
Adding a Little Luxury to Your Life

This episode of the Style Your Mind podcast called, Little Luxuries got me thinking about ways I pamper myself. Some people think luxuries have to be super expensive, but there are some things you can do to pamper yourself that cost very little. For some people, luxuries may be days at the spa, vacations or buying top of the line items. Those things may be great, but not everyone can do that all the time. To me, luxuries are those things you do for yourself that make you feel your best. They are the things that lift you up. These things or rituals don’t even have to take up a lot of time.

Get Outside

One thing that makes me feel my best is spending time out in nature. When I start to feel down or if I start to get antsy, I find that taking a walk helps. I put Rosebud in the stroller and we go. usually we just walk around the neighborhood, but there are always new things for Rosebud to see and it gives me time to clear my head. I can look at the sky and notice the clouds. I see the trees, a beautiful sunset or hear the different birds. Just being around the sights and sounds of nature is relaxing. During the spring and summer months, I’ll often go sit out in the back yard while Rosebud naps because it is so peaceful.

I always enjoy being at the beach as well. It is my happy place even if I’m just sitting on the beach listening to the sound of the waves, looking at the sky and the ocean and feeling the sand under my feet. It’s amazing how it all comes together to make such a beautiful place.

A Little Luxury candle pin

Enhancing Your Space

A little luxury could be something you use to enhance your space. I love anything that smells good and lately I’ve been melting wax instead of lighting candles. I’ve found some amazing scents and the shapes they come in are so cute and decorative that you don’t want to melt them.

This strawberry scented cupcake looks good enough to eat, but I assure you, it’s wax. I will tell you all about this wax from Blended With Love in this review. It’s important that the space around me smells good so why not make it a little more luxurious than lighting a basic candle. Not that there’s anything wrong with candles. I have plenty of those too.

If you want to give yourself the gift of fresh flowers, I’ve found this fresh flower subscription.


Buy or make yourself a sweet treat. Most people I know are doing their best to eat healthy, myself included, but sometimes it’s okay to indulge. Why not stop at a local bakery and get a small treat? Why not try that recipe you’ve always wanted to try? Maybe you really enjoy a special blend of coffee. Maybe a salty snack is more your thing. Whatever it is, it’s okay to enjoy it guilt freefrom time to time. A couple weeks ago, I tried a chocolate covered macaron from a local bakery. It was delicious! Was it good for me? Of course not, but do I regret it? No. I was having a rough day and needed a treat. I love to bake and try new recipes. I often share what I make with friends and family and it makes me feel great when I’ve found a new recipe that’s a keeper. I’m also happy when I’ve tried a new healthy option or recipe. When you know healthy food is giving you energy, that feels great as well.

Pampering Myself

After a long week if I really want to pamper myself, I take an epsom salt bath. I found this epsom salt on Amazon and it smells great.

I used to have some special lotion that I’d save for pampering myself, but I’ve started using them more often. I found this shea body butter from Victoria’s Secret a couple of years ago.

I’ve decided I don’t need to wait for special occasions to use the better lotion. Why not use it whenever I feel like it?

Pearl necklace

One more thing that I considder a little luxury is putting on jewelry. Before I had Rosebud, I almost always put on jewelry, but after I became a mom, I felt tired, overwhelmed and would forget to put it on or run out of time in the mornings. I’d think of it as I was out the door and then decide I wouldn’t want to take the extra minute to find the jewelry I wanted to wear. I mention this because putting on a bracelet or a pair of earings makes me feel more put together. There is something about it that starts my day off better. If I’ve had the time to put on jewelry, it means I wasn’t rushing around so much. When I’m not rushed, I’m much calmer and happier.

A Little Luxury Pinthese are just a few things that make me feel my best and recharge me. The things that make you feel your best and recharge you might be totally different. What do you do for yourself that you considder a luxury?


When You’re Questioning Everything

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about my purpose. What are the things that I am really passionate about? One of the things that prompted this is the dissatisfaction I have in my work life. I work in a busy early childhood program. I work with children from ages six weeks to five-years-old, but spend the majority of my time in the one-year-old and preschool classrooms. Due to the hours I am working, most of my work day consists of changing diapers, cleaning and putting children to sleep at nap time. Not to mention putting winter gear on 14 children before they go outside is pure torture. Most of the time, I can’t do the things I love most about teaching. I used to enjoy planning creative activities, playing with children and seeing the moments of enlightenment.

I’ll admit something changed after Rosebud was born. All I wanted to do is be home with my daughter. I didn’t want to be with someone else’s children when I couldn’t be with my own. That feeling never goes away. At least not for me. That is what I’m most passionate about. Being a mom and watching my child grow and learn. I am thankful that I got to see her first steps and hear her first words. I’ve been able to change my schedule so I can spend more time with her than I did in her first year. Working in the one-year-old classroom has made me realize something. A group of ten one-year-olds were never meant to be thrown together in a classroom. They were meant to be at home with their families. I know for many families that’s not an option. I’m all too aware of the struggles of working parents and making ends meet. This is a societal problem. Although there are quality programs out there, the majority of children aren’t getting the attention they need or deserve to flourish.

Since I can’t be home with my daughter, I have come to the realization that the classroom is not a good fit for me. I’ve gained a lot of experience and knowledge over the past decade that I would like to use to help others. Some of my interests are in the areas of research, curriculum design or being an instructor for adults taking early childhood education courses. that way I could use my knowledge and experiences to improve the lives of children without working directly in the classroom. I feel that that is more aligned with the person I am becoming.

One very important lesson I’ve learned is that it’s okay to change your mind. You can take a different road even if you’ve traveled the same road for miles. I’ve often regretted my decision to work in early childhood. I often wish I’d have picked something else. Something higher paying, less stressful, less demanding, but then I wouldn’t have gained the experiences that have been so valuable in caring for Rosebud. I wouldn’t have had the confidence in my ability to parent. I wouldn’t have met some of the wonderful children who have crossed my path. I wouldn’t have played my part in making my classrooms a safe place where children are happy. These days, I don’t feel I provide that warmth and brightness as I once did so now I begin a new journey.

It’s going to be a climb because I feel overwhelmed. I’m overwhelmed with all the steps I need to take to start over and planning my transition into something new. There will be networking, second thoughts, focusing on my writing, maybe there will be more education or training and did I mention second thoughts? The only way to make this happen is if I push myself. Break it down into small achievable goals and go! Always remember, you can start over and reinvent at any point. You have not failed. You have learned and grown. You have said, this is no longer serving me and when you are ready for change, it starts with one small step.


Progress in Small Changes

Last week, I wrote about my stressful Morning routine that I needed to change. At the same time, I've been reading The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. In her book, she challenges you to get up 30 minutes earlier than you normally would. This is one thing she challenges you to do because she knows it's difficult because who wants to get up 30 minutes earlier? Certainly not me. I love my sleep and don't get enough as it is, but she uses this exercise to put the 5 Second Rule into practice, but to also show you the effect of discipline and working towards your goal. When you change one habit, it has ripple effects through other parts of your life. Mel Robbins reminds us that we will never feel like doing most things, but we have to push through and do them. We have to follow our instincts and so many times we lose out on opportunities because we rethink things and let fear take over.

Peaceful lake in the morning.
I knew that I needed to change my morning routine to make things more peaceful for Rosebud and I, so I took the 30 minute challenge and got up 30 minutes earlier every day this week. Well, every day except one when my alarm somehow got turned off, but I still managed to get up 15 minutes ahead of schedule. Overall, my mornings this week have been much better. I was able to exercise before Rosebud woke up. I didn't feel rushed and even had a few quieter moments to think about what I wanted to get done during the day. It reminded me of mornings when Rosebud was a baby.

Sleeping baby.Back then, my work day started a little later so when Rosebud would have her morning nap, I'd rock her. It was so peaceful. I'd listen to music or an audio book while holding and watching my sleeping baby. Rosebud never slept in a crib and only slept well when next to me so there were lots of times when I had to slow down and just snuggle with her. Now that she's older and naps well in her toddler bed, I have to find a new way and a new time to be in that peaceful space.

Mother and daughter painting together.The other things I've done to make the mornings run smoother are to prepare my lunch the night before and to be intentional about leaving my phone in the other room so I'm not tempted to look at it when I get notifications. This way I'm not distracted and don't waste time. The best thing about having this extra time is when Rosebud asks to paint, I can tell her yes. We can have a few extra minutes to read a book or bake pretend pies.

If you haven't read the 5 Second Rule, it's worth checking out. It's as if Mel Robbins is sitting there talking to you rather than reading a book to you. I'll leave you with a quote from chapter 8 of the book.

"Whatever reason you hold yourself back, you're wrong. It's not safer to keep quiet. It's not better to keep the piece. It's not feudal to try. It's not risky. You're wrong. All your excuses and reasons, they are wrong. There is no right time to improve your life. The moment you move, that's when you discover your strength. That's the way to bring the real you to the table by pushing the real you out of your head and into the world. And the best time to do it. It's right now. Right now when your heart is telling you to move."


Sparkly Collage

A couple days ago, I saw this article on Facebook. It got me thinking about how childhood is so different for kids now than it was when I was growing up. That makes me sound old, but things have changed so much in the past couple of decades. Especially with all the new technology and the ever increasing demands on families. I could go on and on about all the changes I’ve noticed since I started working in the early childhood field ten years ago, but I’ll save that for another time.

The fact that many children enter school without the necessary fine motor skills is alarming. It made me think, what activities am I doing with my daughter to ensure she’s getting those skills? There are so many activities you can do that are fun for children and allow them to work on these skills. We do a lot of drawing with crayons, painting with water colors, play-dough, popping bubble wrap and working on collages. She chooses the pieces she wants and sticks them on the paper. If we are working with stickers, there is the added bonus of pealing which takes some practice. We’ve done many of these collages. this one is the most sparkly. She loves the glitter! We have many more art projects in the works because Flourishing Rose loves art and has been asking to do some sort of art every day lately. I’m all about encouraging her creativity and expression.

What we used:

Plain white paper,

Shiny stars and circles,

Plastic jewels,


3D stickers,

Glue stick,

Glitter for a final touch.



I want to welcome everyone to my new blog. I have wanted to start a new blog for several months now, but wasn’t sure which direction I should take. In the past, I have had two blogs. One was a personal blog where I talked about my life. I mainly focused on writing about day trips, my latest gadgets, opinions on animal rites issues and the antics of my cats. Then I created an early childhood blog where I posted project ideas, school assignments and things I was working on in the various classrooms I’ve worked in. As my job changed over time, I lost interest in the blog and there were no creative ideas flowing. I wondered whether I should start posting there again, but after some issues with finding a file hosting solution, I decided to leave it as is and start fresh.

Sun rise.I brainstormed for a while, created a blog and even wrote my first post, but I found that I was at a loss for ideas. The problem was the topics I wanted to include in that blog seemed too narrow and I wanted to put all my passions into one blog. After some thought, I decided that being a mom was what I am most passionate about so that was where I wanted to start. I could share my knowledge and ideas about early childhood education by writing about the activities my daughter and I do together. Also in this format, I can branch out and write about a delicious recipe I’ve tried, a great book I’ve read, a neat place I’ve visited or share more personal things I have discovered about myself through personal development.

Red rose blooming.I have a variety of interests and am in a place of transition right now. Both personally and professionally. This blog will be a creative outlet for me, but I also want to reach out to others. If anything I share makes one person’s day brighter or helps them in any way, then my blog has served it’s purpose. I look forward to sharing our adventures and making new connections along the way. Thank you for reading and following the journey of my flourishing rose.

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