I know I haven’t written in months, but I wanted to give a quick update on where I’ve been since February. I started training to become a life coach through the World Coach Institute which has been extremely valuable. Not only have I learned how to coach, but it’s helped me build my confidence as well. It has also made me realize that I am on the right path. I enjoy coaching and would love to help you achieve your goals.
Introducing NMC Coaching
I’d like to introduce my new website, NMCCoaching.com. I have launched a new blog over there which focuses on personal development and ways to help your children. NMC Coaching stands for Navigating Motherhood Coaching. I work with moms who want to make real changes in their lives.
Are you transitioning into a new career?
Do you want to feel more productive throughout your day?
Do you want to feel more confident in your parenting abilities?
Do you feel like you’ve lost your identity as a mom and want to rediscover what lights you up?
Do you simply need help regrouping during these uncertain times?
Due to Covid19, I am unemployed which has given me the time to devote to my coaching business. That leads me to the topic of this blog and what will happen to it. I hope to still post on here once per month. I have a Mother’s Day post coming up. Eventually, I hope to tie the two blogs together, but haven’t figured it out yet. This blog has been a labor of love for me. It’s been my introduction to professional blogging, but still remains personal. It’s been part of our journey with some helpful tips thrown in. I hope you will continue to check back for updates and of course, my older posts will still be here. If you are interested in personal development and parenting tips and tricks, come over to NMCCoaching.com and check it out. I will be offering a weekly newsletter with freebies plus building a community of likeminded moms who are working on achieving their goals. Most of all, I want to thank you for visiting my little corner on the web.
I know this post is long overdue, but before I get to that, I want to wish you all a happy new year. I hope 2020 has started on a positive note for everyone, but if not, this post can point you in the right direction.
December was a busy month for me and I needed to take a break from the blog and although I’m posting today, I don’t know how often the entries will be coming. I suppose whenever I get inspired. I’ve really needed this break so that I can focus on other things. While I love the blog, I was having to devote way too much time to it. With being a single parent, working in a highly stressful job and dealing with other obligations, it was getting harder to carve out time for anything else, so I’ve had to rethink my priorities. I want the blog to be successful and I know that blogging is hard work, but I need to coast for a while. One of the reasons I’ve made this decision is because of the new year. I wrote in my journal and thought hard about what I want 2020 to look like.
Why one word instead of a New Years resolution?
I have always hated New Years resolutions. I make tons of goals for the new year, get excited about them and there’s a big push in January, but by February, everything gets dropped. Then there’s the guilt and all the negative self talk about why I didn’t accomplish my goals yet again. This year, I’m doing things differently. I’ve decided to choose one word to live by this year. I did this last year as well, but wasn’t really following it with intention. In order for this to work, you have to be passionate about the word you choose.
My word for 2020 is love. I chose the word love because after soul searching, I found that love was the most meaningful thing that I needed to work on for this year. Both for myself and others. This also means that all the goals I’ve chosen to work on for 2020 are connected to love in some way. some of my goals for the year include
Getting in better shape,
Being more present and patient with Rosebud,
Taking more time for self-care,
Changing my mindset,
Being in a loving relationship.
These goals all relate to taking care of myself or others. Having a connection between the goals will help to make them achievable. My intention for 2020 is love, but yours may be different. Maybe your word is action, happiness, mindful or change. It can be any word. Here are some suggestions if you are still having trouble coming up with a word.
How to Choose Your Word
1. Write in your journal about what you want 2020 to look like. Are there any common themes?
2. Brainstorm a list of words and see which word or group of words resonate with you the most.
3. Make a vision board using images, words and or quotes. Are there any words or themes that pop out at you?
4. If you are torn between two or three words, take time to think and then come back the next day. Do you have any new thoughts?
5. Be sure your word and and any goals connected to your word energize you. Think about intentional things that you can do every day to bring your word to life.
Be Intentional
For my word, love, I have thought about what I can do everyday to bring love into my life. I can practice self-love by exercising and taking care of my body daily. I can send out loving energy by writing down a gratitude list of things that I’m thankful for each day. I can reach out to people to increase the chance of finding a meaningful relationship. There are so many things I can do to bring love into my life and that is what I intend to do in 2020. How about you? Do you have a word for the year? What are your plans, dreams or goals for 2020? Tell me in the comments.
First, I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. If you are not in the US or don’t celebrate, that’s okay because any day is a good day to be thankful. It’s always good to show gratitude for the wonderful things in our lives. This has been a hard year for me and too often I focus on the areas of my life that I’m not satisfied with. Today reminds me that I need to stop and share what I am truly grateful for.
1. I want to start off with the amazing people in my life.
Rosebud is at the top of my list. Parenting is the hardest and most rewarding job I’ve ever done. I’ll admit there are things I don’t like about being a parent, but I love Rosebud with all my heart. I love when we laugh together. I love weekend mornings when we can sleep in or snuggle. I love how excited she gets to see me after work. It really brightens my day. I love teaching her things, but she has taught me so much. She tests my patience for sure, but she has shown me how strong I am. She’s my reason for getting out of bed every day.
2. I’m thankful for my family. Especially my mom. We don’t always agree, but she’s been a huge source of support when I’ve really needed it. She’s also my main source of transportation which is not always easy. She takes care of Rosebud when I’m at work and makes sure she gets to and from preschool. I don’t have to pay extraordinary amounts of money for childcare because of her. Not to mention the fact that she loves Rosebud no matter what.
3. I’m thankful for my new niece that I haven’t met yet. She was born premature a couple weeks ago and since she’s been in the hospital, I haven’t been able to meet her. Rosebud and I were sick last week, so we didn’t want to pass our germs on to the baby. Fortunately, she came home a few days ago and we will be meeting her for the first time today. She’ll probably give me baby fever, but that’s a topic for another post.
4. I’m thankful for my friends. I have a couple of good friends in my life. To protect everyone’s privacy, I won’t mention anyone’s names, but just know that I appreciate all of you whether we’ve met in person or not. One friend, I’ve been writing to for over two years now. Although we’ve never met in person, I consider her one of my best friends and maybe one day one of us will take the trip. There’s Little Guy’s mom who texts me often to check in, has been extremely supportive and helpful with my work and of course brings Little Guy for playdates. Then there are all the others who I talk to less often, but I’m grateful to know them. Recently, someone else has come into my life. While our friendship is brand new and I’m not sure how things will turn out, I appreciate him very much.
5. I’m thankful for my home. Of course I’m grateful that I have a roof over my head, but it is more than that. Rarely have I ever truly felt at home as an adult. I love having my own safe space that I can come to at the end of the day. I can invite people if I want. I can decorate it how I choose to. My home has been a great place for Rosebud as well. She loves it and I can tell it feels like home to her. While there are lots of things I don’t like about the area where I live, I’m thankful to have a wonderful home.
6. I’m grateful for my job as much as I hate to say it. While I’m extremely dissatisfied and that is putting it mildly, it allows me to buy the things I need. There are some wonderful children and coworkers I’ve met over the years and that’s what I have to remember.
7. There is a special baby I met this year. Unfortunately, I only got to spend a couple of months working with him. He is a happy and sweet little boy who I’ll always remember.
8. I’m thankful for Diamond. Thank you for snuggling with me every day and for always being there.
9. I’m thankful for Mellow. I lost him this year which has been hard. I miss your loud purr, your crazy meows, your snuggles and watching your friendship with Rosebud. I’m so grateful that you were my cat.
10. I’m thankful for books. While I haven’t read as many books this year. I’m grateful for the things that books can teach us or the escape when I want to be somewhere else.
11. I’m thankful for music. I don’t listen to music as much as I used to, but lately I’ve been enjoying finding new songs on Spotify. Music was so important to me when I was a kid. I spent most of the 90’s listening to music. It was always there no matter what. Music was a source of joy and comfort to me during some difficult times.
12. I’m grateful for nature. The beach is my happy place. I love rainy/cloudy days, but enjoy the warm sun as well. Just sitting outside hearing the birds and feeling the breeze is so peaceful. I am fortunate to live in a place where there is always nature around me.
13. I’m grateful for delicious food. I love to cook, bake and try new recipes. I’m especially for food that others cook for me. It’s a bonus!
14. I’m extremely thankful for technology. When I was going to school in the 90’s, there was some technology, but it wasn’t as advanced as it is today. Back then I would’ve never thought that I’d be able to use the exact same technology as my peers. By the time I started college, I was fortunate to have a laptop with a screen reader and was so grateful that I could blend in. My computer looked the same as everyone else’s. Then when the iPhones started coming out, I couldn’t imagine how I’d ever use a phone with a touch screen. Apple products are amazing and they have accessibility built into them. I didn’t have to spend crazy amounts of money on extra software to get my phone, tablet or pc to work for me. For someone who has had to stand out, it’s wonderful to be on the same playing field with everyone else when it comes to technology.
15. I’m thankful for writing. I love journaling to gain clarity and to preserve memories. I love blogging and the potential to reach so many people. Writing has always been one of my favorite things.
16. I’m grateful for things that smell good. People find my strong sense of smell to be a pain in the ass. I’ll ask if they can smell something and of course, they never can. I love candles, perfumes and lotions. I have a drawer full of wax melts, but that’s my secret.
17. I’m grateful for soft things. As I sit here, I’m covered with a soft cozy blanket. Diamond and Mellow are soft and cuddly. I have a collection of stuffed animals. I’m really picky about textures, so clothes, blankets and sheets have to have a soft texture that is just right.
18. This is really important. I am thankful for my health. Too often I take it for granted, but I’ve been pretty healthy so far in my life. I’m grateful that I can get up in the morning and exercise. I can work. I can play with Rosebud. Not everyone can easily do these things and that is definitely something I need to be mindful of.
19. Lastly, I’m grateful for you, my readers. Thank you for reading my blog. While I haven’t found great success, I get a small amount of views each day. My  persistence and love of writing keep my blog going, but it’s the comments from readers that I find the most meaningful. Thank you so much. What are you thankful for this year? Tell me in the comments.
One of the best parts of being a blogger is discovering other bloggers. People who share the same passions and interests that you do. Another wonderful part of blogging is the network you create. Not only with readers, but other bloggers as well. Recently, I’ve connected with a group of up and coming amazing mom bloggers on Facebook and today, I’d like to introduce them to you. There will be a short bio for each along with a link to their blogs and where you can find them on social media. Many of these blogs are brand new, so definitely stop by and show your support. This is a round up post that each of us are participating in.
1. I’ll introduce myself first. For those who don’t know, I’m Darcey, a mom to an active and curious three-year-old girl. I’m an early childhood educator who is passionate about play based learning. You can find me at, AFlourishingRose.com. I write about motherhood, personal development and my experiences as an educator. Visit my blog for parenting tips, book recommendations, gift ideas and much more.
Follow me on Pinterest.
Follow me on Facebook.
Follow me on Twitter.
Cheerful Nomads
2. I am Mai, a mother of two beautiful girls in my thirties. In this blog I share about many of my random musings on motherhood — as it has given me a different perspective in life.
3. I’m Pheng Lineses, the face behind Thinker Mom blog. This blog is for mom and moms-to-be, working and stay at home. Sharing life hacks, frugal living, and practical ways to manage a balanced family and work life. You can find Pheng at ThinkerMom.com
Follow her on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.
4. I’m Shay and I’m just your average boymom! I love sharing simple tips for moms, fun activities for the kids, and crafts on a budget. As a military wife, I also really enjoy sharing tips and stories about life in the army. My goal is for my blog to have something to offer for all moms. We’re all on this mom boat together and we’re all just trying to make it to bedtime. Visit Shay at Shay-and-Sons.com Shay and Sons on Instagram.
Adventures of a Single Mom
5. Hey! I’m Cait, & I am a single mama of two amazing girls. I am a homeschooler, survivor of domestic abuse and a mental health advocate. I also am the owner of my own Virtual Assistance company. Being a mom is tough, & being a single mom is even tougher! On Adventures of Single Mom, I like to share tips, tricks and even personal stories hoping other single mamas can relate & find kinship in the fact that they aren’t alone in this crazy life. Follow along with the fun at Adventures of a single mom.comand find us on
Pinterest, Failure To Thrive No More
6. Failure to Thrive No More writes about the struggles and triumphs of Special Needs Parenting. Her son was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder—Dyrk1a Syndrome—in 2018, and has been raising awareness ever since. She has also included her love for Self-Care, Fitness, and Military Life! Check out her blog at Failure to Thrive No More.com
Instagram, Twitter,
Real Mom Moments
7. Real Mom Moments is a place for moms to share and support each other in the moments we cherish, hate, celebrate or just barely survive. Moms also find encouragement here to take time for themselves and nurture their own interests and passions. Living the mom life is incredible — in addition to super draining and lonely. It’s so much easier to get through the ups and downs of each long day when we feel connected with an understanding group! Find relatable, humorous, and motivating experiences at Real Mom Moments – A Place for Moms to Keep it Real
Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest.
8. Hi, I’m Jenn! A mother, a behavior specialist, a business owner, wife of a scientist, and lover of all things fermented. I was blessed with six amazing kids that range in age from 4 to 24 years old. With a background in behavior, two marriages, and 20+ years of parenting, I’ve got a lot to say about family time and raising kids in different stages of life; where to take them, what to feed them, and how to keep them entertained. Plus, things to do to maintain my own sanity like traveling, crafting, cooking, and shopping. I’d love to share my wisdom with you, so visit me at OneHoppyMomma.comand don’t forget to pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage to enjoy while reading. Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube.
9. I started my blog in February 2019 because I love to help other moms! I am constantly recommending products, sharing what has worked or not worked for me, etc. with my mom friends and now I can share these things with many more people! At LalaToMama.com you will find Mom advice, product recommendations, Mom stories and even some of the adventures I go on with my 3 boys! I work full-time in Human Resources so I do this on the side and love it! Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter.
Motherhood By Maredith
10. Meredith is a former pediatric RN turned stay at home mom to two littles. She has never met a carb, Target aisle, or glass of red wine she didn’t love. Join her over at Motherhood By Meredith as she finds grace in the messy side of motherhood. Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook.
11. Kale is a blogger, mother, wife, teacher, friend, and child of the one true King. She also has a soft spot for teaching children about community service. Kale married her exact opposite, Steak. They are living the dream in the Midwest with their two wonderful children. The family is constantly entertained by their hilarious mutt. Steakandkale.com is where you can find her writing, guiding, organizing, budgeting, eating plants, and cleaning up after the mutt. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
12. I am Haley Crenwelge. I am a college graduate, single mother, writer, dreamer, 911 dispatcher, and future police officer. I have a beautiful daughter named Cahtalina Daenarys who was conceived only a month before my boyfriend committed suicide. I write a lifestyle/journey blog geared towards single mothers and helping them achieve their personal goals while still keeping up with the responsibilities surrounding their title of mother. You can find Haley at TheGermanGypsy.com. Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram. MeaganDeal.com
13. Meagan is married to her high school sweetheart and is a stay at home mom to their two little girls. McKenzi, 7, and Sarah, 20 months. McKenzi is deaf and has a cochlear implant so this topic is talked about quite a bit on her blog. Meagan hopes to educate others on hearing loss in children. Her blog also has many tips on breastfeeding, co-sleeping, money saving ideas and more.
I hope you enjoyed learning about these fantastic up and coming mom bloggers. Be sure to visit their blogs and show some love. These ladies are working hard and have great content. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite blog or two. Are there any other mom bloggers we should be following? Tell us in the comments.
I want to share some of my favorite things and accomplishments for the month of March. This is something new I plan on doing at the end of every month from now on. Writing down my accomplishments will keep me accountable and moving forward and why not share some of my favorite things? You might like them as well. For this month, I have a book, a recipe, a perfume and some articles to pass along.
I’ll start with my wins for the month of March. At the end of February, I started using my Pinterest account which had no views. As of this moment, there are 39,000 views. I know that’s a relatively small number for Pinterest, but it’s just the beginning. I think it’s good considering the endless accessibility issues I have with Pinterest, my limited ability to create eye catching photos and my lack of knowledge on how Pinterest works. I have been reading and researching which has given me a better understanding of strategies for using Pinterest. It’s a work in progress, but what isn’t? My second win and one of my goals for 2019 was to reactivate my Amazon associates account. I’ve been working hard to update older posts as well as create new content. Now the trick is making those sales. My third accomplishment was getting approved for ShareASale. That will be my next project.
As I’ve talked about on the blog before, I always have an Audible book that I’m listening to. Earlier this month, I read the Ex-Wife by Jess Ryder. It was one of those books that sounded kind of interesting, but I wasn’t too sure about it. I found it in a two books for one credit deal. After the first couple of chapters, I really wanted to know what happened next. I listened to most of it in one weekend. I won’t give anything away, but the ending seemed to be an opening for a second book, but who knows. I’ve read a lot of books lately where loose ends aren’t tied up.
Unfortunately, I did not take a picture when I cooked this, but I’m not a food photographer anyway. This Easy Instant Pot Macaroni and Cheese is so simple to make. It tastes good. Rosebud loved it and that is saying something. She’s going through an extremely picky eating phase. The best part is it takes about ten minutes. The other great thing is you make it in the instant pot. I love having only one pot instead of a bunch of pots and pans to wash. The macaroni comes out perfect and it is very cheesy. If you try it, let me know what you think.
I ordered some makeup and got a sample of Viva LA Juicy Noir by Juicy Couture. I quickly used it all and then had to order more. It’s hard to describe the scent. It’s kind of fruity, but it’s not over the top sweet. It’s not too strong unless you use more than you should. I normally stick with one or two scents that I use most of the time, but this one has become one of my favorites. What are your perfumes that you absolutely love?
Okay, so I have several for this month. I couldn’t narrow it down to just one, but they all serve different purposes.
This first article is about raising daughters and gender stereotypes. It’s well written and reminds us what is important about raising a girl. Click here to read, The Trappings of Girlhood.
I saw this cool article from Whimsyroo with a list of bath time activities. I know Rosebud gets bored with the same bath toys and this post has some great ideas to make bath time more fun. I love this blog and all the fun activities she posts. Click this link for Creative Bath Time Activities for Kids.
I am a big fan of journaling and one of the benefits of journaling is gratitude. If you journal about the things you are grateful for, it can boost your mood and if you are a believer in the law of attraction, gratitude will bring you more things to be grateful for. That being said, listing the same five things you are grateful for can be a little boring and not seem worth the effort, but Monica from Mindfully Monica explains how to start a gratitude journal that actually works.
Full disclosure, I saw this one a little before March started, but I have to share it. I’m featured on this post from GROWMOMMY.COM! Rosebud’s antics earned me a spot in this list of 10 Hilarious Reasons for Toddler Tantrums.
This post from Be Anxious About Nothing brings to light the very important and overlooked issues of disabled domestic abuse. The post was written in defense of Dr. Phil and his recent show with a couple where the man is disabled and the woman is not. I knew nothing about it until seeing this post, but there has been outrage online due to the show’s supposed ablism. I say supposed because I have not seen it and don’t want to comment without viewing it first. However, I will share this post because disabled people are more likely to be the victims of abuse and that has to stop.
This final link is to a Ted talk about being a good listener. Too often we forget to really take the time to listen to someone. Sometimes all someone needs is to be heard.
I know 2019 is already here, but I wanted to share some of the books I read last year. I read close to 50, but here are ten of the books I really enjoyed or were the most memorable. I wasn’t much of a reader until my late 20’s. I mostly read nonfiction and rarely branched out. Lately, I’ve been trying a bit of everything and read quite a few novels last year. I’ve branched out into self-help as well. With those books, I take the gems that resonate with me and leave the rest.
In 2018, there were a few that stood out to me and I found lessons that I could actually apply in real life. Since I am talking about self-help, I’ll start with those in no particular order.
Self Help
The 5 Second Rule
Listening to this book was like having Mel Robbins sitting right here talking. It was relatable and practical. The 5 second rule is a great strategy to help you stay motivated and last year, there were a lot of times where I put it into practice. Especially surrounding my morning routine. If you haven’t heard it, you should check it out and maybe you’ll find it helpful.
Kick Ass With Mel Robbins
This Audible original consists of several coaching sessions with Mel Robbins. This was interesting because Mel is more confrontational than most coaches I’ve heard of, but she made a lot of valid points with these particular clients. There were a variety of topics discussed and overall, it was an interesting listen.
Light is the New Black
Throughout this book, there were many thought provoking questions posed. This gave me lots of journal prompts to work through. There was some awesome quotes and affirmations that I really like. I enjoyed answering some of the questions in this book and it helped me to realize that I needed to get back to writing and journaling.
This book is written by Amir Levine and Rachel S. F. Heller. I’m cheating a bit. I read this book towards the end of 2017, but I am including it on this list because I found it insightful. I thought I had one attachment style, but after answering the questions in the book, my results were much different than I expected. It made a lot of sense to me. This knowledge will definitely help in the future. It was an eye opening read.
When the Air Hits Your Brain
This was a well written account of one doctors experience being a Nero surgeon. His stories about his patients and colleagues were real and and at times filled with a lot of emotion. I cried during chapter 10. The story about the baby just got me. There were instances of sadness and death, but there were medical miracles too. I enjoyed this book.
The Sound of Gravel
This book was more shocking and disturbing than enjoyable. I love documentaries and and reading stories about people’s lives. At times that includes a lot of sadness and shocking and scary things. A lot of negative stuff that happens in this world is preventable. Especially when it comes to children. This book was proof of that. Spoiler alert! The author does find a better life, but it was a long hard road.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: What I learned from the Cat
I love these Chicken Soup books when it comes to stories about pets. I’ve read Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul and Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul. There were amazing stories in all three of these books. Some were sad enough to make me cry and others made me laugh out loud. It’s amazing how pets can comfort, rescue, create bonds, play and help heal us. If you are an animal lover, I’d definitely recommend this series of books.
The Perfect Mother
This book was a thriller with a few twists. A group of mothers meet up for play dates and one of the babies disappears. Some of the mothers come together to try to solve the case which takes you in a few different directions.
Little Fires Everywhere
A Chinese mother places her baby up for adoption and a white family is in. the process of adopting her. It becomes a controversial issue in the small town where the book takes place. The focus is on one family. An unusual woman and her daughter are new in town and they have a major impact on the whole family. This story has lots of layers and deals with a wide variety of issues both within a family and in the wider community.
The Memory Watcher
A young mother puts her child up for adoption. It seems that the perfect family has adopted her, but there are issues that get uncovered throughout the book. The characters were complex and no one was who they seemed to be. It was a fast read and the ending felt like the author could continue the story if she wanted to. If you like suspense or family drama, you’d probably enjoy reading this book.
This year, I hope to read many more books and by next year, I will have created another list. I just started reading My Lovely Wife in the Psych Ward.” What are you reading right now? What have you read that you’ve loved? Tell me in the comments and happy reading.
I wanted to do a gratitude series of posts in November, but this month seems to be running away from me. It’s already half over. To get into the spirit of Thanksgiving, here’s a list of some of the things I am grateful for. Not just for this season, but all year.
1. This blog
I’ve found another creative outlet and I’ve had fun expanding my knowledge of blogging. I’m thankful that you are reading my blog. You could be reading any of the millions of articles online, but you’ve come here and I appreciate that.
2. My ability to write
Speaking of the blog, it wouldn’t be in existence without my ability to write. I’m grateful for the people who have encouraged me to write over the years. Mrs. Galle and Mr. Fisher in particular. Writing not only lets me reach out to so many people through this blog, but it helps me through difficult times.
3. Books
I never thought I’d like reading. When I was a kid, I hated it and if you told me I’d love books as an adult, I’d have laughed in your face. It was mostly because reading was slow for me and I didn’t have the same books as the other kids. When I found Audible and the Kindle app, a whole new world opened up to me. Now I always am reading a book or two.
4. Today’s technology
Although many people see today’s technology as a curse, I see it as a blessing. I don’t know where I’d be without all this technology. I was able to complete an entire masters degree online and now my goal is to have a business working from home. None of that would’ve even been possible when I was a kid. When cell phones first became popular, there was so much of it that was inaccessible to me because of my visual impairment. If you told me when I was younger that I’d be using the exact same technology as my peers and would be able to access the same information in real time, I wouldn’t have believed it. Don’t get me wrong, there is still a long way to go when it comes to accessibility. New accessibility bugs pop up with every software or app update, but we have come a long way.
5. Clay
I love being creative and making something functional and or beautiful. You can pick up a ball of clay and there are endless possibilities. With imagination and some skill, you can make something amazing. I’m hoping to take another pottery class this winter.
6. Cooking
I’ve tried lots of new recipes this year. I love experimenting in the kitchen and finding a new favorite recipe.
7. My home
I’m so thankful that I have a wonderful home where my daughter can grow up. At least for the next few years. It’s cozy as Rosebud says. I’ve been able to make lots of improvements to it as well, getting it closer to my dream home. I am so fortunate to have a nice warm place to live and try to remember that every day.
8. Nature
I love finding the sunny spot on a cold day, looking at the clouds and taking walks to get fresh air and to just listen to the birds. The beach is my happy place and I even love rainy days.
9. Family
Although we have our issues, they’ve always been there for me when times have gotten really tough.
10. My cats
They’ve been with me for a long time. Even though I haven’t been able to spend as much time with them and don’t get to spoil them as much since I’ve had Rosebud, they’ve been such a comfort. They have a wonderful presence and our home would feel empty without them. They are friendly, affectionate, fluffy and protective of Rosebud. I couldn’t ask for anything else from a pet.
11. Friends
I don’t have very many and the ones I have, I don’t get to see them often, but I appreciate them so much. Thank you for letting me vent, being there for me and sharing stories and plenty of laughs.
12. The kids I work with every day
There are a few who are so special to me and are my whole reason for showing up to work. I love the hugs, when they tell me they love me and when they include me in their play. When they come up and demand you play with them, you know you’ve done something right.
13. My health.
I’ve always been generally healthy. When I see the people around me with lots of medical issues, I realize how fortunate I am.
14. My past experiences
Although there have been a lot of negative experiences in my life, they’ve shaped who I am today. I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons. Although I’m not yet grateful for everything in my past, there are still lessons left for me to learn. I am grateful for the opportunities for growth ahead and for all the wonderful memories, the people who I’ve met and the places I’ve seen.
15. My daughter
Most of all, I’m thankful for my daughter. She has given my life a whole new purpose. I don’t know where I’d be without her. Yesterday, I watched her cook in her pretend kitchen and when she served the cupcakes, she offered more to me than she saved for herself. She doesn’t always clean up her toys or listen to me, but when I ask her if she can do me a favor, her response is always, of course. She’s always wanting to help and she has an endless supply of hugs and kisses. She’s smart, sweet and funny and I’m so proud to be her mommy.
How about you? What are you thankful for? Tell me in the comments.
I’ve seen a few posts like this on other blogs recently and I thought I’d write a post with random facts about myself. It’s a way for you to get to know the person behind the posts. Here are some of the things that make me unique.
1. Rosebud and I share the same birthday. No. that wasn’t planned, but it was her original due date.
2. I’m a lefty and we all know about the Genius of lefties.
3. I’m a collector. I’ve had many collections over the years. For a while it was keychains when I used to travel more. I had a small collection of unique candles, but I stopped that when I kept getting endless store bought typical jar candles on every occasion. My childhood collections were rocks, shells, porcelain dolls and snow globes, later on. Most of those have broken over the years, but my unicorn collection has stuck with me.
4. Speaking of collecting, whenever I go clothes shopping, I can’t help but buy more shirts. Even if I’m only going for pants.
5. Raggedy Anne dolls creep me out. I hate the faces that are painted on and their stringy hair. A three dimensional face was always a must. I’ve been creeped out by them since I was a kid. In fact, if I hear a story about a haunted doll, I always picture one of those. I refused to let my mom buy one for Rosebud.
6. My first job was collating books. It was boring as hell and I had this horrible boss who insisted that we couldn’t talk to each other. We were working on collating Harry Potter books back when they first came out. I’ve never read anything from the Harry Potter series.
7. I lived in the same house until I was 18, but moved seven times between my 20’s and early 30’s. Only one of those times was out of state.
8. I can’t stand coffee. I don’t care for the smell. The closest thing I’ll have is a cappuccino.
9. I pierced my own ears when I was twelve using just an earring. Yes, I have a high tolerance for pain.
10. I named all my dolls when I was a kid and I probably had 40 to 50 of them.
11. I actually prefer cloudy days because I can see better when I’m outside.
12. One of my favorite hobbies is making pottery. The amount of things you can do with clay is endless.
How about you? What makes you unique? Let me know in the comments.
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