Can We Stop Being so Judgmental Already?

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Can We Stop Being So Judgmental Already? (Pin)

This post was inspired by an interaction I had with a coworker this week. For those who may be stumbling across my blog for the first time, I work in an early childhood program. As is the case with most programs, we have parents fill out intake paper work before the child joins us. This way, the teachers can get to know some basic information about the child. This is meant as a starting point, but all too often, teachers already are making judgements and have formed an opinion of the child and or the parents before even meeting the child. As teachers, we really need to be mindful of this as it can damage a relationship with the child and family before it has even begun.

Cartoon person running from gavel.I was sitting with a coworker at nap time as I usually do and she was reading an enrollment form for a child who will be joining us soon. After almost every item, she made a snarky comment. Although my coworker’s children are grown now, she must remember being a parent to young children. We learned that the child’s father recently left the family. The mother works and is now single. She is young and the little boy is her first and only child. We learned that he sleeps in the same room with her. It wasn’t clear if they bed share. His bed time is between 8:30 and 9 and he watches about three hours of tv each night.

While these may not be some of the parenting choices I’d make, it’s not my place to judge. I have no idea what goes on in their household. When we read that the boy sleeps in the same room with his mom, her comment was, oh, god. My comment was, maybe they have a small apartment or maybe he’s having some anxiety since his dad left recently so for now he sleeps with her? Another explanation may be that she misses him since she works all day and likes being close to him. We have to choose the sleeping arrangement that works best for our family.

Boy holding remote watching tv.When we learned that he watches three hours of tv each night, her comment was, “that’s way too much tv. That’s a lot. I don’t even watch that much tv.” I mentioned that maybe that’s why his bed time was late because I’ve read research that shows that it takes children longer to settle if they watch tv right before bed. I said that the mom is young and newly single, that maybe she has a lot to do at night and that’s why he is watching so much tv. I really can empathize with this mom. Rosebud watches more tv than I would like, but there are times when I need to clean, cook, make phone calls etc. It’s hard to do that when you have a toddler who wants all your attention. While the teacher in me whole heartedly agrees that it’s too much tv, the parent in me understands.

Crying baby.

These days, I am much more likely to view things from a parent perspective, but it hasn’t always been that way. About four years ago, we had a baby in our infant room who had a huge appetite. At least that’s what we thought. His mother would send him with a few small bottles of breast milk. Each of the bottles had two to three ounces which is completely normal and appropriate for breast-fed babies. However, we didn’t know that at the time. Between bottles, the child would scream and suck his hands. He seemed very hungry so we would tell the mother that he needed more bottles and one teacher kept suggesting that that they needed to supplement with formula.

While I don’t think we were completely wrong about him being hungry, here is what we weren’t understanding. Smaller more frequent feedings is the norm for breast-fed babies and paced feeding is an absolute must. We should’ve been questioning the flow of the nipple. Maybe it was too fast and he was drinking too quickly. Maybe if we slowed him down, he would’ve felt more satisfied. Also, it was insensitive to suggest supplementation before trying other options. There are a lot of intense feelings involved with breast-feeding and supplementation can be a sensitive issue. It can also mess with a mother’s milk supply.

Mother and son eating breakfast.Back then, I was not a parent yet and knew nothing about breast-feeding. One co-teacher was in the same boat as I was and the other co-teacher was a parent, but she formula fed. We had no idea and the fact is this mother was doing everything right in her situation and we had no business judging. We’d say things like, why doesn’t she bring more milk? Doesn’t she realize he’s hungry? She really needs to start bringing formula.

Can We Stop Being So Judgmental Already? (Sky Pin)

After I became a parent, I understood. I learned all I could about breast-feeding and was having my own experiences with supplementation, not producing enough milk, feeling like a failure as a parent and eventually being successful with it. I finally could walk in her shoes. When I look back, I feel bad. Now, when there doesn’t seem to be enough milk, I wonder what we can do to help. I wonder if the mother has the same supply struggles that I did. Now that I have a new understanding, I am in a better position to relate to and advocate for the children and families I work with. As for the baby, the mom never changed the size of his bottles, but after we started the transition from a bottle to sippy cup and solids were introduced, things settled down. She never caved and gave him formula. She stuck to what she knew in her heart was right and that’s what we all need to do.

Woman thinking.

The next time you are in a situation where you or someone else is judging, step back. Do some alternative thinking. If there is something that doesn’t make sense to you, come up with other possibilities. For example, the little boy watches three hours of tv each night. That is not a parenting choice I’d make, but in my head, I made a list of reasons why that might happen. Maybe mom is making dinner, cleaning or trying to study. Maybe she needs a break after a long day of work. Her job might be stressful and she needs some time to herself. Maybe that’s how her and her child bond over watching shows together. That felt much better than jumping on my coworker’s train of thought of negativity. When you reframe something and come up with a different interpretation, you may be able to understand that person or interaction better. The choice to judge or not judge starts with you. How do you avoid making judgements about others? Let me know in the comments.

16 thoughts on “Can We Stop Being so Judgmental Already?

  1. Tanya

    great post — i agree with you — it doesn’t take all that much to take a deep breath and remind ourselves to choose compassion over judgment — the more we practice this – the better at it we become — i know from first-hand experience!!!!!!

    1. The Rose Post author

      Thank you for commenting. I agree. This is a skill I’m still working on. when my brain automatically goes to a negative thought, I have to stop and take a breath.T

  2. Karina

    I really love this post! People are so quick to judge and so many of us don’t take the time to acknowledge that we don’t really know what’s going on in another person’s life. And we also need to remember that our way of doing things is not for everyone.

    1. The Rose Post author

      You’re right. I also think we are losing our empathy as a society. Why do you think that is? Thank you for your comment.

  3. Samantha

    It all about having an open mind. We don’t want people to judge us. Taking that feeling into our approach should reduce our judgement.
    Great job ❤️

  4. Ariel

    Whenever people do something differently than what I prefer, I also think of possibilities of why that may be. For example, I was at work the other day speaking to a manager. I was in the middle of talking and he walked away. It hurt my feelings. Why would he do that?! But I had to remember that he’s constantly hearing people speak in his ear piece since he runs the entire front end of the store. I told myself, “He didn’t hear me.” Seriously, there’s no other reason why he would do that. Instead of getting angry at him, I decided that maybe my feelings were wrong and he didn’t hear me.

    It’s a skill that comes in handy way often. By not assuming with our own limited perspective, we can be more loving and kind to other people.

    1. The Rose Post author

      I like the way you handled that experience. Him not hearing you is probably the most likely explanation. This is a skill I’m still working on. Sometimes it’s hard not to take things personally and to give people the benefit of the doubt. You would think it wouldn’t be so hard to stop your brain from going to a negative bplace. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it.

  5. Erin

    I think judgement comes from lack of empathy. If we can put ourselves in the other person’s position and assume the best about them, we can start to build connections instead of barriers. I love this post and your perspective.

    1. The Rose Post author

      Thanks for commenting. I agree. It definitely comes from a lack of empathy. We could use empathy and compassion now more than ever.

  6. Rochelle

    I think it is really easy to judge others while not realizing our own imperfect parenting. I totally agree with you we need to step back as once upon a time not many years ago I would have spoken up. My thinking now typically is it’s not my child or my method but again it’s not my child. As long as the child is cared for and not in danger then who am I to have an opinion on their up breaking, unless I have been asked for one. If I do by nature I try to keep it to myself. Plus I try to be mindful about what that mom or dad is going through.

    1. The Rose Post author

      My views have definitely changed a lot since becoming a parent now that I know how hard it is. Unless you know the person you are judging, you are only seeing a snapshot and not the real full picture. If the child is not in danger, I usually let it be. I don’t like it when people judge me on my imperfect moments or when I do things that might not work for them. Thank you for your comment.

  7. Pingback: Why I Chose Preschool for Rosebud * A Flourishing Rose

  8. Sandra Joseph

    I don’t have children so I don’t know if the questionnaire is new. But I love that idea. The answers should be used for insight…not judgment. We need more teachers who are passionate about their calling and not treat working with children like a “job”. Kudos to you! 🙂 BTW, love the name rosebud!

  9. Kendra

    I love this post so much! My hubby is a “judger” and defends his “judginess” at every turn. To me, judging is the easy way out. It’s so much harder to put our judgements aside and actually think and attempt to understand. I choose to do the latter, even though it’s not the “easy” thing.


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