Halloween is getting closer and maybe you already have your costumes decided. I’ve already bought one for Rosebud, but if not, I’ve got you covered. If you have Amazon Prime, you can have a costume in two days. It’s perfect for busy moms like me who don’t have the time or energy to make something homemade or shop around at an actual store. The title says 16, but I found a couple extra costumes at the last minute to add to the list. Check out these adorable and unique Halloween costumes for babies. Many of these costumes have larger sizes for toddlers as well.
Animals are always a good choice for a child’s Halloween costume. Most of the animal costumes are cute and not too scary. Rosebud was dressed as a unicorn on her first Halloween.
Rosebud dressed in a cupcake costume for her second Halloween. The food item costumes are fun and unique. It’s not something you see all the time.
Costumes for Boys
Most of these so far have been primarily for girls, but here are some cute costumes for boys as well.
If you’re looking for something more traditional, I’ll leave you with some cute normal Halloween costumes.
Are your kids dressing up as something unique for Halloween? Tell me in the comments.
Bath time was one of those things that really worried me when I was a new mom. I questioned everything. Was the bath tub I chose going to be safe? Am I using the right products? What if she gets water in her ears? What if she hates her baths and struggles to let me wash her? I was anxious in general about my baby being in a tub of water. Even though the tub might be made specifically for infants. As bath time helped Rosebud relax before bed, we quickly developed a nice bath time routine. Here is the list of baby bath time essentials that relieved my worry, kept Rosebud clean and made bath time fun.
Baby Bath Tub
Once we got started, we both became comfortable with bath time and she really enjoyed it. She loves anything to do with water, so that made my job that much easier, but when I first brought her home, she was so tiny. It was obvious that the baby bath tub I bought wouldn’t work. For the first month or two, I used the wash tub they give you at the hospital. It worked perfectly for her. I’d just keep my hand behind her head and wash the rest of her body with the other. Then when she was big enough, we started using this tub.
While it has mixed reviews, it worked perfectly for us. I picked this tub because it could be used until she was a toddler. The top part of the seat inflates so that the baby can lay back and be supported. When your baby is able to sit, you no longer have to inflate the top part of the seat. You just inflate the bottom part and it becomes more like a regular tub. I found that this tub had plenty of room for Rosebud to splash and play once she was sitting on her own. It was also easy to clean and it folds up for storage. Eventually, I had to stop using the tub because it didn’t fit well in my kitchen sink. One day I tried to move the faucet out of the way and it got caught on the tub ripping the plastic. I’d suggest using it inside your bath tub if you can.
Here are some other bath tubs to choose from.
Next, I bought this Munchkin duck tub. Rosebud was a toddler at this point, but I didn’t think she was ready to be in the big tub just yet. While the new tub was easy to clean, cute and definitely didn’t break the bank, I didn’t like it as much as the first tub. It served its purpose, but Rosebud quickly grew out of it. I’d recommend this tub if your baby can sit unsupported, but is not yet ready for the adult tub.
Baby Body Wash
It’s up to you if you want to go organic. For the first few months of Rosebud’s life, I did. A couple of people gave me this Babyganics body wash at my baby shower, so that’s what I used. While I prefer something with scent, this is a great option if you are sensitive to smells and or if you want to go chemical free. Later I used this oatmeal vanilla body wash. It smells great, but it’s not for everyone. I’ll include a few options for you to choose from.
Baby Shampoo
This is another case where you may want to go chemical free. I’ve gone back and forth between Babyganics and Johnson and Johnson since that’s what they gave us at the hospital. Both shampoos have worked for us, but once I get through my current bottle, I will try something different. You’ll have to find what works best for your baby’s hair and which product you feel comfortable with, so I’ve included a couple different options to get you started.
Wash Cloths or Sponge
I prefer wash cloths because they are easier to hang and dry, but sometimes a soft sponge works well too. I found a nice set of wash cloths that have lasted us a while. They are a thicker terry cloth, they are soft and have stood up to many washings.
Bath Thermometer
There are different options for this, but I needed something simple that I could see. This cute little duck by Munchkin did the trick. Once the water was too hot, the word hot would appear in big white letters on the bottom of the duck. I could be sure that the water was at the appropriate temperature and as a bonus, this little ducky doubles as a nice bath toy. It is easy to clean because there is no holes where water can get in.
Hooded Towel
Rosebud would scream when I got her out of the tub because she was cold. Having a good hooded towel was a definite must have! The best hooded towels we had were hand me downs, believe it or not. Normally, I don’t take hand me downs because I get a little worked up over germs and not knowing where something has been, but these towels looked barely used and they were obviously good quality. I’ve looked in the stores and can’t find them anywhere, but there are quality hooded towels out there. I’ve found that thicker and softer is better. You need something that can absorb the water quickly and keep your baby warm. I also loved that these towels were large. Most of the towels I bought myself or got from other people were so small, but these towels fully covered her and the hood actually fit her head. In some cases, the old school products are far superior.
Baby Lotion
Since we live in the northeast, we have long cold winters. With the heat being on all the time, it can quickly dry out our skin. That’s why I’d put lotion on Rosebud most days after her bath. Just like with the body wash and shampoo, I’ve used Babyganics and Johnson & Johnson. I usually stick with the oatmeal and vanilla because I like the smell, but it is not all natural. Luckily, there are lots of options if you are looking for organic products. With the warmer weather, I haven’t had to use lotion on Rosebud as much, but I’ve continued to use it when necessary throughout her toddlerhood.
As soon as your baby can sit up and play, this will become their favorite part of bath time. This bath ball was one of Rosebud’s favorite bath toys. She loved to watch the water falling like rain.
Another one of her first bath toys was this set of squirting fish.
When she got a little older, she started to enjoy this tea set and this Fisher-Price boat.
Bath Organizer
With bath toys, you need a place to put them. That’s where this great bath toy organizer comes in handy. I have it hanging on my shower caddy, but it comes with hooks that you can attach to your tub. This bag is a mesh material that allows the toys to dry between bath times. It has one large pocket in the back and three in front. The bottles that I have don’t fit into those pockets, but smaller bottles would. I use the large pocket for toys. To clean the bag, I just through it in the washer. The specific one I bought is no longer available, so here’s something similar.
Did I miss anything? What are your baby bath time essentials? Tell me in the comments.
If you’re pregnant and have a baby shower coming up, you’ll definitely want to create a baby registry. You can create one almost anywhere you shop, but when I was in the market for baby products, I found some of the best deals on Amazon. You can use your registry in different ways. Since many of my family and friends prefer to shop locally, I used my registry as my personal baby shopping list, but the best way to use it is for your baby shower guests. It’s easy to navigate, you can find just about anything and if your guests are Prime members, they get free shipping. Plus you get a free baby box just for setting up your registry.
Once you have created your registry, you’ll want to start adding products. There are so many products available, it’s hard to choose. You can end up spending a lot of money and buying a bunch of stuff you don’t need, so I’ve created a list of 10 must-haves for your baby registry. These are some of the products I used most in Rosebud’s first year. The obvious items are diapers, wipes, clothing and bath products, but this list includes products that you might not think of at first, but would find useful.
I’ll start off with some items for feeding your baby. Comotomo bottles
I tried many bottles and these were the best by far! I love that they are easy to clean, were a softer material and their shape is most similar to breast-feeding. I bought some of their slower flow nipples and they were perfect for paced feeding. Rosebud also didn’t get gassy on these. We had some trouble with some of the other bottles. Whether it was with the flow or shape of the nipple. She would get too much air from the bottle, but not with the Comotomo bottles. The only complaint I have about these bottles is they can be easily tipped because of their shape, so I had to be careful when filling them, but it wasn’t a huge problem for me. They may be a little more expensive than other bottles, but they are worth it.
Spectra S2
If you are breast-feeding and are in the market for a pump, I’d definitely choose this one. In most cases, your insurance will pay for a breast pump and the Spectra S2 is usually on the list you can choose from. I did a lot of research before choosing a pump and I also tried pumps from other brands to compare. I was having trouble with pumping, so I tried a Medela pump to see if my body would respond better to another pump, but I always got the best results with the Spectra S2.
Other Benefits
It’s a closed system, meaning the milk can’t get inside the pump or tubing.
It’s more gentle than the other pumps.
Relatively quiet.
Includes a night light.
Easy to use and has multiple modes to choose from.
Space saving high chair
I had two different high chairs. My aunt bought me this really nice stand alone high chair that could grow with Rosebud, but it took up a lot of space in my kitchen. However, at my mom’s house, we had this much smaller high chair that did the trick just as well. It was one of those that you attach to a kitchen chair that was already at the table. Of course, I loved that it saved space, but I also liked that I could sit Rosebud right at the table. You can use the high chair with the tray on or off depending on the age and needs of your child.
Night Time
Night time is important because we all need our rest. Sleep is hard to get in the beginning, but some of these products can help baby rest or give you peace of mind. Owl night light soother
I got one of these when Rosebud was a baby and I still use it to this day. The noise from this machine helps block out other sounds. Rosebud has always been a light sleeper, so this has definitely helped. We prefer the ocean sound, but there are songs, white noise, the rainforest and even a heartbeat to choose from. It has a light with different levels of brightness and has a moon and stars projector. You can leave it on all night which is what I do or you can have it shut off automatically. It’s been running for three years now and is still going strong.
Halo Sleepsack
I bought a couple of these for Rosebud because I wanted to cover her, but didn’t want to worry about blankets. In my experience, most baby blankets are too small to wrap with and of course there is always the worry of sids. The baby is in the sleep sack and the loose parts wrap around the baby to create a snug fit, so there is less of a risk of anything covering their face. These sleep sacks come in different materials and designs. I had good luck with these in my infant room as well since we aren’t allowed to use traditional blankets. Like anything else, these work well for some babies and not for others, but they are definitely worth a try.
Baby monitor
This was another useful gift I got at my baby shower and i still use this monitor to hear what goes on in Rosebud’s room. One cool thing about this monitor is if the sound coming from the room is louder, the lights on the monitor flash brighter. It also has a vibrating feature. I’ve never used it, but it may be helpful for some people. I’ve been using this particular monitor for over three years now and have never had a problem with it.
FisherPrice rocker
I had to find a comfortable place for Rosebud when she didn’t want to play on the floor. She preferred to sit up, but the problem was she couldn’t support herself yet. That problem was solved when I found this Fisher Price Rocker on Amazon. I just want to note that this is not the Rock ‘n Play. This is simply a little rocking chair that can be reclined as well. This one also has a vibrating feature plus hanging toys to keep baby entertained. I’d put her in this chair while I showered and she loved it. It was nice having another place to put her while I needed to get things done.
Mirrors and Toys
Babies love to look at faces and Rosebud was no exception. I found these mirrors on Amazon and got a lot of use out of mirrors. The great things about these mirrors is that you can attach them to cribs, seats or just set them up on the floor. These mirrors also have other items attached that the babies can look at and play with.
Rosebud’s favorite toys were made by Oball. I don’t know if it was the fact that they were easier to hold or maybe they were more entertaining, but all of these were her favorites. I’d highly recommend this brand.
Out and About
Lilibaby carrier
If you want to baby wear, I’d suggest the Lillibaby carrier. For me, it was the most comfortable to wear and the easiest to use. I also tried a sling, but could never get the hang of it. While the Lillebaby has a few clips to fasten, it felt more secure. It has several baby wearing positions that you can do depending on the age and size of your baby. It’s a mesh material, so it doesn’t get as hot. The best thing is that your baby can be close to you while your hands are free to do other tasks.
Shopping cart cover
This was an unexpected item that a friend gave me that I never knew I needed. When we went to the store, I would baby wear at first, but sometimes it was just easier to put Rosebud in the cart depending on what I needed to buy. I didn’t like the seats that they have at the store and there was no way I was putting Rosebud on the cold cart that is full of germs,so I was glad to have one of these puffy cart covers which kept Rosebud secure in the cart while she was able to sit up and look at everything while I shopped. I’d recommend one of these even though it’s not an absolute necessity.
What were your baby registry must-haves or those products you got that you didn’t expect to actually use? Tell me in the comments. Happy shopping!
Being practical in life can go a long way. Sticking with sensible decisions while pregnant is possible even for first-time moms. We’ve gathered a few useful tips for expecting mommas.
Switching to a different OB-GYN is okay
Some are lucky to have an OB-GYN they’re comfortable with even pre-pregnancy. There are some cases though that their beliefs or recommendations do not go in line with our values or gut feel. We’re not discounting the fact that these doctors have studied a lot and have valuable experiences. But, it is essential to know your rights as a patient, especially as a mother who will go through this beautiful experience of giving birth to another life form.
Definitely, not all deliveries are the same, but all births should be gentle. This means that the expecting mother’s rights are respected, she is empowered to choose, and that her birth support and providers follow her preferences. Just make sure you bring your records so that you don’t have to go through the necessary checks or tests that the new doctor needs to know.
Hand-me-downs are not a bad thing
In fact, this could probably be the most sound thing to do: to be a willing recipient for pre-loved clothes or other baby items like cribs, strollers, babywear, bouncers, high chair, etc. Whether you get them for free or for a very much lower price, it’s a great way to help other families get rid of things that will just end up in storage, and save a lot of money from buying brand new items that will only be used for a month or probably 2 years at the longest.
Make use of what you have
Concerning receiving or buying second-hand items, it is also best to look around your house for things that could be of use too. Say, for example, someone gifted you with a stroller; you can probably double it as a high chair. Check on your regular towels if they are hypoallergenic and can be used by the baby too. Or you can take some extra cotton/flannel fabrics and cut them into small squares. With edges sewn, these can be used as cloth wipes! Yes, items for the baby don’t always have to come from the baby section as long as you can do your checks.
Information overload is normal
Just like learning anything new, we are bound to feel overwhelmed with all the information at hand. So take one concept at a time. You have nine months to get just the right knowledge about those topics. Whether it’s about Gentle Birth, Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Attachment Parenting, and any other concepts you’re inclined to. You can also attend seminars and events other than reading about them. This is perfect not just for better retention but also to find people who are into the same beliefs and advocacies.
Keep your partner/husband/support team in the know
Everything essential you gained from reading, mentioned by your doctor and all the knowledge you have on certain concepts should definitely be shared to your support team. As the old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise the child.” For any support that you need from pregnancy, until birth, newborn stage, toddler stage, and so on, it is best to really involve those important people around you and let them in on the help you need and how you want to raise your child.
This is a life-changing phase of your life. Embrace it and enjoy this rollercoaster experience you’ll be taking on. Don’t worry; you’ll be great.
About the Writer:
Rachel Peralta is a freelance writer who finally took the leap of getting out of her comfort zone in the corporate world for 11 years. She loves traveling, supports the zero-waste movement and strives to practice intentional parenting as a hands-on mom to her active & curious little daughter.
Taking your baby to the beach for the first time can be exciting. You can experience the sand, the waves and the sun together. While the beach may be an enjoyable place for you, it may be a little scary for your baby or todler the first time. There will be unfamiliar sights, sounds and textures. When I took Rosebud to the beach for the first time, I didn’t realize how daunting it could be. We needed to take a lot of stuff, so I want to simplify it for you and make a list of the essentials you will need for baby’s first trip to the beach.
Beach Bag
First you need to have something to contain everything. A good beach bag is a must. I use a clear jelly beach bag that is quite large and can hold most of what we need. I couldn’t find the exact one, but here are some similar bags.
Sunscreen is an absolute must if your baby is over six months of age. I chose to use Blue Lizard because it is natural and not too sticky or oily when you put it on. There are a variety of sunscreens to choose from, so it’s worth doing some research. Here is EWG’s list of best scoring sunscreens for kids to get you started.
Don’t forget sunscreen for yourself as well.
If your baby is under six months, it is recommended that you do not use sunscreen. You’ll want to use a seat or stroller with a canopy.
If your baby goes in the water with you, you’ll definitely want to keep them safe. Rosebud used one of these. She was around 18 months and was walking when I took her for the first time. I put her life jacket on her and we held hands the whole time we were in the water. I just wanted her to experience the waves and getting her feet wet. We did not go out very far. Although, she kept trying to walk out further where some bigger kids where playing. She had no fear.
If your baby is not walking yet or you feel more comfortable baby wearing, you’ll definitely want to check out this list of the best baby carriers to use in water.
I always have sunglasses with me, so Rosebud brings hers with her most of the time as well, whether she needs them or not, but they are helpful on bright sunny days.
A hat is a must have to keep your baby’s head safe from the sun.
Food and Drink
Water Bottle
Hydration is so important. Especially in extremely hot weather. Be sure to bring water bottles for everyone. It’s recommended that baby’s not be given water until they are at least six months of age.
Bottle Holder
If you are breast-feeding, you won’t need this, but if you are using formula or pumped milk, you’ll want something to keep those bottles cold. I like this bottle holder because it’s big enough for two bottles and comes with an ice pack.
Lunch and or Snacks
Depending on how long you are at the beach, you’ll want something to eat.
You could bring a cooler for drinks, a picnic basket with sandwhiches or a variety of snacks that are easy to eat on the go.
What to Wear
Bathing Suitt
Diapers or Little Swimmers
Water Shoes
Be sure not to forget changes of clothes.
The Fun Stuff
Beach Towels
Totally optional, but a blanket is a good choice if you don’t want the extra bother of bringing chairs.
Comfortable chairs
Toys for Sand Play
Phone or Camera to Take Picturess
I was not the one taking pictures when we went to the beach. Since I was in the water with her, I never let go of her hand, so taking pictures were out of the question until we were safely ashore. I kept the use of my phone to the bare minimum while we were at the beach. I used it for taking photos of her playing in the sand and checking the time. The whole point is to unplug and enjoy nature and family time anyway. If you want to document though, it helps when there are extra sents of hands.
If you can get a break from supervision duties, bring a book and relax. If you need some book suggestions, check out this list of top beach bag reads for moms by the Confused Housewife. Most of all, enjoy the beach and the wonder of your baby seeing it for the first time. Are there any beach must haves that I missed? Tell me in the comments.
Since Mothers Day is right around the corner, I’ll be doing a series of posts on motherhood. You’ll get the good, the bad and the ugly. If you pick up a parenting book, you’ll read about what to do to have a healthy pregnancy, infant care, tantrums, potty training and how to create a night time routine. They might even touch upon the sleepless nights, for you, the parent. While that information can be very helpful, there are some things they don’t talk about and in most cases, mom’s aren’t talking about these things either. If we’re not talking about the endless joy and unconditional love, it’s as if you’re seen as a bad mom. I love Rosebud more than I’ve ever thought possible. She makes me laugh after a bad day. I am so grateful and proud to be her mom, but there a few things about motherhood in general that drive me crazy at times.
Your idea of clean flies out the window.
I used to take a lot of pride in keeping a clean house. I’d usually vacuum at least twice per week since the cats left hair everywhere. At least one of my weekend days was spent cleaning and doing laundry. I loved having everything in it’s place. There was nothing like coming home to a clean house and knowing that everything would be right where you left it. Well, after you have kids, that all changes. You might still obsess over keeping the place clean and organizing everything, but you’ll find you won’t have time. You’ll spend more time thinking about cleaning than actually doing it and you’ll start to wonder if you’ll ever get to do anything beyond spot cleaning the counters and bathrooms.
Not to mention all the new toys and equipment you’ll be adding to the mix. Half of my living room was filled with baby equipment and now that Rosebud is three, it’s filled with toys. Toys that I have to keep organized because if they are not put into containers, I end up stepping on them which of course hurts my feet. When I end up yelling about the stupid toy, Rosebud asks, what’s wrong, Mommy? Have you ever stepped on a lego or toy person? If so, you can feel my pain! We can always look on the bright side, when kids grow up and think back to their childhoods, they don’t remember whether you deep cleaned the house. They remember the time you spent with them. Here are some cleaning products that help me out.
This is a close model to the vacuum I have. It works well on pet hair.
This is the one I want to try because of the anti hair wrap feature. That is a huge problem in my house.
You’ll try, but you can’t capture everything.
I don’t know about you, but I wanted to capture Rosebud’s every milestone. I have so many pictures and videos, especially during her first year. While it’s nice to preserve and share those memories, if you spend too much time behind the camera, you’re not participating. If you’re too busy watching, you’re not interacting. There have been so many conversations over the past year or two that I wish I could recreate. I can’t, so they will live on in my memory. There are too many things Rosebud says that I want to write down so I won’t forget, but by the end of a long day, I’ve forgotten what she said. It makes me sad, but I know she’ll say something else that’s equally cute or funny tomorrow. The other day she told me that tomatoes couldn’t make catsup because they don’t have hands. I’d love to capture all the times she tells me I’m her best friend or that I’m a good mommy. She told me the other day that we have a good home. It’s moments like these that make my heart melt and make me so glad that I’m Rosebud’s mom.
You’ll never do anything alone, ever again.
Yes, you read that right. You’ll never do anything alone unless you have a baby sitter or if you’re lucky enough to have a good sleeper. For the first 15 months of Rosebud’s life, we co-slept, so I was never alone at night either. I was one of those people who was convinced, my kid would sleep in her own bed, but as soon as she was born, I didn’t want to be away from her. Although I tried laying her down in her crib, it was a no go. She’d cry and cry and it was just too heartbreaking to listen to. I’d be sitting in bed next to her responding to E-mails, listening to audio books or pumping and she’d usually sleep through everything. That was as long as I’d stay in the bed, as soon as I’d get up to go to the bathroom, get a drink of water or try to go and watch tv, she was awake in no time.
As she got older and started to crawl and eventually walk, any semi alone time I had was over. She’d follow me into the laundry room when I’d try to start the washer, the pantry closet when I’d try to sneak a snack and of course I couldn’t go to the bathroom alone either. If you are reading this and haven’t become a mom yet, appreciate your alone time while you have it.
You finally find out what exhaustion really is.
This phenomenon of complete exhaustion starts while you are pregnant. You don’t even have to weight for the baby to come for this one. In the first part of my pregnancy, I slept like a baby. I’d literally sit in my chair and be asleep a few minutes later. When I’d go to sleep for the night, I’d be so exhausted, I’d sleep so soundly. This was so unlike me. I had never been that tired and at that point, I didn’t know I was growing a tiny human. After my pregnancy was confirmed, I was still exhausted, but the sleepless nights began. What was I going to do? I was going through a difficult situation and nothing went as I had planned. I had a lot on my mind along with the physical symptoms, so I never slept through a whole night after that and I thought I knew what exhaustion was. The truth was I had no idea until Rosebud was born. It was exhausting trying to breast-feed around the clock, change diapers, and then attempting to function like a normal human being during the day. They say that you should sleep when the baby sleeps, but that was so difficult for me. I managed it a few times, but usually I was too worried about the state of the house or other tasks I needed to get done. As they get older, they sleep through the night, but they tend to go to bed later and in Rosebud’s case, she wakes up just as early.
You never get a sick day.
Now that we’ve touched on the exhaustion, that brings me to this little piece of information. Unless you have a village around you, you never get a sick day. It doesn’t matter if you can barely get out of bed, you have to. Your child still needs to be fed and cared for. They’ll still want to play. I remember one day in particular when I had the flu this past winter. I was wiped out. I could barely move without feeling sick, but I had to push myself to at least get up and throw a breakfast together. Then we spent the rest of the day in front of the tv because that’s all I could manage. Rosebud really wanted to play, but I just couldn’t. I made sure her basic needs were met and some days if you are really sick, that’s the best you can do. It helps if you both are sick at the same time because you’ll both want to just lay around, but it almost never works that way. Rosebud is always sick before me. By the time she’s feeling better, I want to spend the day curled up under the covers.
This is why self-care is so important. You cannot run on empty. Even though self-care may be seen as selfish, you have to find some time for yourself. Whether it’s relaxing with a book and a bubble bath, going to get your nails done or working on a craft or hobby, it’s well worth it. Then when the sick days come, you won’t feel as depleted. The other part of self-care is forgiving yourself when you make mistakes or when you are a less than perfect mother. We need to accept that we can make mistakes and learn from them and that we are still lovable even with our imperfections. When we tuck our kids in bed each night, we can tell them we love them and we forget about every crazy thing they did that day. We forget about the messes, the chaos, the interruptions and the fact that they woke us up before the sunrise yet again.
Did you know that April is c-section awareness month? I didn’t. I didn’t know much about C-sections until about 15 minutes before landing on the operating table, so I thought now would be a good time to share Rosebud’s birth story.
The Beginning
When I found out I was pregnant, one of my first thoughts was, oh my god! I’m gonna have to give birth. This is is going to hurt more than anything and how am I going to get through it. I was overwhelmed by the idea. It was scary, but I tried to put that thought out of my mind. I told myself that I’d cross that bridge when I got to it. when I had my first appointment with the midwives, they asked about a birth plan. I had no idea what I wanted, but when they mentioned that I could have a water birth, I liked the idea. I heard it was more relaxing and less painful. That’s what I was going for. Either way, I always expected a natural birth.
After Rosebud’s first ultrasound, they discovered some complications. She had a Velamentous chord insertion which basically means that the chord had become attached in the wrong place. With this condition, the vessels are exposed and they can rupture during labor. In some cases, it can cause still birth. When they explained this condition to me, it was a little confusing and worrisome, but they told me that it wasn’t going to be a big deal, but that they would be monitoring me closely. They told me that they would have to do an induction if I didn’t go into labor by 39 weeks, but both the midwives and doctors said that I wouldn’t have to have a C-section. They said I could have a natural birth. At the time I believed them, but a little piece of me knew the writing was on the wall.
Birth Plans Change
Since my plan was to have a natural birth, I never bothered to do my research. On one hand, maybe it was better that way because I would’ve been even more scared. On the other hand, I would’ve known about potential complications and what to expect during recovery. I could’ve learned about a Gentle C-section. Luckily, my midwife and doctor used many of the elements of a gentle c-section, but I had no idea it was a thing until this past year. Anyway, after the Velamentous chord insertion diagnosis, a water birth was out of the question. The midwives told me it wouldn’t be safe, so I opted for a natural birth with no medication. As my pregnancy progressed, everything was going well. Rosebud was healthy. We passed all our tests. Towards the end of my pregnancy, we had to go in for stress tests twice per week. While they were annoying and I could tell Rosebud didn’t like them, I was glad to hear her heartbeat and her constant movement. As expected, I made it to week 39 and still no signs of labor, so an induction was scheduled to start on a Sunday night.
The Induction
The first night was long with barely any progress. They kept upping the dose of Pitocin over Sunday night and throughout Monday. There was still no baby. I was having contractions, but they weren’t painful yet. That night, they decided to use the Foley balloon catheter. That’s a torture device if I’ve ever seen one. Just like that, my birth plan disappeared because now I was getting medication for the pain and to help me sleep. My next step, was no epidural. I was progressing at a snail’s pace. By Wednesday afternoon, there was still little progress and they had me on the highest dose of Pitocin. I think my insurance company told the hospital to get me out of there because they said I could go home and wait a couple more days to see if I went into labor naturally or I could stay and get a C-section.
Going Home Without my Baby
I decided to go home and rest. I was so exhausted already and hadn’t even had my baby yet. She was still healthy and I was still healthy, so I thought I was making the right decision. A C-section is a major surgery, so I wanted to avoid it unless it was absolutely necessary. There was also a part of me that wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. I spent that night at home in my bed and I actually slept. All I remember from that next day was going grocery shopping. It was pretty close to Christmas and the stores were crowded. I was so uncomfortable walking around. Later that night when I was about to go to bed, I got a call from the midwives telling me I couldn’t come in the next day for my second scheduled induction because there were too many women there already. I told the midwife it was okay, but it wasn’t. I was pissed and I bursted into tears as soon as I hung up the phone. By then I was done. I was done with being uncomfortable and I didn’t want to be induced a second time. I had heard Pitocin contractions were more painful than natural contractions and while I don’t have much to compare it to, I’m sure that’s accurate.
Part 2
I woke up around 3 A.M to use the bathroom and my water broke. Finally we were getting somewhere. I went back into the hospital and they checked me again, but there was no progress other than my water breaking. The induction started all over again, but they increased the Pitocin at a much faster rate. I started to make some progress, but after about ten hours, the pain was becoming unbearable and we weren’t getting much closer. I finally caved. I asked for the epidural and things went downhill from there.
A couple hours after getting the epidural, the complications started. Rosebud’s heart rate started to increase, I suddenly had a fever, was lower on oxygen and couldn’t urinate. Sorry, tmi. Rosebud’s heart rate and the oxygen mask scared me. It was happening so fast and I had no idea why. It was probably effects from the medication and the epidural plus being induced twice. My body couldn’t handle it. At this point they recommended a C-section. They asked if I’d consent to one. I said yes, please. Let’s get this over with. By this point it was getting late into the night. I’d basically been in labor for the previous week and I wanted to see my baby.
Rosebud’s Entrance
About 15 minutes later, I was being wheeled into the C-section room. The anesthesiologist I had previously seen was back to give me the spinal this time. I barely felt it. The next thing I knew. I was numb and they were lifting me onto the table. They put the drape over me and got to work. They put that damn oxygen mask over my face again. I couldn’t breathe and it was scaring the shit out of me. I think I was in shock from everything happening so fast, but The anesthesiologist was wonderful. He was doing his best to keep me calm through everything. I felt some pulling and tugging and then I heard my baby cry for the first time. The crying didn’t last long. She had suddenly stopped, but everyone sounded happy, so I knew she was safe and healthy, but I couldn’t hold my baby right away. I couldn’t stop shaking and I didn’t feel it was safe, so they wrapped her in a blanket and placed her right next to my head. I could feel her little arms and legs and talk to her for the first time. That’s not how I wanted her to be born, but she was finally here.
Finally With Rosebud
Once we got back to our room, I was able to finally hold her and nurse for the first time. That was more difficult than expected, but that’ll be another post. As the night went on, I was able to get up and walk around. I didn’t feel much pain since I had plenty of pain meds. I thought things would be fine now that it was over with. I wasn’t prepared for the swelling that felt like it was never going to end. I had no idea about the complications that a C-section could cause for nursing mothers. I didn’t know that it takes longer for milk to come in after a C-section. I didn’t know I’d be in so much pain after I went home even with the prescription they gave me. I didn’t know I’d feel like a failure. Yes, I gave birth and my baby was healthy, but I still felt like my body betrayed me. Not only was I unable to give birth naturally, but now I was having such difficulty nursing. It became my mission to make my body do something right for once. I didn’t know I’d feel so depressed and sad. There is so much pressure to be perfect mothers and perfect women.
Everyone was telling me that it didn’t matter how my baby was born, but it mattered to me. It was an emergency C-section and it was traumatic. It was scary not being able to breathe on the operating room table and to not have any control of my body. It turned out that the reason that was happening was because I’m short and the spinal went a little too high. The thing was I could’ve lost her and that scared me the most. Nothing about my pregnancy, labor or delivery went as planned and I should’ve been expecting that, but it was extremely disappointing. Rosebud is three now and I have come to terms with my birth story. In the end, I know I did what I had to do. I have a happy and healthy daughter and that’s what has always mattered.
C-section moms are not failures. We are strong mothers. Some of us brought our babies into the world through extraordinary circumstances and for others of us, it was planned this way. We did what we needed to for our own health and for the health of our unborn children. While we didn’t bring our babies into the world the natural way, we have our own stories to tell that are just as valid and meaningful.
With the recent passing of my Mellow, I’ve been thinking a lot about how pets enrich our lives and become members of our families. There are so many benefits for children to grow up with pets, but some people worry that pets will hurt children because of old wives tales. Others find caring for pets and children together too stressful and then the pet ends up at the shelter. It’s not uncommon to hear stories of people surrendering their pets because there is a baby on the way. The good news is that you don’t have to give up your pet. Here are some ways to help your pets and newborn happily coexist.
Prepare Baby’s Room
While you are preparing for your new baby, so are your pets. In fact, they might even know you’re pregnant before you do. I’m pretty sure Diamond and Mellow knew as they became quite clingy and protective around that time. It’s best to prepare your babies room a couple months prior to your baby coming home if possible. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do this since I was house hunting during my pregnancy, but luckily, I found a place in time. Rosebud was due in December, so I had all the furniture in her room by October. This was so that Diamond and Mellow could get used to the furniture. They could put their scent on it. Cats like to rub on things to mark it as their own and the furniture in Rosebud’s room was no exception. They could learn what was off limits. They could sit in her chair, but the crib was a no-no. Mellow found her chair right away and decided it was his. As a side note, you can leave out bottles of powder, baby wash etc so that your pet gets used to those smells as well.
Pretend You Have the Baby
Before your baby is born, pretend you already have the baby. At different times, put on sounds of a baby crying. Put a baby doll in the crib, carry it around etc. this may sound silly and I’ll admit, I didn’t do this. Of course you can’t always predict how your pets will react, but I knew Diamond and Mellow were pretty low key. I never worried about agression or any extreme stress reactions. If you have an extremely sensetive pet or if you have any concerns that your pet will react negatively, I would recommend doing this just to gage your pet’s reaction if nothing else. Several years ago, I listened to The Pet Show with Warren Eckstein and he always recommended this method for both dogs and cats.
Share Responsibilities
If you are the mother to be and you are the primary care taker for your pet, have someone else step in if possible. This way your pet will get used to a new routine and will not feel so lost when the baby comes. Maybe your partner can feed the cat and change the litter box. Maybe another family member could take the dog for a walk or play a game of frisbee. Although no other family members lived with me, they gave the cats more attention when they did visit because they knew the cats might feel jealous of the baby. Slip in a few extra treats or a special toy. Anything that makes your pet feel loved.
The Baby’s Scent
After the baby is born, have your partner or other family member bring home something with the baby’s scent on it. It could be anything. A blanket, a towel or even a piece of clothing. Put it near a place where your pet likes to hang out. It could be near your pet’s bed or favorite scratching post. I had every intention of doing this, but my hospital stay was so stressful that it had slipped my mind. I wasn’t that worried about my cats with Rosebud, but if your pet is really sensetive, I’d highly recommend it. If your pets have already smelled your baby’s scent, they will feel more comfortable once your baby arrives home. When I first set Rosebud’s car seat down, diamond and Mellow quickly came to investigate. They sniffed, rubbed against the car seat and got back to napping.
Separate Spaces
Now that your baby is home, you need some separate spaces. Make some baby free and pet free zones. I’d recommend investing in a couple of good quality gates. In my house, the crib was the pet free zone and at first, my bed became a pet free zone as well. I was worried that Diamond would get too close to Rosebud while she was sleeping. She loves to snuggle at night. The room with the litter box was a baby free zone. I had gates set up so the cats could get through, but not Rosebud. I also have one high cat tree so the cats can survey all the action from above when they want to get away. For a dog, the separate space might be a crate or a gated room. This is common sense, but never leave pets and babies unsupervised.
This cat tree is similar to an older one I had. This is perfect for a multi cat household. I have had other cat trees as well. Scroll down to the end of the post if you are interested in other models.
Quality Time
As stressful as new motherhood can be, try to take a few minutes each day to spend quality time with your pets to remind them that they are a member of your family. They haven’t been replaced by the baby. I definitely couldn’t spend as much time playing with and pampering the cats, but I took time every day to pat them. They’d usually come over and lay next to us if Rosebud played on the floor. After a while, they started sleeping next to us at night. I’d get my cat snuggles at three AM after a nursing session. I was so peaceful being up in the early hours of the morning, just listening to the quiet and snuggling with Diamond. Mellow was more demanding and was more in my face during the day. He’d come lay in the middle of Rosebud’s toys and become involved in her play as she got older. Sometimes you have to take your pets lead, spend the time when you can and eventually your baby will become interested in your pet as well.
Now Rosebud helps me feed Diamond. She tries to play with her using the cat toys and she has learned to be gentle with her.
Diamond has always been protective of Rosebud since she was born, but Rosebud developed a bond with both cats. It’s been amazing to watch. With the benefits to Rosebud, the preparation was worth it. Both for the cats and for her. How are your pets with your baby? What have you done to help them adjust? Tell me in the comments.
As I’ve been working on filling Rosebud’s Easter basket for this year, I’ve been remembering her baskets from previous years. She was only a few months old for her first Easter and I had no idea what to put in her basket, so I ended up filling it with mostly practical things. That worked great for me because she wasn’t old enough to open her own gifts, she didn’t realize what she would’ve been missing and I was able to use these items for the rest of the year. If you’re like me and have no idea what to put in your baby’s first Easter basket, this post is for you.
Something Practical
Rosebud was around four months old on her first Easter and I knew that she’d soon be starting solid foods. I found this great set of bowls. They come in a pack of three. They are different sizes and come with lids. They also stick to the table so that your baby can’t pick them up. I still use these bowls to this day when I want to serve Rosebud a small snack or to store her food in the fridge. She can now unstick them from the table, but thankfully she is past the stage of throwing her food on the floor.
When I bought these, I only bought the bowls, so I’ve never tried the spoons from this company.
I got this set of spoons to go with the bowls. I chose these because they were soft silicone and had good reviews. They have a long handle which sometimes works great and other times it doesn’t depending on where you and your baby are sitting, but overall, I’d recommend these spoons. There are no sharp edges or anything for babies to hurt themselves on. These spoons hold the right amount of food for babies who are just starting out.
To round out meal time, I got a cup. I’d recommend either the Nuk trainer cup or the Munchkin 360. The Nuk is small and Rosebud had an easier time holding it because of the handles. She loved this cup. It was relatively easy to clean and the water didn’t spill everywhere even though it has a nipple. The Munchkin 360 is more like a regular cup. There are little holes on the side and the baby tips it up and drinks as if they are using a regular cup. This cup also does not spill and it comes in different sizes. Many of the toddlers I’ve worked with have these cups.
To continue with the meal time theme, why not get a bib? It will help with all that messy baby food.
This bib would be nice for Easter.
These bibs are functional, wash well and Rosebud didn’t get irritated by them.
You can’t go wrong with books and there are so many Easter books out there. It’s never too early to start reading to your baby.
You can’t go wrong with a teether. Your baby will definitely need something to help soothe them while they are teething.
An Easter Outfit
I love dressing up Rosebud up in cute outfits. She had some beautiful dresses for special occasions when she was a baby. Even though we don’t go to church or do anything remotely religious, Easter was no exception. It’s just a tradition I suppose. There are so many cute clothes for Easter. You don’t have to get a fancy dress. There are plenty of cute outfits with bunnies or spring prints many of which a baby could wear any time.
Stuffed Animal
For Rosebud’s first Easter, I got her a plush rabbit holding a carrot. There are so many options and you can find a Easter plushy almost anywhere.
Since babies can’t have candy, I wanted to find other fillers that Rosebud could use as she got a little older. I did not put all of these things in her basket as I kept it small and simple, but these are all things I got her in that first year.
Squeeze and Stack Blocks
This is a great starter set of blocks. There are only eight, but they are good for babies to squeeze and stack. Each block has a little picture and number and they are textured.
Any rattle is a great filler for an Easter basket. Rosebud loved any of the Oball rattles. This one was her favorite.
Baby’s Easter Play Set
I didn’t buy the Easter version of this because I didn’t know about it until later, but I bought the first birthday play set. Rosebud loved this with all the different textures and little soft objects. It’s a neat toy and makes a nice keepsake to save.
Sensory Bottle
If your baby is old enough, you can make this Easter Egg sensory bottle for their basket. It’s a form of sensory play without all that mess. Plus if everything is trapped in a bottle, there won’t be any choking hazards.
Is there anything else you’d add to the list? What are you putting in your baby’s Easter basket? Let me know in the comments.
Valentines day will be here before you know it. The holiday is so commercialized, but for me it’s about spending quality time with those I love. I try to do that anyway during the rest of the year. When I was a kid, my mom would always buy me a little Valentines gift and I have been doing the same thing with Rosebud. If you are wondering what to get your little Valentine, here are some ideas.
Valentines Day Themed Books
Books make great gifts. There are so many options, they are educational and they are relatively inexpensive.
Stacking cups are simple, inexpensive and babies love them! They can scoop, they can pour and they can stack. These cups have little holes on the bottom. Rosebud would use these in the pool and pretend it was raining. These even have numbers inside if you wanted to do a counting activity. We’ve had these for a couple years and she still uses them in the water.
Rubber Duckies
How about these Valentine themed rubber duckies. There used to be this cool online shop called Rubber Duck Land that no longer exists. That’s where I found these cute little duckies, but I have found something similar to link to. It’s just a cute little novelty.
Stuffed animal
I’ve gotten a lot of Valentines stuffed animals over the years, but you don’t even have to stick to a Valentine theme for this one. Anything soft, cute and cuddly will do.
First Valentines Day Play Set
These are cute during the first year. I bought Rosebud the birthday play set and she loved it. They have these for most of the holidays. They are little soft toys with different textures to touch, colors to see and sounds to hear. They make great keepsakes as well.
This flower toy from Green toys is a neat idea. It’s flowers. It’s spring. It’s educational and Green Toys is a company that makes all their toys from recycled milk cartons. Rosebud has a dump truck made by Green Toys and she likes it. Their toys are sturdy and well made. I’d recommend this toy for older toddlers.
Homemade Gifts
More often than not, the best gifts are free. If you are the creative type, take out the craft supplies and create a beautiful card or a meaningful keepsake that will be saved and treasured later. You can work together with your kids to make Valentines for loved ones. If you are looking for something that your kids can give to others, try these salt dough keepsakes.
Quality Time
The number one gift is quality time. Just be in the moment with your kids. Whether it be playing outside, reading a book or curled up on the couch watching a movie, take the time. They will treasure it more than any physical gift just as we would. The memories together is what they will remember.
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