How To Accept Your Uniqueness

I had a plan for this week. I was going to talk a little about self-care and do a list of stocking stuffers to pamper the moms in your life. While gift guides are great and we all need to take care of ourselves, I wasn’t feeling compelled to put it together. Right now, there is something more important in my heart. It is still a form of self-care, but it’s not the tangible measurable kind. It’s the kind that you feel in your heart and soul. It’s the kind that helps you feel at peace and at ease with yourself.

Do this one thing to appreciate your uniqueness.

Accepting Uniqueness

Today I want to share an amazing strategy for working on self acceptance. Some people say these things are flaws, imperfections or quirks. I prefer to see it as your uniqueness. It’s the stuff that makes you who you are. The stuff that makes you like no one else. The stuff that makes you interesting!

Embrace Yourself

Last weekend, Rosebud really wanted to paint, so I decided to let her paint while I worked on Instagram posts. By the time she was done, there was paint everywhere. It was all over her, her tray and dripping off the paper. It was the kind of painting I couldn’t keep. I lifted it to put it on the counter to dry and the paint poured off. It upset Rosebud, but it went straight to the trash. Honestly, I was bothered by the mess. It took me forever to clean it up and while I know messy play is important for kids, I hate dealing with it. I clean up after kids all day at work. I don’t want to do it here too. It’s not fair to Rosebud, but it’s a fact. I do set up messy play opportunities for her, but they are few and far between.

Happy girl with paint on her hands. Messy play.

The No Paint Mama

My anxiety about clean up goes through the roof and I hate feeling that every time. At first, I started thinking about what a failure I am as a mom. How my child needs this and maybe I’m depriving her of something, but am I really or am I too focused on the shoulds and coulds. In that moment, I decided to embrace the fact that I’m not a messy play mom. I told one person on Instagram that I’d be the no paint mama.

When I thought about it, Rosebud enjoys many forms of sensory play like water, the rice bin, kinetic sand, play-dough,, water beads, shredded paper etc. She does drawing, water colors, gluing, cutting and decorating with stickers, so she gets plenty of exposure to arts and crafts. Even after all that, why was I hung up on the paint? She doesn’t need to do messy finger painting every day to be a well rounded child. Those voices popped up in my head. Those annoying shoulds.

Overwhelmed multitasking mom with dishes, cup of coffee and baby

What They Tell Us

Then today during a coaching call, I had this amazing break through. This is why I love coaching so much. We were talking about marketing strategies for my business and how to make the best use of my time. I told her how I felt I was making the most of my time by using Instagram, but there are the shoulds. The experts saying that you need to be on all forms of social media and be doing all things. You need to post videos, write blog entries, send out a newsletter, create podcasts, schedule multiple posts on every platform etc.

In real life, this is too much for one person. This involves hiring tasks out. While this is possible for a successful business owner, you can’t always do this when you are first starting out. I need to simplify, so for now I am focusing on one social media platform. While so many people recommend Facebook for this purpose, I had to choose the one I’m having the most fun and best interaction with. Even if it goes against the advice of the so called experts who don’t know me or my audience. I need to follow my own path.

Living in the Present

My next battle with the shoulds was about creating a marketing plan. The experts say to create a 60 or 90 day marketing plan. While this works great for sales, tracking income etc, it wasn’t working for me with social media marketing. I have a 90 day plan laid out in a spread sheet and you know what? I used none of it. You might be wondering why. It’s because I need to create content around what I’m feeling in that moment. What am I struggling with? What can my audience relate to? How can I be the most authentic?

If I’m focusing on something from three months ago, I may not be feeling that way today. Everything surrounding children and motherhood change so fast, that I have to scrap my plan. This is a metaphor for motherhood, right? Nothing goes as planned. As soon as you have something figured out, it changes.

Single isolated cloud in blue sky.

The Strategy

Speaking of metaphors, that is the strategy. My coach asked me what I took away from our sessions, but she asked me if there was one image that I could hold in my mind that embodied everything I’ve learned. It didn’t make sense at first, but the first image that came to mind was a fluffy white cloud floating along in the sky. The more I thought about it, a girl floated on top of the cloud. As I explained the cloud metaphor to my coach, it started to take shape.

Woman sitting floating on a cloud

I am embracing my uniqueness and every cloud has its own shape. Clouds are floating. The wind is carrying them, but they have an energy of their own. They are not listening to the other clouds, they are on their own path, reaching their own destination. Their shapes may change over time. They may rise or fall. They may come together to touch other clouds or break away on their own, but in the end, they have their uniqueness. Isn’t that why we look at them? Isn’t that where we find the beauty?

Chipping Away

This strategy isn’t an easy fix. Accepting yourself is life long work. It changes from day to day. I see it like creating a sculpture. Each day, you chip away and get one step closer to where you want to be. The beautiful sculpture starts to take its shape and then is revealed over time.How to accept your uniqueness

What is Your Metaphor?

What do you need to embrace? What is your image or metaphor that can help you accept your beauty? Your uniqueness. The things that make you interesting, authentic and wonderful. If you need help with this process, let’s jump on a

discovery call. I’d love to help you celebrate your uniqueness.

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What To Do When You Want to Feel Grateful, but Don’t

I was going to end my gratitude series with a post on the 20 things I’m thankful for in 2020, but whenever I sit down to write this post, I’m not feeling grateful. I’m thinking about all the things that are not working for me right now and I’m thinking about everything wrong in the world. That doesn’t leave much head space for gratitude. Rather than try to force myself to write a post that’s not coming, I thought why not share strategies to help you when you are having difficulty feeling grateful. Here are three strategies that can help you when you want to feel gratitude, but don’t.

3 strategies to use when you want to feel grateful, but don’t.

Accept Your Feelings

Everyone knows that it’s better to have positive thoughts. I don’t think anyone consciously wants to stay in a negative thought pattern, but it’s easy to get stuck there. I think of it as a spiral. Something negative can happen to me in the morning and it can effect me for the rest of the day. On the other hand if something really positive happens, your thoughts start to go upward and you notice the positive things that are happening. This is why well meaning people say things like, “think positive” or “be grateful for what you have.” Well, there are times when life feels pretty shitty and you can’t see the beauty because you are living your nightmare day after day. The nightmare is different for everyone. It could be an abusive relationship, a horrible job, a bad break up, losing a loved one etc. There is usually something to be grateful for in the end no matter the situation, but sometimes it can be microscopic.

If you’re the person who needs the magnifying glass right now to see beauty in your life or to find that shred of gratitude, it’s okay. I’ll say that again, it’s okay not to feel grateful every moment. It makes those moments when you feel real gratitude even more powerful. Just notice how you are feeling and let it pass. You are not a horrible person if you weren’t spilling over with gratitude over the Thanksgiving holiday. I know I wasn’t and I felt guilty about it, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it is healthier to accept my feelings.

What to do when you want to feel gratitude, but don’t.

Make a Happy List

While there are so many benefits of gratitude, that doesn’t matter if you are not feeling it. Your mindset doesn’t change over night. Sometimes, we have to take baby steps. Rather than thinking about things you are grateful for, start by thinking about or making a list of what makes you happy. What makes you smile? What makes you laugh? You may be thinking, but isn’t that a gratitude list? Well, in a way it is since gratitude and happiness are closely linked. I want to take gratitude out of the equation for now because if you are not feeling grateful, you may feel pressured to come up with things you are grateful for. On the other hand, it’s not usually hard to come up with a list of things that make you happy.

This list can be as short or long as you want. It can be things from both past and present. Here’s a sample list I came up with.
Rosebud, mocha coffee, cupcakes, making people laugh, the beach, reading a good book, when someone says something I wrote helped them, wearing a pretty dress, snuggling with Diamond, hot chocolate, cheese cake, days off, chats with friends, when I’ve helped a coaching client, baby laughter, etc. I could go on and on, but you get the point. After you’ve made your list, how do you feel? Do you feel happier? Are you feeling more grateful than when you started?

Reverse Bucket List

Reverse Bucket List

When you think of a bucket list, you usually think of all the things you want to do in the future. Well, a reverse bucket list is all the amazing things you’ve already done.

  • What have you accomplished that you are proud of?
  • What events have made your life meaningful?
  • What have you really enjoyed about your life?

The purpose of doing this list is to remind yourself of the great things you’ve done in your past. Some examples may be having your children, meeting your partner, your wedding day, an amazing vacation, getting an advanced degree, a career switch, buying a home, learning an important lesson etc. You may in fact be grateful for these things, but haven’t stopped to appreciate them. This way, if you aren’t feeling grateful in the moment, you can recall things that will bring you back to feeling gratitude.

What to do when you want to feel grateful, but don’t.

Did you have trouble feeling gratitude this season? What do you do when you are feeling ungrateful? Tell me in the comments.


10 activities to help teach your children about gratitude

For the past two weeks, I’ve been talking about gratitude. First, I went over some of the benefits of gratitude. Then I shared a list of 50 journal prompts to help you jump start your gratitude practice. This week, I’ll show you some different exercises that will help you teach your kids about gratitude.

10 Activities to help Teach Your Children About Gratitude

Gratitude Journaling

This adds onto last week’s post filled with gratitude journal prompts, some of which you can use with your kids. These may be fun to explore with school age children. Here are some additional prompt ideas.

  • What are you grateful for about your family?
  • Who are your friends and what do you like about them?
  • What makes you happy?
  • What do you have that other kids might not have?
  • Where are your favorite places to go and why?
  • What do you like about yourself?
  • What do you like about school?


Make lists of any of these.

  • People you love,
  • Toys,
  • Games,
  • Songs,
  • Movies and or tv shows,
  • Things about nature,
  • Memories.

The Five Senses

Make a list of the things that you can see, hear, smell, touch and taste that you are grateful for.

If you can’t taste anything in that moment, make a list of favorite foods, snacks, candy etc.

Same goes for smell. What smells do you love?

If your kids aren’t writers, do this exercise on a long drive. What do you see out your window that you are grateful for?

Gratitude Photos

To expand on the journaling idea and to make it more creative, have your kids take photos of the things they are grateful for or draw them.

To add another educational twist, find things from A to Z and make a gratitude alphabet book.

Today I’m grateful for:

Gratitude Collage or Vision Board

Have your children cut out pictures from magazines of the things they are grateful for. You could also have them take photos, draw pictures or print off pictures from the internet. The options are endless. You can also include quotes if they resonate. Younger children could simply make a collage of things they love where older children could make a full vision board filled with pictures, quotes and their goals and dreams for the future. Let them be creative and run wild with this.

Gratitude tree. Start practicing gratitude with your kids

Gratitude Tree

Here’s another great craft to do around Thanksgiving or any time. Cut out or draw a blank tree and some paper leaves. Each day, write something you are grateful for on a leaf and add it to the tree.

Gratitude scavenger hunt

Decide on some objects or things in the environment that you are grateful for and either make a list or find a scavenger hunt printable. Have your kids find the objects and check them off the list.

Girls spelling thank you with blocks.

Gratitude Jar

You can use any glass or plastic jar for this. Take3 several strips of paper and each day, have your child write something they are grateful for and put it in the jar.

Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness goes well with gratitude and this activity is similar to the gratitude jar. Make it a kindness jar instead. Take strips of paper and write random acts of kindness on each. Then every day, pick a piece of paper and complete the act of kindness for that day. Some acts of kindness include:

  • Give a family member a hug,
  • Do a chore without being asked,
  • Write a thank you note,
  • Give a gift,
  • Give someone a compliment,
  • Share something with a friend or family member,
  • Help someone who needs it

Make Donations

Find a favorite charity and either donate money, time or items. If your favorite family charity is an animal shelter, volunteer to walk dogs or spend time with the cats. If you are donating to a food pantry, have your kids help gather food items. One great way to get your kids involved is to have them donate some of their old toys before they get new ones. It helps them to understand that some kids have less and that it’s wonderful to share with others. Plus it helps the environment because there are less toys simply being thrown away.

Grateful girl. Bedtime gratitude practice.

Gratitude Before Bedtime

Why not end the day by talking about the things that you are grateful for? It’s a nice way to wind down and relax. You could make it a ritual and talk about what happened that day to be grateful for as apart of the bedtime routine. If your night time routine is too full, it is also a nice way to wake up in the morning. It could be a relaxing and mood boosting way to start the day.


Speaking of bedtime, there are lots of great meditations for kids that are all about gratitude and kindness. If you practice meditation, you may want to get your children involved as well. This is another relaxing bed time ritual or a way to help your kids wake up in the morning.


We’ve reached the last item on my list. Books are a great way to start teaching your kids about anything and gratitude is no exception. There are tons of books that can help you introduce children to gratitude. I’ll list some of them here.

How to Start practicing Gratitude with Your Kids

Check out this post for more gratitude activities for kids.

Do you have a gratitude practice? How do you get your children involved? Tell me in the comments.


50 Journal Prompts to Express Gratitude

This is the second post in my gratitude series for November. If you missed it, check out these Five Benefits of Starting a Gratitude Practice. Now that we know why we should practice gratitude regularly, let’s dive into some gratitude exercises. There are different things you can do depending on your preferences, but this week, I will be focusing on journaling.

50 Journal Prompts to Express Gratitude

Why Journaling?

My favorite way to practice gratitude is through journaling for several reasons.

  1. It can be done in five minutes if you are short on time.
  2. The writing possibilities are endless.
  3. You can journal on a small notebook or your phone making it convenient.
  4. You can use photos to capture your thoughts instead of writing.
  5. Writing can be therapeutic regardless of the topic.

You may be thinking, what do I write about? Well, as I said above, the possibilities are endless, but I’m giving you 50 journal prompts to get you started. They are in no particular order. Just use the ones that resonate with you. Feel the joy and gratitude this can bring and don’t forget to have fun with this.

Women’s hand writing in journal

Gratitude for Today

  • List five things you are grateful for.
  • Look around the room and list as many things that you see that you are grateful for.
  • What made you smile today?
  • What things do you take for granted?
  • What’s one thing you learned today or this week?
  • What is your most recent purchase that has added value to your life?
  • How can you share your gratitude with others?
  • How can you pamper yourself today?
  • How is your life more positive today than it was a year ago?
  • What’s one win you’ve experienced in the past 24 hours?
  • Take a photo of something you are grateful for and caption it.

Gratitude for Memories

  • What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen or heard?
  • List some acts of kindness that people have shown you.
  • Describe your favorite childhood memory.
  • Whats the best book you’ve read and why?
  • Write about a difficult experience you learned from.
  • What family tradition are you most grateful for?
  • What gifts have you enjoyed the most?

Gratitude for Yourself

  • Make a list of the things you are good at.
  • Make a list of the things you enjoy.
  • What are your favorite foods?
  • What helps you relax?
  • Make a list of your favorite songs. Better yet, make a playlist on your favorite music service.
  • Make a list of your successes.
  • Make a list of your favorite quotes.
  • What makes you unique?
  • What skills do you have that others may not?
  • What do other people like about you?
  • What can you learn from your negative qualities?
  • Describe the last time you truly felt at peace.
  • List 10 things you can’t live without.
  • What is something you’ve recently fixed?

Gratitude for Others

  • Who supports you?
  • Write about someone who’s made a positive difference in your life.
  • What is your favorite memory of your family members? Do this for each one.
  • Describe your pets and why you are grateful for them.
  • What do you love about your current relationship status?
  • What small things do you enjoy with a special person in your life?

Gratitude for your Surroundings

  • Where is your favorite place to visit and why?
  • What do you love about your neighborhood/community?
  • What is your favorite part of nature?
  • Who inspires you?
  • What are your favorite things about the season you are currently in?
  • What do you love about your home?
  • Write about a great experience with customer service.
  • Where are your favorite places to shop, eat etc?

Gratitude for Your Past and Future

  • What are you looking forward to in the upcoming year?
  • Describe your perfect day.
  • List 10 things you have today that you didn’t have five years ago.
  • What are you looking forward to this week?

Journal prompts to jump start your gratitude practiceDo you do gratitude journaling? If so, what are your favorite prompts? What are you grateful for? Tell me in the comments. Be sure to come back next week to learn how to get your kids involved in practicing gratitude! I am grateful for you!


5 Benefits of a Daily Gratitude Practice

For the month of November, I will be doing a series of posts on gratitude. Since Thanksgiving is coming up here in the U.S, it’s a great time to start focusing on things to be thankful for. However, if you live outside of the U.S or don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, you can still practice gratitude. In fact, you should be practicing gratitude all year long because studies have shown that their are numerous benefits of a regular gratitude practice. Here are just five of the benefits of gratitude that I’ve noticed since starting my own gratitude practice.

5 Benefits of a daily gratitude practiceBefore this year, I’d make lists os of the things I’m grateful for from time to time, but I didn’t do this regularly. It wasn’t until I started focusing on the wonderful things in my daily life that I noticed a shift in my mindset. I’ll admit that it’s not perfect and I’m still pessimistic by nature, but it has definitely improved my outlook.

Gratitude is a mood booster

Studies suggest that people who regularly express gratitude are happier. This seems pretty obvious when you think about it. When you pay more attention to the good things in life, it boosts your mood. For example, if I’ve had a rough day and I start making a list of the things I’m grateful for, I’ll start smiling because Rosebud is always at the top of my list. When I think about her, it’s usually about something funny she did or said that day. Right away, there’s a subtle shift in my mood.

To try this out for yourself, grab a piece of paper and make a happy list. It can be anything you are grateful for or anything that makes you feel good. When you are done with your list, read it over. How did you feel before writing your list? How do you feel after?

5 benefits of gratitude

Gratitude helps you relax

Practicing gratitude regularly has so many benefits to your mental health. Along with improving your mood, gratitude can reduce stress. Let’s go back to the rough day I mentioned above. If I go to bed thinking about all the negative stuff that happened that day, my stress levels are still high as I fall asleep. I’m not fully relaxed, but if I simply take a few minutes to write down some things I’m grateful for, it helps me focus on the good things before sleep. This way, I’m more relaxed and do less ruminating about my day. I’m not thinking about everything I didn’t get done from the todo list or something I could’ve done or said differently. Basically, it refocuses your thoughts.

This works in the morning as well. If you feel stressed in the morning or have a million reasons that you don’t want to get out of bed, try doing some gratitude. It doesn’t matter if you write it, speak it or just take five minutes to think about what you are grateful for, it will start your day off on the right foot.

Gratitude improves physical health

We’ve already discussed a couple of the mental health benefits, but gratitude has many physical health benefits as well. When you are feeling happier or relaxed, you will notice a difference in your body. Some of the health benefits include lower blood pressure, improved sleep, more exercise etc. This article goes into more details about the various health benefits of practicing gratitude.

Why you should start a gratitude practice today

Notice the small things

We spend too much time focusing on the wrong things. It’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and or drama. We may get sucked into negative conversations. We worry about stuff that won’t matter to anyone but ourselves. Too often, we care way too. Much about what other people think. This is where gratitude can help.

Gratitude journaling has helped me focus on all the wonderful things in my life. Big things, small things and everything in between. All the stuff I’d normally take for granted such as running water, electricity, TV, internet, the computer I’m using, my iPhone, nature, my home, the clothes on my back, a comfortable bed, the washer and dryer, friends, family and my freedom. I could go on and on. You could be thankful for your favorite food, your car, drinking water, your body etc. There are so many things we take for granted every day. Practicing gratitude helps you slow down and enjoy each and every one of these things. When we realize how much we have, we learn how truly fortunate we are.

Gratitude helps you manifest what you want

Here’s a benefit of gratitude that is on the spiritual side. No matter what religious beliefs you have, practicing gratitude can fit in with any of them because it’s focusing on the blessings in your life. It can help your spiritual mindset regardless. However, if you believe in the law of attraction which basically states that you attract what you put out into the universe. It focuses on energy, so if you release positive energy, you will get positive energy in return. Gratitude is one of the best ways to “raise your vibration.” If you are interested in the law of attraction, I highly recommend this book. It’s the simplest explanation of the law of attraction hat I’ve ever read and there are so many exercises that you can build into your daily life. Many of them are around gratitude.

Gratitude is one of the fastest ways to start manifesting what you want. The more you focus on what you have, the more things will come to you. The key is to visualize and focus not he things you want as if you already have them. One exercise you can try is to make a list of 15 things you are grateful for. Five from your past, five from your present and five from your future, but write them all down in the past or present tense. Here’s a sample list.

  • I’m grateful that I have found the love of my life.
  • I’m grateful that I made $10,000 last month.
  • I’m so thankful that I have a best friend who I can tell anything to.
  • I’m so grateful that I was able to travel last year.
  • I’m so grateful that I have a sweet, fun and intelligent daughter.

Okay, some of those things have happened and some of them haven’t, but it doesn’t matter. The point to be just as grateful for your past, present and future because the feelings are the same even if it has not happened yet and the physical and mental benefits are the same as well.

What do you think? Do you have a gratitude practice? What benefits have you noticed? Tell me in the comments! If you have not started a gratitude practice yet, be sure to check back next week as I will be sharing gratitude journaling prompts and exercises for you to try!


11Educational Toys for Your Preschooler

The holidays are coming up and you might be wondering what to get your preschooler this year. If you are tired of the electronic toys that make endless noise and are looking for fun and educational toys, I got you covered! As an early childhood educator, I’ve worked with many children and have seen lots of toys. These are 11 of the best educational toys that preschoolers love! The best part about these toys are that the kids are learning and they don’t even realize it.

11 Best Educational Toys for preschoolers

1. Blocks

Blocks are some of the best educational toys out there. We have had a set of the Mega Blocks, foam bath blocks, bristle blocks, but Rosebud’s favorite have been these magnet tiles from Picasso. We’ve made houses, castles, boats and even a tree! These blocks are reasonably priced compared to other brands and they get played with a lot!

Your child can learn about spacial awareness, shapes and sizes, height and weight, building, gravity and creativity just to name a few.

2. Kinetic Sand

If you’ve never felt this sand, you’re missing out! This sand is amazing! It doesn’t dry out, is easy to pick up and the kids love it! There are a variety of colors and molds to choose from.

Your child can use this sand to practice fine motor skills such as scooping, molding, stamping etc. They can use the sand to express themselves through their creations or simply pretend they are at the beach, baking a cake or using a dump truck.

Little girl playing and learning with play-dough

3. Play-dough

While play-dough isn’t exactly a toy, I am including it because it is educational. There is so much you can do with play-dough. Anything from creating your favorite sweet treats to making letters and numbers to building sculptures. There are endless options for play-dough. There are just as many activities as there are flavors. Play-dough is even used as a therapy tool in some cases. The best part is it’s fun for children even before they reach preschool age.

Your child can practice his or her fine motor skills such as pinching, squeezing, pushing, pulling etc. Play-dough is another creative medium allowing your children to express themselves. It’s a great sensory experience as well.

4. Water Drawing Pad

If you’re tired of getting paint or marker all over your walls, this is definitely for you. These pens are filled with water and when the kids draw on this pad it changes color and they can draw whatever they want. Some of these pads come with stamps and stencils, but this is a wonderful open ended drawing activity that leaves no mess unless water is spilled. My only recommendation to make this better is to purchase extra pens.

Drawing is a great way for kids to practice writing skills and creativity.

5. Play Food

Rosebud loves playing in her kitchen and these toys from Learning Resources are my favorite food sets. They are made of a smooth plastic material that is easy to clean. They are well made and there are a variety of food sets to choose from. Everything from soup and salad to dessert to multicultural food. They would be great to pair with a kitchen set or on their own. Your child can practice pretend measuring, learning about ingredients, healthy vs unhealthy foods, sharing with friends, creative play etc.

Girls working on puzzle.

6. Puzzles

Puzzles have been a mixed bag throughout my career with preschoolers. Some kids love them and some kids think they are boring, but they are a great educational tool. Rosebud happens to like them, so I’m putting them ont he list. These puzzles are the best I’ve found so far. They are well made, fit together well, have a variety of themes and preschoolers can do these independently.

Puzzles are great for spacial awareness, improving matching and sorting skills, learning patience and practicing concentration.

7. Marble Run

What kid doesn’t like a marble run? These are a big hit in my preschool and pre-k classes. These are pretty self explanitory. You set up the track and the marble goes down. The track can be rearranged to make a different path. Children can learn about distance and gravity. If two children are playing, they can have races and practice taking turns as social skills are important to learn at this age. Marble runs are a great stem toy.

11 Educational Gift Ideas for Preschoolers.

8. Games

There are so many places I could go here because there are so many games to choose from. I’ve listed a few of the games that we like, but the skills that games are great for are learning to follow directions, taking turns and learning about competition, but having fun at the same time.

Depending on what you want your child to practice, you can find a game for almost any skill. There are games for counting, matching, memory, strategy etc. The sky’s the limit, but this is a great age to introduce relatively simple games.

9. Cooking Set

If your child is into cooking with you, that is fantastic! Your child can learn so much from cooking. They can learn math skills such as measuring. Reading skills from reading a recipe. Science, let’s see what happens to the food when it gets hot vs when it was cold. Basically, how the properties of foods change. Cooking is a great way to make your child feel like they are doing real work. If they have pretend toys for cooking that’s great, but I’d suggest getting some real child friendly cooking tools as well for when they help you in the kitchen.

Little girl having tea party with doll

10. Dolls

Dolls are great because children can practice their nurturing skills. They observe what their parents do and tend to act out these situations with stuffed animals or dolls. This is great for their development as it helps them understand their world. The other great thing about dolls is the ability to practice dressing and undressing. This is a perfect way for children to get the hang of snaps, buttons, velcro, laces etc. Rosebud loves to put different outfits on her dolls and I’ve noticed that she has gotten much better at dressing them independently. In turn, she is able to dress and undress herself as well.

I know some people don’t like boys playing with dolls. I see nothing wrong with it, but there are dress up boards that you can use to practice the same skills.

11. Child Sink

Rosebud loves this toy. She saw it at a friend’s birthday party and had to have it. It runs like a real sink and comes with a set of dishes and everything you need to wash them. This is great for working on practical washing skills and kids love to be doing the same things that they see their parents doing. They can also work on scooping and pouring and even imaginative play. I love activities that help kids practice real life skills. Mini cleaning sets are also wonderful for this.

11 Educational Toys for Your Preschoolers

There, you have my top picks for educational gifts for 2020. What educational gifts are you getting your kids this year? Tell me in the comments.


40 Family Quality Time Activities that Won’t Break the Bank

Recently, it has become clear that Rosebud has way too many toys. We often argue about cleaning up the toys, it takes so much time to keep them organized and she is starting to get bored with most of her toys. She has reluctantly agreed to give some of her toys away before Christmas, but we’ll see what she is willing to part with.

40 Quality time Activities for the Family on a Budget

I have realized that maybe I should focus more on experiences and quality time instead of buying toys. I’m a gift giver at heart. It’s my love language, so when I see something she’d like, I get it. The other part is my mindset. Somewhere along the way, I’ve gotten the message that providing lots of material things for your child equals good parent. In my head, I know that it’s not necessarily true. Some parents buy lots of things to make up for not spending enough time with their children. Others do it simply because they can afford it. I know I have to get out of that mindset because lately it’s not serving us and it is the inspiration for this post.

Family time activities that won’t break the bank

I know I can’t be alone! It’s easy to get sucked into this mindset with our culture of consumption. This is especially important with the holiday season fast approaching. To help you mamas out, I’ve created this list of 40 family quality time activities that won’t break the bank.

The great thing about many of these is that you will be making memories with your children and not spending a dime!

Family Time Activities

  1. Have family game night,
  2. Watch a family favorite movie together and have popcorn,
  3. Camp out for a night in your living room,
  4. Play shadow games with flashlights,
  5. Go camping in the wilderness,
  6. Bake cookies or a cake,
  7. Have kids help with meal planning and create a menu,
  8. Make a grocery list and go grocery shopping,
  9. Play I-Spy, (This works no matter where you are)
  10. Have a family photo shoot,
  11. Watch old family videos,
  12. Take a walk together,
  13. Go on a nature scavenger hunt,
  14. Make a collage with what you found,
  15. Look at the clouds and talk about what you see,
  16. Take a walk on the beach, build sand castles or go for a swim if it’s warm weather,
  17. Jump in a pile of leaves,
  18. Play in the snow, (Snowball fight, make snowmen, sledding etc)
  19. Make homemade play-dough or slime,
  20. Create or look through photo albums,
  21. Have a dance party,
  22. Do yoga or some other form of exercise,
  23. Draw a big picture together as a family,
  24. Read stories or make up stories of your own,
  25. Clean rooms in the house and make it a game, (Who can pick up more items the fastest etc)
  26. Drive to a place in town where you’ve never been,
  27. Have a picnic in the back yard or park,
  28. Go to the nearest playground,
  29. Create a family mission statement,
  30. Create a family vision board,
  31. Make greeting cards for friends and family,
  32. Make a homemade game or toy,
  33. Make forts out of pillows and sheets,
  34. Decorate the house for the holidays,
  35. Paint or draw on pumpkins,
  36. Make homemade Christmas ornaments,
  37. Decorate gingerbread houses,
  38. Create a family playlist of songs you love,
  39. Make paper airplanes or kites,
  40. Create a gratitude or kindness jar.

40 Quality Time Family Activities that won’t break the bank

How are you spending quality time with your kids this year? Do you struggle with the amount of toys in the house? Tell me in the comments!


4 Lessons I’ve Learned on my Fitness Journey

In January of 2020, one of my new years resolutions was to get in the best shape of my life in the next decade. It’s not very specific, but I decided I was going to exercise every day. I didn’t have a set amount of weight I wanted to lose, but I wanted to get healthier, have more energy and of course, look good. It has been 10 months since I started this journey and here are four unexpected lessons I’ve learned from working out.4 Lessons I’ve Learned on my fitness journey

Celebrate your success

When I started out, I was out of shape and I could definitely feel the burn. Sometimes for several days after trying a new workout. I’d get discouraged if I couldn’t do as many reps as suggested or I didn’t feel like I could stretch very far, but I kept going and it paid off! I started noticing my progress. I could reach further during my stretch routines, I felt less tired on the elliptical and I’ve increased the weight during my strength workouts. I’ve also noticed that my clothes fit better or no longer fit in some cases because they are too big.

When I’d notice these things I was proud of my self. When your clothes fit better, celebrate! Reward yourself. It’s an excuse for a new wardrobe. Well, a new pair of jeans or a cute sweater at least. Be sure to share your good news with someone who supports your fitness goals.

Woman working out. Stretch routine.

Success comes from capability, not appearances

This is a big one. We get way too caught up in what our bodies look like. We spend so much time focused on our appearance that we forget to focus on what our bodies are capable of. Success comes from within. It’s all about your mindset and not your outward appearance.

To track this, measure your progress. Where were you when you started? How many reps could you do? How many minutes could you run? What is the distance? How are you feeling afterwards? Are you feeling strong or tired?

Over time, you will notice that some workouts will get easier because you will get stronger and your body will get used to moving in certain ways. Maybe some workouts won’t get easier, but you will notice that you are able to do more and feel less tired. Maybe you can lift more or exercise longer. It’s amazing to measure your progress from where you started. You will be saying, wow, I can’t believe I can do that now.

Full disclosure, this is me with jumping jacks, holding squats, stretching gets easier etc. You will end up celebrating your body. It’s fantastic. Your body is amazing and it should be celebrated regardless of the number on the scale!

Lessons Learned on my Fitness Journey

It’s not about losing weight

Well, in a way it is, but it’s so much more than that. Exercise is a mood booster that also helps your body physically function better. The discipline you need to stick to your workout schedule helps build character. After a while, you will feel healthier and view exercise as a form of self-care. It started out as a goal to get in the best shape of my life. I know, it’s not specific enough, but I promised myself to exercise each day. At first, it was all about losing weight and looking good, but now it’s about feeling better and I have made my fitness a priority.

Sample Fitness Goals

  • I will run 1 mile each day.
  • I will do a 30 minute strength based workout 3 times per week.
  • I will lose 10lbs in the next 60 days.
  • I will drink 8 glasses of water each day.
  • I will do one yoga class per week.

Tired woman lifting weights. Exercise routine.

Pay attention to your body

This is the most important lesson I have learned from my fitness journey.

When you are exercising, you’ll notice all the sensations. Mostly when you start to get tired or maybe you feel like you can’t take one more step. It’s important to step out of your comfort zone when exercising because the burn means it’s working, but you have to know the difference between building strength or endurance and pushing yourself too hard. You will feel it if you pay close attention. If your body needs water, rest or needs a harder workout, it’s all okay. It’s your fitness journey and your body knows what it needs.

If you have to stop, it’s okay, but get back into it when you are ready. Too often we push ourselves too far and that’s when we can get injured.

Last week, I was sick and wasn’t feeling up to working out. I felt guilty about this and wanted to get back to exercise as soon as possible, so this week, I hopped back on the elliptical. Suddenly, the bolt popped off and my machine was broken. I will have to buy a replacement part, but in the mean time, I’ve had to switch up my workout routine. I tried a workout that was totally new to me. Cardio mixed with strength based exercises. Towards the end of the workout, I had drank my entire bottle of water and was feeling so exhausted. I kept pushing myself, but finally in the last couple minutes of the workout, I just had to stop. I had to listen to my body at that point. While I was disappointed and felt out of shape, I had to remind myself that it was a new workout and I did the best I could.

4 Lessons I’ve learned from working out

Some days your energy level is higher and your body may react differently. That is also okay. Our bodies are unique to each of us and we should be celebrating what they are capable of regardless of our body shape. Even though I started this journey to lose weight because I didn’t like the way my body looked, I have come to appreciate my body a lot more.

Are you on a fitness journey? If so, what have you learned? Let’s talk about it in the comments!


20 of the Cutest Baby Halloween Costumes for 2020

Even though Halloween may look and feel different this year, you can still have some fun.
Halloween will be here before you know it and if you procrastinate like me, you haven’t gotten your baby’s costume yet. You’re in luck! I’ve rounded up some of the cutest costumes for infants or toddlers. One of these Halloween costumes would be perfect for your baby’s first Halloween.
20 adorable Halloween costumes for 2020


How adorable are these food themed costumes?

Baby in pumpkin patch for baby’s 1st Halloween


Check out these cute animal costumes.

20 of the cutest costumes for 2020


These costumes are a great choice if you want something traditional.

Baby in butterfly Halloween costume.

Just plain cute!


20 Adorable costumes for babies and toddlers

What will your child be for Halloween this year? My Rosebud has decided she wants to be a witch, so I found her a witch costume that lights up and we found a broom and cauldron to match. We are thinking of skipping trick-or-treating this year in favor of a small pizza party with a hunt for toys and candy. What are your Halloween plans? Tell me in the comments!


How To Create Positivity from Missed opportunities

I had an experience last week that got me thinking about missed opportunities and the things that we participate in that we think are beneficial, but it turns out they aren’t. The question is what do we do with those missed opportunities? What do we do when a door closes? We pick up and start over. Here’s how to turn a missed opportunity into something positive. As the saying goes, turn lemons into lemonade.

How to find positivity in missed opportunities

When One Door Closes

This story is such a first world problem. It’s so inconsequential when we look at the big picture, but sometimes the smallest things can teach us the greatest lessons. I was apart of a Facebook group for bloggers where we can promote our blog using the daily threads. I have been a regular participant in this group for a while and always did my best to give more than I take. I’d always engage with the other bloggers on the threads. Whether it be liking social media posts on their accounts, commenting, or sharing their blog posts.If you know me, you know that I always try to go above and beyond to do things the right way. Especially when it involves helping other people. It was a shock to me that I was suddenly muted and could no longer respond to the other comments or post. There were days when I couldn’t respond until late in the day because I’m a busy mom. I make my original comments in the morning and then go back throughout the day to help the other bloggers. That is what’s always worked for me.

At first, I got mad because by doing that, they were basically accusing me of dropping my link and running. Then I was disappointed because I couldn’t participate for another month, but I quickly realized that maybe that group wasn’t the place for me anyway. When I thought about it, most of the bloggers in that group aren’t apart of my niche. While their content is great and they were super helpful, there wasn’t much of a connection. They aren’t the people that will become my clients. I could’ve waited a month and then tried to figure out what I had done wrong. Then I could spend time making sure I followed every rule, but for what?

I had to ask myself, how is this benefiting me? Is it helping my blog or coaching practice grow? How does it make me feel to be apart of this group now? It wasn’t giving my blog that much of a boost and I no longer felt welcome in the group. In the past, rejection hit me hard and while I felt a touch of that, I turned it around to something positive.

Woman looking through open door into the unknown

How To Move On

I started looking for groups that were geared towards busy moms, coaches and female bloggers. I found several that I have joined and so far, they’ve been wonderful groups. The best part is that they’ve given my blog a boost and the women are awesome. There is a supportive environment where we help each other. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, find their links at the end of this post.

How to bounce back when one door closes

Journal Prompts

How about you?
Are there any doors that have closed for you lately? How are you feeling about these experiences now? Here are some prompts to dive into if you use journaling to get your thoughts out. If you aren’t much of a writer, don’t worry about it. Just answer these questions in your head. The answers are all within you.

  • Describe your last missed opportunity.
  • Is this a positive or negative thing for you?
  • Did a better opportunity open up as a result?
  • If not, how can you turn it into a new opportunity?

  • List your first three steps for creating your next opportunity.

Finding Clarity

This process also works if you are trying to decide if a. New opportunity is right for you or if you need to get out of a situation. This could be a relationship, friendship or anything work related. Of course, we have to do things we don’t want to do at times. It’s a fact of life, but we can change our mindset. When deciding if something is right for you, answer these questions to get clarity.
  • How does it make you feel in your body?

  • If you let this thing go, what will happen?(pros and cons)

  • What are you giving up by moving on?
  • What are you giving up if you stick with it?
  • What are you gaining from moving on?
  • What are you gaining by staying where you are?

What is meant for you won’t pass you by.

When thinking about doors opening and closing in life, I try to remember this quote. “What is meant for you won’t pass you by.” This applies in business, relationships, purchases, friendships etc. What doors have opened or closed for you lately? Tell me in the comments. If you’d like to talk about creating amazing opportunities in your own life, feel free to book a discovery call to see how we can work together. I’d love to hear from you!

As promised, here are the Facebook groups I mentioned above.

Mom Blog Network Personal Development and Wellness Bloggers

Successful Mom Entrepreneurs Women’s Side Hustle Network