddlers. Click here for Stocking Stuffers for preschoolers.

10 Stocking Stuffers for Babies pin

For babies, finding appropriate stocking stuffers can be hard because they are limited in what they can play with and let’s not forget their tendency to put everything in their mouths. It’s developmentally appropriate of course, but it definitely limits what we can put in their stocking. Here are some ideas to help you create your baby’s first stocking.

Stacking cups.

1. An all time favorite, stacking cups. These cups are great for fine motor skills as they can be stacked, put together and taken apart. They can be compared by size, color or another attribute depending on which set you buy. Some have numbers, letters or shapes on the bottom. They can be used for pretend play. Rosebud often serves cupcakes in them. They can be used for bath time fun or even in the sand box. Rosebud still uses her stacking cups in the bath. I chose this particular set because they are BPA free.

Red rubber ducky.

2. Bath toys are another great stocking stuffer for babies. There are cute little toys that squirt like these sea creatures by Munchkin. They can be squeezed and fit well in small hands.

There are bath time baby books that squeak and have nice colorful pictures like these.

Of course, you can’t have bath time without a rubber ducky. You could buy a classic version like this.

If you want a modern rubber ducky, this one is a little more high tech. This particular ducky gages the temperature of the water. It’s a cute toy for your baby and a functional item for you. When the water gets too hot, the word hot appears in white on the bottom of the duck.

Baby reading book.

3. You can never go wrong with books. There are so many books to choose from. I chose a bath time book to go with Rosebud’s bath toys, but you could choose anything.

How about this photo book? I included this in Rosebud’s baby stocking and put pictures of the cats and I. She still loves looking at the pictures to this day.

Baby’s first teddy.

4. Don’t forget to include something soft like a my first teddy or small security blanket.

How about a security blanket?

I put an octopus rattle in Rosebud’s stocking. I don’t see it anymore, but it is similar to this lamb.

Little girl blowing bubbles.

5. Every baby I’ve ever known is fascinated by bubbles even if you have to blow them inside. This multi pack is great if you are shopping for more than one child.

6. Teethers always come in handy. There are some that are actual toys like this rattle.

Then there are the classic ones that you can freeze.

Sippy cup.
7. If you are looking for something more practical, a sippy cup is a good choice.

Rosebud loved this Nuck learner cup until she bit through the nipple making a huge hole. She still loved this cup, but I didn’t anymore because she started dumping it out.

The Munchkin 360 came in handy after that. One feature I like about this cup is it feels more like a regular cup. A regular cup without the mess.

Boy playing with bowls.
8. These bowls have also worked well for us. They are small, light weight and will stick to a table or tray. Rosebud learned how to unstick them, but they still work great. They come with covers so you can save food as well.

If you get bowls, you have to have spoons. These have longer handles, are soft and have no sharp edges.


9. You can’t have a child’s stocking without toys. Rattles or balls are good choices for babies. Rosebud loved anything made by Obal.

Baby boy eating water melon.

10. Finally, you could include a snack. Rosebud loved puffs.

You could also do yogurt bites or another treat depending on your baby’s age.

10 Stocking Stuffers for Babies

Have I left out anything? What will you be putting in your baby’s stocking?


Hatching Chicks Sensory Tub

Yesterday, my brother set up an Easter egg hunt for Rosebud so there were plenty of eggs to use for a sensory tub. She’s been playing with these eggs all day so I wanted to find more interesting things she could do with them. In my house, it’s never been Easter without Peeps so I figured why not put these little guys in with the eggs.

This way Rosebud can enjoy the peeps without all that sugar!

What’s in the tub:

Plush peeps,

Plastic eggs,

Mini rubber ducks,

Easter rubber ducky from her Easter basket,


Mini cups,

Gold ribbon scraps.

I added the scraps of ribbon so she could make nests for the chicks, but most of it went on the floor. Luckily, she understood my explanation of how we can’t have ribbons on the floor because the cats will pick them up and get sick. After explaining this a couple of times, she understood so when she noticed she dropped some ribbon, she was quick to pick it up. Next I brought over a small basket and a large mixing spoon. We started transferring eggs from the tub to the basket using the spoon. Rosebud did this several times. This is a great activity for fine motor skills and coordination. We also discovered that the mini duckies fit into the eggs so we had some hatching ducklings. Then we made nests for both the chicks and the ducks and Rosebud poured all the eggs on top of them for good measure.

She loves these new activities and I enjoy planning and doing them with her. It’s exciting to watch her make new discoveries and be delighted by the smallest things.