Tag Archives: Holidays

21 Unique Non Candy Favors for Halloween

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I’m a traditionalist and will be handing out candy on Halloween this year. While Rosebud doesn’t get too much candy, Halloween is the one day that we can go wild with the candy. Plus I can sneak off to the pantry closet when I have a chocolate craving. Times are changing though. With the increase in allergies, the obesity epidemic,… Read more »

12 Halloween Books for Preschoolers

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There are so many fun Halloween books for kids. It was hard to narrow it down. I was going to stop at ten, but then I found a couple more cute books that I had never heard of and just had to include them as well. Here is our list of the top 12 Halloween books for preschoolers. Big Pumpkin… Read more »

What Mothers Really Want for Mothers Day

For Mothers Day, I want to sleep in. When I wake up, I want a nice breakfast. Then I want to spend the rest of the morning relaxing and enjoying the spring weather. I want to have time to write in my journal and get absorbed in a good book. I’d also like to spend time with Rosebud, just being… Read more »

10 Easter Gift Ideas for Your Little Girl

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I know most people do egg hunts or fill Easter baskets with candy and other goodies, but when I was a kid, I rarely remember getting Easter baskets. If I did get an Easter basket, it was premade. Usually, my mom would buy me a couple gifts instead of the Easter basket. She thought the premade ones were a waste… Read more »

Easter Spring Sensory Bin

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This post will be short, but I wanted to check in and share our latest sensory bin. I’m not sure what to call this, so I’m going with the Easter spring sensory bin. I went to the dollar store the other day and stocked up on some random spring and Easter items and here is what I came up with… Read more »

Baby’s 1st Easter Basket

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As I’ve been working on filling Rosebud’s Easter basket for this year, I’ve been remembering her baskets from previous years. She was only a few months old for her first Easter and I had no idea what to put in her basket, so I ended up filling it with mostly practical things. That worked great for me because she wasn’t… Read more »

Easter Egg Fillers for Preschoolers

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Last year, we did a small scavenger hunt for Rosebud. She was delighted to find all the eggs and their surprises. We didn’t include any Easter candy last year, but we had included some jewelry which was not a big hit. The only sugary treat was some mini marshmallows, but we tried to keep those to a minimum. It was… Read more »

What Valentine’s Day is Really About

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This morning, I made a video with Rosebud and shared it with friends. It was basically a video message from her telling everyone, happy Valentine’s day while playing with her build a bouquet play set. During the video, I mentioned something about how on Valentine’s Day, you give cards and gifts to people you love. I told Rosebud that I… Read more »

Valentines Day Gift Guide for Infants and Toddlers

Valentines day will be here before you know it. The holiday is so commercialized, but for me it’s about spending quality time with those I love. I try to do that anyway during the rest of the year. When I was a kid, my mom would always buy me a little Valentines gift and I have been doing the same… Read more »

Happy New Year, 2019!

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I’ve been meaning to do a series of posts leading up to 2019, but I’ve been so busy with the holidays and watching Little Guy that I’ve had no energy left at the end of the day. I want to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Actually, I want to sleep long before that. Usually it starts… Read more »