Tag Archives: motherhood
Navigating Motherhood Coaching
Valentine’s Day Gifts for Your Little Girl

Valentine’s Day is less than a month away. While I think it’s over commercialized like everything else, I want to make the day fun and special for Rosebud. Our tradition is that I surprise her with a small Valentine’s Day gift in the morning. I haven’t decided exactly what her gift will be yet, but I’ll admit that shopping for… Read more »
Toy Recommendations for Christmas 2019

When I asked Rosebud what she wanted for Christmas this year, she didn’t have an answer. Luckily for her, I have found some cool toys that she will be excited to find under the tree on Christmas morning. When I’m looking for toys for her, I try to choose things that are open ended to encourage creative play. I also… Read more »
9Baby Bath Time Essentials

Bath time was one of those things that really worried me when I was a new mom. I questioned everything. Was the bath tub I chose going to be safe? Am I using the right products? What if she gets water in her ears? What if she hates her baths and struggles to let me wash her? I was anxious… Read more »
10 Must-haves for your Baby Registry

If you’re pregnant and have a baby shower coming up, you’ll definitely want to create a baby registry. You can create one almost anywhere you shop, but when I was in the market for baby products, I found some of the best deals on Amazon. You can use your registry in different ways. Since many of my family and friends… Read more »
5 Pregnancy Tips for First Time Moms

Being practical in life can go a long way. Sticking with sensible decisions while pregnant is possible even for first-time moms. We’ve gathered a few useful tips for expecting mommas. Switching to a different OB-GYN is okay Some are lucky to have an OB-GYN they’re comfortable with even pre-pregnancy. There are some cases though that their beliefs or recommendations do… Read more »
How to Create Successful Morning and Evening Routines for Kids

Today, I am collaborating with Amanda Tallent from The Zebra to talk about morning and evening routines. Having a consistent routine will definitely set your kids up for success. Predictable routines that work will help you, the busy parent as well. Amanda Tallent generously offered to share her morning and evening routine printables with my readers. If you want to… Read more »
55 Journaling Prompts for Moms

As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, I love journaling. I find that journaling has a lot of benefits. It helps clear the mind, look at things from a different perspective and lets you reflect on your past. It’s a great way of keeping track of your goals, remembering dreams, showing gratitude, preserving memories and if you are a writer,… Read more »
Why I Chose Preschool for Rosebud
Up until now, Rosebud has been cared for by family members while I work. I’ve never even left her with a baby sitter or a trusted friend. Leaving her with someone I don’t know at all has been completely out of the question. I had very negative experiences with baby sitters and childcare centers as a kid, so the thought… Read more »