How To Choose Your Word for 2020

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I know this post is long overdue, but before I get to that, I want to wish you all a happy new year. I hope 2020 has started on a positive note for everyone, but if not, this post can point you in the right direction.
How to Choose Your Word for 2020

December was a busy month for me and I needed to take a break from the blog and although I’m posting today, I don’t know how often the entries will be coming. I suppose whenever I get inspired. I’ve really needed this break so that I can focus on other things. While I love the blog, I was having to devote way too much time to it. With being a single parent, working in a highly stressful job and dealing with other obligations, it was getting harder to carve out time for anything else, so I’ve had to rethink my priorities. I want the blog to be successful and I know that blogging is hard work, but I need to coast for a while. One of the reasons I’ve made this decision is because of the new year. I wrote in my journal and thought hard about what I want 2020 to look like.

Happy New Year 2020

Why one word instead of a New Years resolution?

I have always hated New Years resolutions. I make tons of goals for the new year, get excited about them and there’s a big push in January, but by February, everything gets dropped. Then there’s the guilt and all the negative self talk about why I didn’t accomplish my goals yet again. This year, I’m doing things differently. I’ve decided to choose one word to live by this year. I did this last year as well, but wasn’t really following it with intention. In order for this to work, you have to be passionate about the word you choose.

The word love in roses.

My word for 2020 is love. I chose the word love because after soul searching, I found that love was the most meaningful thing that I needed to work on for this year. Both for myself and others. This also means that all the goals I’ve chosen to work on for 2020 are connected to love in some way. some of my goals for the year include

  • Getting in better shape,
  • Being more present and patient with Rosebud,
  • Taking more time for self-care,
  • Changing my mindset,
  • Being in a loving relationship.

These goals all relate to taking care of myself or others. Having a connection between the goals will help to make them achievable. My intention for 2020 is love, but yours may be different. Maybe your word is action, happiness, mindful or change. It can be any word. Here are some suggestions if you are still having trouble coming up with a word.

How to Choose Your Word

  • 1. Write in your journal about what you want 2020 to look like. Are there any common themes?
  • 2. Brainstorm a list of words and see which word or group of words resonate with you the most.
  • 3. Make a vision board using images, words and or quotes. Are there any words or themes that pop out at you?
  • 4. If you are torn between two or three words, take time to think and then come back the next day. Do you have any new thoughts?
  • 5. Be sure your word and and any goals connected to your word energize you. Think about intentional things that you can do every day to bring your word to life.

How to Choose Your Word for 2020

Be Intentional

For my word, love, I have thought about what I can do everyday to bring love into my life. I can practice self-love by exercising and taking care of my body daily. I can send out loving energy by writing down a gratitude list of things that I’m thankful for each day. I can reach out to people to increase the chance of finding a meaningful relationship. There are so many things I can do to bring love into my life and that is what I intend to do in 2020. How about you? Do you have a word for the year? What are your plans, dreams or goals for 2020? Tell me in the comments.

8 thoughts on “How To Choose Your Word for 2020

  1. Cendu

    These are such great tips and a really fun idea! I hate resolutions too because honestly, they never really stick. This word of the year idea, that I can do! I love your choice! It’s a great one to focus on throughout the year. I think mine will be growth- I really want to focus on my own personal growth and development this year.

  2. Dawn

    Oo! I love the idea of having your word of the year also reflected in your resolutions or goals for the year! Mine are kind of related, but it wasn’t intentional

  3. Mila

    Wow, I never thought of this method, I love the idea of choosing a word of the year. This was very inspirational, now I’m excited to brainstorm my word of the year. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Pingback: How To Achieve Your Dreams * A Flourishing Rose

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