
How To Know When You Need A Break

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may have noticed that I haven’t been posting regularly in the past couple of weeks. For the past several months, I’ve had posts scheduled for Mondays and Thursdays, but lately I can’t keep up. The ideas haven’t been flowing and I’ve been frustrated with the lack of traffic along with the amount of time I’ve had to devote to my blog. As much as I love writing, I feel like this has been an uphill battle. I still love blogging, but I really need a break. My life is also changing in a lot of ways and I need time to adjust and find a new routine. That being said, I will still post here on the blog. Maybe once a week. Maybe more depending on my mood and how much time I have for creating new content.

How to Know When You Need A Break

I wanted to share how I came to this decision. Maybe there’s something in your life that you need a break from, but you are still unsure. Maybe you need a break altogether or just need to cut back. Here are just a few ways to know when you need a break.

Woman hitting cups

Stress Level

Are you overwhelmed and or stressed? If something is completely stressing you out, then maybe you need a break. If it’s not absolutely necessary, don’t be afraid to stop whatever it is. Maybe you took on too many projects. Maybe you want to declutter your whole home, but have no idea where to start. Maybe you are saying yes to too many people. Whatever it is, step back and ask yourself, is this essential to my everyday life?

If cutting it out altogether isn’t an option or if you start to feel guilt, the nest step is figuring out how to make the task more manageable. If you need to declutter your home, start with one room. If that is too much, do one shelf or drawer. Then keep working at it a little each day. If it’s blogging related, can you outsource some of these tasks? Can you hire a virtual assistant to handle your Pinterest or other social media? How about getting some guest posts if writing content isn’t your strong suit? In my case, I am not able to hire out any of these tasks, so my only option is to change my posting schedule for the time being, but I’m okay with that.

Women taking a break together


The next question to ask is how is this thing impacting others in your life? I know I haven’t had much extra time since I started blogging almost two years ago. I work on the blog each night and constantly throughout the day. I’m always participating in blogging threads on social media, trying to keep up with Pinterest, coming up with blog topics, finding images etc. If I don’t get my posts done on time, I will work on the blog early in the morning as well. Sometimes, it’s way too much. It doesn’t leave much time for myself or my daughter. On the weekends, I write my posts for the week, but I can’t get it all done in the evenings, so that only leaves the day time when I should be playing with Rosebud. It makes me feel guilty because I want to be successful with this blog, but I want to spend time with Rosebud as well. What is more important? Obviously, it’s Rosebud. She’s only little once and I don’t want to regret not spending enough time with her. I may not even have this blog in the future, so while it’s important to me right now, it might not always be. While my blog is tied in with my long-term goals, it’s not essential in this moment. When you are thinking of changing something in your life, ask yourself if it will get you closer to achieving your long-term goals. If not, then you have your answer.

Woman relaxing on beach

Self Care

There’s that all too common phrase, self-care. It gets thrown around a lot, but it is important. you definitely need a break if whatever it is you are doing stops you from taking care of yourself. Even if you are busy, you need at least a few minutes each day to recharge. When I stopped to think about it, working on the blog has taken up so much of my free time. For the past two years, I’ve barely written in my journal, stopped doing most of my other hobbies and don’t get enough sleep. It has felt good to do other things again. I’ve actually been able to write in my journal, watch some new tv shows and have started a new friendship. It’s been nice to do something different. I’ve also needed to focus energy on my future home business which has been a huge factor in my break from the blog.

Woman sitting by river

How does it feel?

Do you feel energized? Do you love what you are doing? Are you excited about it? Does it bring you joy? If your answer is yes to these questions, keep doing what you are doing. Does it make you feel depleted, overwhelmed, tired, down or just plain bored? If you answered yes to those questions, it’s time to change it up. If you are blogging, maybe you need to find a new topic that you are passionate about. If you are still passionate about your topic, but just need some new inspiration, a break out in the real world can do that. If you are doing something other than blogging, you can ask yourself these same questions to figure out what you need to do.

It’s often overlooked, but really take the time to notice how your body is feeling. I’ve been feeling drained and practicing some self-care has helped. What does self-care look like for you? Does it consist of a warm bubble bath or an early morning run? Self-care is different for everyone, so try a variety of things to see what works best for you.

How to Know When You Need A Break

Now that I have some of my struggles with blogging out in the open, I feel less guilt about not posting. It’s okay to step back. It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to drop something altogether. Most things are not  permanent decisions. To summarize, here are some questions to ask yourself before taking that much needed break. Is it causing too much stress in your life? Is it negatively impacting your relationships? Do you have time for self-care? Is it essential for achieving your long-term goals? Finally, how does it make you feel in your body? The answers to those questions can help you take the next steps and make the decision that is right for you. Are you struggling with burnout or knowing when to take a break? Tell me in the comments.


How To Find Topics for Your Blog Posts

If I’m honest, I’ve been struggling with blogging burnout for the past few weeks. It’s because I’ve been so tired at night and the last thing I feel like doing is working on the blog. For a while, I had a bunch of post scheduled and ready to go, but I’ve published most of those and haven’t had much time to write new content. I have lots of topic ideas and I’d love to take two or three days just to work on writing new posts, but with work and being a mom,  uninterrupted time for the blog is definitely not going to happen any time soon. One question I see often in blogging groups is, where do bloggers find inspiration for their blog posts? I’d like to share some strategies I use to generate topics for blog posts. Whether you are a new or experienced blogger, there may be an idea on this list that will help you create new content for your blog.

How To Find Topics for Your Blog Posts

Categories Web

What do you blog about? Start there. Grab a pen and paper or open a blank document and make a list of possible categories. Are you a mom blogger? Your categories may be babies, toddlers, working mothers, home schooling, cleaning hacks etc. Whatever comes to mind. Don’t start thinking of your audience just yet. This is just a web of ideas. If your expertise is finance, your categories may be debt management, saving money, making money etc. If you’r a beauty blogger, you might write down makeup, skin care, beauty routines or product reviews. The possibilities are endless at this stage.

Next, you want to break those categories down even further. Since I’m a mom blogger and early childhood educator, most of my categories tie those two things together. For example, one of my broad categories is toddlers. Here are some of my toddler subcategories.

  • Activities for toddlers,
  • Books for toddlers,
  • Toys fir toddlers,
  • Toddler safety,
  • Parenting a toddler.

After I’ve generated a list of subcategories, I break it down into possible topics for blog posts. Let’s break down toddler books into actual topics.

  • The best touch and feel books for toddlers,
  • Fall books for toddlers,
  • The best books about feelings for toddlers,
  • Our favorite books for toddlers.

We could go on and on as there are limitless topics for books, but you get the idea. When you are thinking of blog topics, try to think of a problem that needs solving or something that people may be searching for. Parenting may be looking for potty training strategies or must haves for their baby registry. The holiday season is coming. People will be looking for the best gifts and stocking stuffers or ways to save money over the holidays. Try to look at it as if people are coming to you with a problem.

Woman working on laptop


There are a couple of ways to use SEO to find topics for your blog. If you search for keywords, you can see similar results that show what people are currently searching for. This works well in Pinterest. For example, Halloween is right around the corner, so if you search for Halloween in Pinterest, you will see what is trending. As of now, people are searching for Halloween costumes, Halloween costumes for couples, Halloween makeup, Halloween decorations and ideas for Halloween parties. Just that one search gives you a bunch of new results and or categories to help you generate topics. If you take that a step further, you can find more keywords and more topics. If you click on Halloween decorations, you will get outdoor and or indoor decorations, decorations for the yard, party decorations, diy decorations etc. Then as you are writing, you can insert those keywords to help increase the traffic to your post.

Woman journaling while laying down


One place where I find inspiration is through journaling. However, what I take from my journal is obviously much more personal. I use these posts to help readers get to know me or bring awareness to important issues in my life that may be effecting someone else. Sometimes, I share personal stories to make others feel less alone. You can get some great topics from your journal, but you won’t always be solving a problem for someone, so it really depends on your blogging niche and or your audience. Sometimes as a reader, I enjoy blogger’s personal posts the most. It can be nice to connect with readers and or bloggers on a deeper level.

Woman using laptop in a bathtub

Everyday Life

You can find inspiration for blogging anywhere. I’d suggest using notecards or your phone to jot down ideas on the go. Some places you can find inspiration are from things you read, photographs, interactions with other people, products you use, random thoughts etc. Many ideas of have come to me as I get ready for work. A great blogging idea can strike any time. If something is interesting to you, but you can’t think of a topic at the time, write it down anyway. Maybe something will come from it later. For example, if you read an interesting article, bookmark it. You may have something to say about it that would make a great blog entry! Many experiences I have with Rosebud have been the inspiration for blog posts. These were not planned, but spur of the moment things like this trip to the pet store.

Mother using laptop while daughter colors

Other Bloggers

Finally, there are other amazing bloggers that you can get inspiration from. Sometimes when I read another bloggers thoughts on a particular topic, I post about the same thing. Not to copy them, but maybe I have a different perspective. Maybe I use different products that I’d like to recommend. One example is gift guides. Many bloggers have them, but they are all a little different. We have a variety of tastes and thoughts about what makes a good gift. Each of us has something unique to offer which is why we blog. I’m glad to be apart of this blogging world where we can share and learn from each other. I’ll end with some fantastic lists of topic ideas written by other bloggers.

115 Fall Blog Post Ideas to Increase Your Blog Traffic by Full Circle Digital.

50 Sources of Inspiration for Lifestyle Blog Posts by the Suburban Tourist.

7 Steps To Finding Popular Blog Post Ideas Through Pinterest Keyword Research from 9ToLife.

How to Get 100 Ideas for Your Next Blog Post by Jessie Synan.

How To Get Inspiration for Your Blog Posts

How do you find inspiration for your blog? Tell me in the comments.


The Best Places to Find Stock Photos for Your Blog

When someone clicks on one of your blog posts, one of the first things they notice is your images. The images you choose can make or break your blog post. Since I started blogging, one challenge I’ve had is finding quality stock photos at affordable prices. If you are wondering why you need stock photos, read on for the answer.

The best places to find stock photos pinOne solution is taking your own photos, but unless you’re a photographer or familiar with photo editing software, you might find taking your own photos is more trouble than it is worth. Some people ask why you can’t just go on Google and take random photos you find. Well, most of those photos are copyrited and you would have to ask permission to use those images. There are heavy penalties for using copirited material, whether it be images or written content. Since I’m not a photographer, don’t feel comfortable with photo editing and don’t want to get into trouble trying to use someone else’s images, I use stock photos. I also wanted to mention that I occasionally take my own photos if it’s a product I’m showing you or an activity that I have set up for Rosebud. I never put pictures of her up here on the blog for privacy reasons which is another reason why I use stock photos. I have compiled a list of the stock photo websites that I use most frequently. There are both free and paid websites on this list, so there is something for any budget.

Mother and baby taking selfie

Free Stock Images

Free is in everyone’s price range and these are the best sites I’ve come across so far.


This is a great site that I recently found for free stock photos. You can search by keyword or brouse by topics such as business, coffee or fitness to name a few. Most of the images I’ve seen on this site are horizontal, but I occasionally find virtical images as well. the thing that I love most about this site is that it has great photo descriptions. When I click on the photo and see the description, I know exactly what I’m getting. I’m visually impaired, so I can’t see a lot of the details in photos. when I’m looking for images, I normally have to figure out why the image is by zooming in, making it bigger and then figuring out if I want to use it or not. Having a detailed description makes that process that much faster. I appreciate anything that saves me time. Sometimes it takes me an hour or more to search for images for one post.

Pic Jumbo

Pic Jumbo is another site where you will find free stock photos. However, there are also premium collections that come out each month. There are different packages you can purchase. Pic Jumbo is managed by one man who takes his own photos, so if you purchase from his site, you can feel good about helping another person make a living instead of a huge faceless company. Pic Jumbo has decent photo descriptions, a variety of topics to choose from and you can search by key word.

FreeImages.comI forgot about this website until I was putting this post together. I’ve found a few photos on this website. The good parts of this website are there are a lot of nature images, the descriptions are okay and of course, it’s free.

Woman looking at photo album

Pexels is a pretty popular place to find free stock photos. It is a huge library of stock images from various websites. The thing I like best about this website is simply the huge variety of photos to choose from. The photo descriptions are hit or miss and the search functions are very basic, but I use this site often.


Pixabay is another popular place to find stock photos. The thing I love about this website is you can search by photo orientation. that helps when I’m looking for photos I can use for Pinterest. I also like that it has a wide variety of photos and of course, it’s free. You can also download different sized versions of each photo. My least favorite thing about this site are the image descriptions are horrible, but that’s because people are uploading their own photos to the website. Some of the descriptions are okay, but I usually have to figure out the context using the tags. Pixabay has worked great for me when I’ve used the right keywords and know exactly what I wanted.

Sea scape nature photography


I rarely use Unsplash, but I’m including because people really love it. There seems to be a variety of photos, but there are very few photo descriptions and many of the photos don’t even have titles. I have the most difficulty searching for photos on this site, so I only will use it when I’ve exhausted my other options. You also have to include the artists name if you use photos from Unsplash. While I feel the artists should be given credit especially if they are sharing their work for free, it’s an additional step that I don’t want to deal with. I know I’d forget what photo went with which artist. I do want to take this opportunity to thank the photographers and artists who generously make these free stock photo websites possible.

The best places to find stock photos pin

Premium Stock Photos

If you are in the market for some affordable stock images, the following websites are for you. I’ve only found a couple that aren’t outragously priced, so if you know of any other affordable stock photo websites, let me know.


So far, this is my favorite premium stock photo site. They have a variety of packages to choose from. My personal favorites are the credit packages, but they have monthly subscriptions as well. Their library of photos is huge. You can get the images in different sizes and they have videos as well. You can sign up with a free account with them and they’ll send you one free image per month. The image usually relates to a theme. For example, in December, they might send something about Christmas or New Years. I love that there are a lot of search filters and that you can find just about any image you can imagine. The photo descriptions are also pretty good. This is my go to site when I can’t find free images or I need something for Pinterest.

Chocolate truffle. Food photography.


I literally just found this site this week because they had this great deal going on! It was basically 50 cents per photo. That’s one of the best deals I’ve ever seen on stock images. The search function seems pretty basic, but they have a variety of categories to browse. The image library seems endless and the photo descriptions are good. This is probably going to be my second favorite.


Okay, I’m including StockFreeImages because I got a ton of photos during my one week free trial. That was definitely helpful. this site has a ton of photos, the descriptions are good and it was easy to search. My gripe with this website is the false advertising. First of all, the word free is in the company name. Second of all, when you click on a photo that says, “free” you get taken to a page where you need to sign up for a premium plan. Their plans are out of my price range, but if you are looking for some quality photos, StockFreeImages is an option. One thing I want to praise is their custom service! During my free trial, I kept getting errors when trying to download photos for the first two days, so I E-mailed them to find out what was going on and to report broken links. I’m not sure what the problem was, but when I asked if they could extend my free trial, they did. No questions asked! While I only did the free trial, I was pleased with that experience.

Woman in dress. Fashion photography

Stock Unlimited

This is another great website for finding stock images. They have different premium plans. I was lucky enough to get an unlimited 3 year plan for $50. Occasionally, they offer these amazing deals. While Stock Unlimited isn’t as big as some of the other stock image sites, they offer a lot. You can download fonts and templates as well. The image descriptions are pretty good. I find that it’s harder to find vertical images because they don’t seem to have a search filter for that. I hope they continue to expand their photo collections. If you haven’t tried Stock Unlimited, they are worth checking out.

What are your go to websites for stock images? Tell me in the comments.


How I’ve Made Pinterest Work for Me

Last year, I wrote a post about all the reasons I didn’t use Pinterest. As I said in that post, I wanted to use it. I knew that Pinterest drives traffic to blogs. I knew that there were Pinterest users that would be interested in the topics that I write about. Topics related to motherhood and activities for kids are huge on Pinterest. Unfortunately, for me, there were a lot of barriers. When I tried to use Pinterest, I became very discouraged and didn’t know if I’d ever be able to use it properly. If you’ve been reading my blog at all this year, you’ll have noticed the pins on the newer posts and I’ve gone back and updated some older posts as well. I’m happy to say that I am now able to use Pinterest, but it took lots of learning and researching, trial and error and waiting for features to become accessible. Now I will explain how I’ve made Pinterest work for me as a visually impaired blogger. Plus, I’ll give you some Pinterest tips for beginners.

How I’ve Made Pinterest Work For Me Pin

Pinterest Strategies

One of the things that put me off about Pinterest was that I had no idea how to use it. At first, I was just pinning my blog posts and other things at random. I wasn’t sure how many boards to have, how to organize them, when to schedule pins, how often to repin the same items etc. There is a lot that goes into pinning and promoting your posts. That’s why this free Pinterest Course for New Bloggers is so valuable. This is a free E-mail course that gives you step by step instructions on how to set up your Pinterest profile, set up your boards, find appropriate keywords for Pinterest SEO, create pins that convert and more. It’s free, so it’s definitely worth checking out and it’s a great starting point. Especially if you are new to Pinterest! One lesson from the course focuses on Pinterest group boards which are important for your blog content reaching a wider audience. If you’re not sure how to find or collaborate on Pinterest group boards, Marina from Tinylovebug has you covered. Check out her post, Everything You Need to Know About Pinterest Group Boards.

Web accessibility key

Equal Access on Pinterest

While I was researching and learning about Pinterest strategies, I was waiting for Pinterest to become accessible. If you’ve read some of my previous blog posts, you might know that I’m visually impaired. I use a screen reader to access everything on the web and sometimes, websites or apps are broken. Meaning, they do not function well or at all with a screen reader. I happen to use Voiceover which is built into all Apple products, but there are other Windows based screen readers as well. Some common accessibility problems with websites or apps may be that buttons or links are not labeled, buttons or links are not clickable or in some cases, websites or apps may be completely image based which means the screen reader cannot read the text or any of the features that may be clickable. Even though a link may be labeled visually for you with some text or an image, the screen reader may just say the word link or it may be a string of letters and numbers that don’t tell us what the link leads to. There are lots of accessibility bugs that we may face on a daily basis which I won’t get into here, but unfortunately, Pinterest has many.

Coffee cup and a tablet with Pinterest on screen

Last year, Pinterest was almost completely inaccessible to me. I was able to create an account, but that was about it. I couldn’t read pin descriptions, the blog posts after clicking through a pin, the notifications tab, anything in the following tab and so much more. There was a huge laundry list of features I couldn’t access. When I asked other visually impaired bloggers about this problem, they just told me not to bother with Pinterest since it is so visual anyway, but that answer wasn’t good enough for me. Pinterest is the largest source of traffic for blogs these days. Why shouldn’t I be able to participate in that? It frustrated me, but I waited. Every now and then, I’d try again. One day, it worked!

I found that I was able to upload my pins, read the pin descriptions and blog posts of others, save and send pins, collaborate on group boards and access most of the profile settings. In the beginning, I could barely do any of that, but Pinterest still has a ways to go. There are still a lot of bugs. I can’t read my messages, so what I do is take a screen shot and then export that photo to an app that can read text from photos. I still can’t read anything in the notifications tab unless I’m in Safari. When I add hashtags, a menu pops up with other hashtags that I can’t read. I can’t read or respond to comments on my pins. The scheduling feature on the Pinterest app is completely inaccessible with Voiceover. Today, I discovered that I could finally read most of the items in the following tab. If a pin doesn’t have a text title, I can’t read it. In order for me to read an image, I have to zoom in and make it bigger and even then in a lot of cases I have difficulty. I’m happy that Pinterest is becoming more accessible over time, but I worry that coding will be updated and those features will be broken again. Is the frustration worth it? Right now, I’m thinking yes because it has brought more traffic to my blog, but time will tell.

Woman with computer and mobile phone

Trial and Error

Speaking of frustrations, there are the graphics. That’s another interesting part of this blogging journey for me. I have done lots of trial and error to figure out a way to create pins. I know Pinterest is about eye catching images that draw the reader in. You have to think about the colors, the layout, the font etc. This is not easy for me since I have trouble telling most colors apart and see better with a sharp contrast. I don’t know much about fonts, so I stick to the basics.

The first thing I do is search the stock photo sites for relevant photos. If I find a large enough vertical image that either has copy space or a workable place for text, I export that photo to the Phonto app. It’s a simple image editor. I’ll mention that it’s really not that accessible, but it was simple enough to figure out. My only complaint is that I wish the text color options were labeled. After messing with the text, background colors, fonts and sizes, the image is ready for pinning. Let’s go back to square one for a minute. If I don’t find a large enough vertical image that is related to my blog post, I use an app called MA Long Image. This way, I can make a photo collage with two or more images. After I have my photo collage, I upload that to Phonto and repeat the process. Most people use Canva to create their pins, but I tried Canva and it doesn’t work for me. Most of its features are not labeled or accessible. I’m just glad to have found something that works even though it may be limited.

I’m not writing this post to complain, but I want to raise awareness of accessibility issues. I’m also the kind of person who pushes the boundaries of what can be done. People might ask why I care about Pinterest since it is so visual. As I previously mentioned, Pinterest is a great source of blog traffic, but it’s also a search engine. Many of my coworkers use Pinterest for lesson planning. The activities you can find for kids is endless. Why shouldn’t I have access to that information? While Pinterest is meant to be a very visual platform, most of the links lead to blog posts with text, so there is no reason why that shouldn’t be accessible. Pinterest is more than pretty images. It’s a great marketing tool, not only for promoting blogs, but for selling goods and services as well. I also want my readers to understand how I create my content and the work that goes into it.

How I’ve Made Pinterest Work for Me pin

Pinterest Tips

I’ll leave you with a few quick Pinterest tips I’ve learned so far.

  • 1. Create at least two or three pinnable graphics for each blog post. This way you can pin the same post to a board more than once, but be sure not to schedule those pins too close together.
  • 2. Speaking of scheduling, find a way to keep track of your pinning schedule. Many people use Tailwind, but that is even less accessible than Pinterest, so I don’t use it. Some people use an Excel spread sheet or word document. This way they can follow which pins were posted to which boards. This will avoid multiple pinning too close together. You don’t want to look spammy.
  • 3. If you can, try to get premium stock images for pins if you can’t take your own. This can effect how well your pin does on Pinterest. If many people are using the same free images, Pinterest picks up on that. If those same free images are used for different pins in totally different categories, it can cause those pins not to perform as well. I happened to see this tip last week.
  • 4. Use Pinterest SEO. Search for keywords before creating your pin description and hashtags. Find out what’s popular related to the topic you are posting about.
  • 5. Don’t be afraid to try different things to see what your audience responds to. Whether it be a different pin layout, color scheme, different types of headlines etc. It may take a while for a pin to get traction, so don’t be discouraged if your pin isn’t a hit in the beginning.
  • 6. Don’t forget to spread the love and pin plenty of other content from other bloggers. It will help you connect and reach a larger audience.
  • Do you want to learn more about how Pinterest works? Check out this list of 9 Pinterest myths.

As always, thank you for reading. Do you have any great Pinterest tips? Feel free to share them in the comments.


How to Leave a Good Blog Comment

You know what really makes my day? Getting a really good comment on one of my posts. Blogging is hard work. I write content, do a bit of research, find images, create pins and then promote posts once they are published. This process is the same for every post. When I get a really thoughtful comment, it makes my efforts worth it. When I have taught someone something, made them feel less alone or simply made them think from a different perspective, I have achieved my overall goal for this blog.

Reading a blog post over breakfast

If you are a blogger, there are several reasons why you should make commenting apart of your blogging routine. First, comments are what connect you with other bloggers. It is recommended that you find several blogs that you really enjoy within your niche and comment on them regularly. This way, you are building a relationship with other bloggers in your niche and bringing traffic back to your blog. They may start commenting on your blog as well making it a win-win for both of you. Next, comments help with SEO. A comment that uses key words from your post will help your posts rank higher when searching on Google. Finally, comments equal back links to your site. The more back links you have, the more credible your website will be and your domain authority will go up.

If you aren’t commenting or getting comments, you are missing out, but the important thing is your comment should be meaningful and strategic. How do you do that? Well, that’s what I’ll be going over in this post. I’m not an expert on everything blogging, but I have had other blogs in the past and A Flourishing Rose has been up and running for over a year now. With my previous blog, I got over 100 followers by simply commenting on other blogs. I did not have much of a social media presence back then and was blogging by trial and error. It didn’t take me long to figure out that commenting was the best way to build up my network.

How To Leave a Good Blog Comment (Pin)

Make It Meaningful

When you leave a comment, you want to show the blogger that you are interested in his or her post. If you just say something like, “good article” or “great post”, that doesn’t tell the blogger anything. Why was it a great post? To leave a good comment, here are some questions to ask yourself. The answers will help you leave a good comment.

  • What did I like about this particular post?
  • What did this post teach me?
  • Can I relate to something in this post?
  • Did this post make me think differently and if so, what changed my mind?
  • What is your response to the call to action in the post?
  • Is there something you can add that the blogger missed?
  • Did you disagree with something in the post? If so, what is it?
  • Did the post inspire you to do something? If so, what?

Woman with chalk board that reads “read my blog.”

Commenting Takes Time

In order to leave a good comment, you need to take the time to read the entire post. It’s painfully obvious when someone leaves a comment without reading the post. Those comments are often generic, but if you read the post, you can answer one of the above questions or think of an entirely different response that is unique. Another reason to read the post is to find the call to action. I often put them towards the end of my posts, but there can be questions throughout. For example, a call to action might ask, “what does your self-care routine look like? Tell me in the comments.” Other calls to action may be that the blogger asks you to try the recipe, download a printable, watch a video, click on links for further reading etc. These are all things you can respond to when commenting.

Typing on Mac Book

Keep SEO in Mind

As I said above, when you leave a comment, it becomes apart of that bloggers post whether it is good or bad. Everything in that post can be searchable through Google or another search engine. Assuming that the blogger is paying attention to SEO, you’ll want to sneak some key words into your comments to help that blogger’s posts rank higher with Google. A comment like, “thanks for posting” does not add to the posts value. However, if the post is about baby lead weening, it’s safe to assume that “baby lead weening” is one of the key word phrases for that post.

Here’s an example of a good comment. “I want to try baby lead weening with my daughter. I think we will try cooked carrots and sweet potatoes for her first foods. Thank you for sharing the feeding tips and the suggestions for baby’s first foods. I have bookmarked the list.” Do you see how I included some key words, mentioned which foods I would try and let the blogger know what I appreciated about their post?

Here’s another example of a wonderful comment from one of my lovely readers. Rose writes, “Oh, man. I don’t think I could have read when the air hits your brain. I am not squeamish about very much but I think the situations would’ve gotten me more than the medical things. I congratulate you on 50 reads. I’d love to know what’s on your TBR list for 2019!” Not only was it obvious that she read my post as she mentioned specific books that I read, but she gave me an idea for a future post. She also gave me something to respond to as she continued the conversation from my post. I like to respond to every comment I get, so it definitely helps when there is substance to the comment. You don’t have to write an essay, but you want to write at least two or three sentences.How to Leave a Good Blog Comment Pin

Be Careful About Link Dropping

If you only leave a comment to drop your links, that will be obvious. Not only is it rude, but it appears spammy. If you want to link drop, here a couple things to consider. Does that link have anything to do with the blogger’s post? For example, with my previous blog, I did a weekly favorites series where I’d round up a list of my favorite blog postseach week. When I published the post, I’d leave a comment on each person’s post that I linked to letting them know. I wouldbn’t just link drop and run though. Here’s an example.

“Your ice cream cone sensory bin is adorable. I will have to try it with my preschool class. I have included your post on my weekly favorites list which can be found here. Thank you for sharing this wonderful idea.” It took time, but I would get lots of gratitude and appreciation for sharing their posts.

Link dropping can be a slippery slope, but if you feel it relates to the bloggers original post or it contributes meaningfully to the conversation, you can include it, but I’d be cautious. My final note about links is that you definitely want to include your blog url in the appropriate box. That is what will drive traffic back to your blog. Most comment forms have fields for your name, E-mail address, blog url and comment.

A phone and cup of coffee next to a laptop.


To summarize, a good comment asks a question, answers a question or provides a different perspective. In short, it brings something new to the conversation. Some rules of thumb for commenting include read the entire post, give the comment some substance, keep the blogger’s key words in mind and don’t link drop unless their are special circumstances. Is there anything I forgot? What makes a good comment for you? Scroll down and let me know.


How To Get Through Blogging BurnOut

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, I’ve talked about creating a set schedule and sticking to it. Posting on a regular schedule is an important part of a successful blog. That way, your audience knows what to expect. I’ve been trying hard to get my posts out on Tuesdays and Fridays, but things have been different over these past few weeks. I’m lucky to get posts out on time if at all. I know there’s been silence for about two weeks now because honestly I’ve had no motivation to write. I’ve still been actively promoting my blog on social media, updating old affiliate links and creating new pins, but I haven’t done what I love most, writing and creating new content.

How to Get Through Blogging Burnout Pin

My reality is that I’m a working mom and I don’t want every waking moment that I’m not at work to be spent on this blog. While I love blogging, I still need to spend plenty of time with Rosebud and I need time for myself. Time where I can just relax to enjoy a book or a tv show instead of typing away on the keyboard. I’ve worked on my blog almost every night for a year straight and I finally needed a break. I’d look at my long list of post ideas and none of them stood out. Then I felt guilty for feeling unmotivated and lazy. Yeah. I could just drag myself out of bed even earlier again or stay up past midnight to force myself to write another post that my heart isn’t in or I could just take a break and come back refreshed. Obviously, I’ve made the second choice. I wondered if other bloggers were dealing with burn out, so I reached out to one of my mom blogger groups on Facebook. I asked them what to do when I feel overwhelmed with blogging. I asked what I should do when my motivation isn’t there and I just can’t get it together. They gave me some great ideas and I wanted to share them with you.

Mother holding baby

Reset Your Priorities

Ashley from A Sweet Life with Style.

Totally a newbie here, but I had to really take a step back and reset my priorities. As much as I love blogging and influencing, I had to realize it was taking away from what matters most – my kids and leaving me COMPLETELY overwhelmed. I am still overwhelmed every single day but at least there isn’t guilt of not being with my kids on top of that ! lol no advice.. but definitely can relate!

Break time with coffee and food.

Take A Break

Stacy from Protecting Your Pennies.

Honestly, I just take a break. Probably not the best thing to do but I do. I’m working now to build up some posts that I can have ready to go and saved that would be applicable at anytime so that I can schedule those if I am having an off week or 2.

Vintage type writer on a beach.

Repurpose Old Content

Heather whose blog is still brand new and under construction suggests repurposing old content? Hire out a blog post? I’m struggling with a husband working random hours (nurse; so he’s on 3 days, off 4 and in my hair!), plus one kid in school, the other I’m working with preK stuff till he starts preK this fall. I’m trying to batch work. And getting up early. But take time for you, too. If you’re burnt out you won’t be good to anyone. Write random thoughts about that down (maybe you’ll be able to bring it together for a post of burnout/reviving yourself). Start posts and ideas randomly, as you can, so you have something underway in the future. You can always add to it and then finish it up in weeks like this. Do a quick ‘live’ video for your audience. Something to say hey, I’m a mama, taking some me time but I’ll be back. Update an old post and repost it. I hope some of these ideas are helpful.

Woman writing in a notebook

Write Just to Write

Kaci from

Don’t be too hard on yourself because life happens. Maybe try writing just to write vs trying to “write a blog”. I’ve had to do that a couple times and ended up with a couple blog posts at the end of it because I felt like I was being real.

Work station with Mac Book

Create A Schedule

Jho from Empowered Moms at Home.

What I did is wake up earlier than the kids. They sleep very late, like 11pm-12 midnight, and wake up late around 10-11am. So I wake up at 7am or try to… Sometimes I wake up at 9am and work on my blog during weekdays. I find it helps that I only publish every other week. I’ll do weekly soon, but for now I can’t put so much since I’m still on the foundation/learning stage. I still am overwhelmed, but having a daily&weekly schedule to follow helps a lot.

Laptop with coffee and flowers

Find a Blogging Group

Tanya from The Mama Life.

I am in a wonderful group on Twitter and we do guest blogs and such when we find we are burnt out. It happens more than not. II work a full-time job as well as parent. You get the point. I took a two month break from writing anything but continued to share content on my social network and repost older posts. My traffic hasn’t declined and my audience is understanding….

How to Get Through Blogging pin

Write Posts in Advance

Britta from HomeSweetHomeMaker.

When I do get in the mood I write forever 🙂 Last week I wrote 10 blog posts! I also keep a calendar to schedule them out. I do one post each week because that seems to be what I can keep up with. I always do the month in advance, that way if I get in a rut I know that month is at least taken care of. So in May, I’m working on June’s. So if I don’t write at all in May because I wasn’t feeling it, May was already done in April and I still have time before June gets here!!!

I also keep a LONG list of ideas. So if something pops into my mind while I’m driving or shopping I jot it down and keep a list at the end of my calendar. Then when I need an idea I write that in in the calendar. If I can’t get into it when the time comes I’ll push that idea out a few months and pick another topic.

I used to try to write each post as it came to me and that was so stressful. Writing in advance and scheduling my posts is SO. MUCH. EASIER.

I write the article, do the featured image and pin on Canva and add them in, then schedule it. The day or day after it posts, when I have time, I pin it a few times and get it on the share schedules. 🙂

You can’t expect yourself to always be motivated. Find a way to organize things so that it works according to your schedule.

I only have one child and stay at home, but I still have other responsibilities. I spent about 30-90 minutes daily on my blog. I do it with my cup of coffee while my toddler eats breakfast. This is when I do the share threads. I set aside one nap time each week to work on writing. 🙂 That’s it.

Really, it’s all about organization. Once you figure out a schedule it isn’t hard.

Writing at tea time

I want to thank these amazing bloggers for their suggestions. They gave me the push I needed and gave me inspiration to put this post together. Blogging is more difficult than it looks. There is a lot more involved than most people imagine, but when my creativity is flowing, I really enjoy it. Burnout can exist no matter the job or activity if your life is out of balance. This wonderful post written by Beth from Balancing Bravely lists 8 Surprising Lessons About Burnout that are Essential for Working Mom Success. Is there anything we missed? How do you get through blogging burnout? Tell me in the comments.


My Favorites for April 2019

It’s better late than never, right? Here are my favorite things and blog accomplishments for the month of April. This time, I have another book, a fruit smoothie recipe, Peeps play-dough and several articles.

My Favorite Things for April, 2019 pin

Blog Accomplishments

I’m so excited! I made enough Amazon affiliate sales to get my account approved. For those who don’t know, you need three sales within the first six month period or your account gets closed. My first time around, I only got 11 clicks and no sales. This time, I’ve gotten 69 clicks and five sales. While the clicks are minimal compared to a lot of bloggers out there and the commissions are small, it’s something. I have to start somewhere. My second accomplishment this month is the increase in traffic. It’s not a huge amount, but it’s slow progress.

Fruit smoothie and juice next to flowers

Fruit Smoothie Recipe

I’m always looking for tasty recipes that Rosebud will love and if she can help me in the kitchen, it’s a bonus. We were making pretend smoothies in her toy blender and I had just bought a bunch of fresh fruit. She had never had a smoothy before, so I asked if she wanted a real one and she did. I made smoothies often before she was born and here’s the recipe we came up with.


  • 1 cup yogurt,
  • 1 cup almond milk,
  • 1 banana,
  • 1 half cup blueberries,
  • 5 strawberries,
  • A handful of grapes.


Chop fruits into smaller pieces and add to blender.

Blend until you get the desired consistency. I have a smoothie setting on my blender. It took less than a minute. I’ll try it with different fruits next time.

A Pillow with glasses and a book ready to be read.


I only read two books in the month of April, so there wasn’t much to choose from when picking my favorite. I enjoyed Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. There were a variety of stories. Everything from his speech therapy lessons as a little boy to his days living in France while trying to learn the language.

Peeps Play-dough ball

Peeps Play-dough

I had been seeing Peeps play-dough pins on Pinterest for a couple months now and knew that we had to try it. Here is the recipe we used.

I used five of the pink bunny peeps. I added four table spoons flour and one table spoon crisco. Melted it in the microwave for 30 seconds and then mixed it up. We ended up with a small ball. I was hoping there would be more play-dough, but there was enough to try it out.

Peeps play-dough and cookie cutters

I started out with big Easter themed cookie cutters, but there wasn’t enough play-dough for that, so I took out the plastic eggs instead. We have two different sized eggs and she liked rolling balls and putting them in the eggs. Eventually, she was pretending to cook, breaking up the play-dough and putting it in her mixing bowl. This play-dough dried out quickly, but it was a different texture and fun to experiment with.

Boy floating in cardboard box reaching for a glowing star.

Favorite Links

This first link definitely struck a chord with me. As an early childhood educator, I see the consequences of this every day. I see the kids who have no idea how to play. They wander from place to place not sure what to do with the toys. they don’t understand that they can pretend. A box doesn’t have to be a box. The kids get frustrated quickly, have super short attention spans and for some of them, their time in our program is the only time they play outside. This article is a good read.

Loss of Childhood – Are We Pressurizing our Children Too Much?

Another related article I saw in April was, My Childhood vs My Kid’s Childhood.

I could totally relate as it was a throw-back to the 90’s. I wrote a similar post last year. If you grew up in the 80’s or 90’s, I’m sure it would take you down memory lane.

One of my sensory bins was featured in this post. Are you not sure what to do with all those Easter eggs? Check out this post for some fun ways to repurpose those plastic Easter eggs.

Two women smiling

Since many of us have lost the fine art of socializing, I thought this article about internet friendships was a good read. I think that you can develop a real friendship online, but of course it helps if you can eventually meet them. There’s nothing like sitting down with a friend for a chat. Online friends can be a good source of support and sometimes they can break some of the isolation.

Since spring is finally here, I’ll leave you with this amazing list of 60 fun summer activities for kids. There are so many cool ideas that I’d love to try with Rosebud. There’s something for every family and I was lucky enough to be included in the round up.

As always, thank you for reading. I’ll be back next month with another round of my favorite things.


My Favorites for April 2019

It’s better late than never, right? Here are my favorite things and blog accomplishments for the month of April. This time, I have another book, a fruit smoothie recipe, Peeps play-dough and several articles.

My Favorite Things for April, 2019 pin

Blog Accomplishments

I’m so excited! I made enough Amazon affiliate sales to get my account approved. For those who don’t know, you need three sales within the first six month period or your account gets closed. My first time around, I only got 11 clicks and no sales. This time, I’ve gotten 69 clicks and five sales. While the clicks are minimal compared to a lot of bloggers out there and the commissions are small, it’s something. I have to start somewhere. My second accomplishment this month is the increase in traffic. It’s not a huge amount, but it’s slow progress.

Fruit smoothie and juice next to flowers

Fruit Smoothie Recipe

I’m always looking for tasty recipes that Rosebud will love and if she can help me in the kitchen, it’s a bonus. We were making pretend smoothies in her toy blender and I had just bought a bunch of fresh fruit. She had never had a smoothy before, so I asked if she wanted a real one and she did. I made smoothies often before she was born and here’s the recipe we came up with.


  • 1 cup yogurt,
  • 1 cup almond milk,
  • 1 banana,
  • 1 half cup blueberries,
  • 5 strawberries,
  • A handful of grapes.


Chop fruits into smaller pieces and add to blender.

Blend until you get the desired consistency. I have a smoothie setting on my blender. It took less than a minute. I’ll try it with different fruits next time.

A Pillow with glasses and a book ready to be read.


I only read two books in the month of April, so there wasn’t much to choose from when picking my favorite. I enjoyed Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. There were a variety of stories. Everything from his speech therapy lessons as a little boy to his days living in France while trying to learn the language.

Peeps Play-dough ball

Peeps Play-dough

I had been seeing Peeps play-dough pins on Pinterest for a couple months now and knew that we had to try it. Here is the recipe we used.

I used five of the pink bunny peeps. I added four table spoons flour and one table spoon crisco. Melted it in the microwave for 30 seconds and then mixed it up. We ended up with a small ball. I was hoping there would be more play-dough, but there was enough to try it out.

Peeps play-dough and cookie cutters

I started out with big Easter themed cookie cutters, but there wasn’t enough play-dough for that, so I took out the plastic eggs instead. We have two different sized eggs and she liked rolling balls and putting them in the eggs. Eventually, she was pretending to cook, breaking up the play-dough and putting it in her mixing bowl. This play-dough dried out quickly, but it was a different texture and fun to experiment with.

Boy floating in cardboard box reaching for a glowing star.

Favorite Links

This first link definitely struck a chord with me. As an early childhood educator, I see the consequences of this every day. I see the kids who have no idea how to play. They wander from place to place not sure what to do with the toys. they don’t understand that they can pretend. A box doesn’t have to be a box. The kids get frustrated quickly, have super short attention spans and for some of them, their time in our program is the only time they play outside. This article is a good read.

Loss of Childhood – Are We Pressurizing our Children Too Much?

Another related article I saw in April was, My Childhood vs My Kid’s Childhood.

I could totally relate as it was a throw-back to the 90’s. I wrote a similar post last year. If you grew up in the 80’s or 90’s, I’m sure it would take you down memory lane.

One of my sensory bins was featured in this post. Are you not sure what to do with all those Easter eggs? Check out this post for some fun ways to repurpose those plastic Easter eggs.

Two women smiling

Since many of us have lost the fine art of socializing, I thought this article about internet friendships was a good read. I think that you can develop a real friendship online, but of course it helps if you can eventually meet them. There’s nothing like sitting down with a friend for a chat. Online friends can be a good source of support and sometimes they can break some of the isolation.

Since spring is finally here, I’ll leave you with this amazing list of 60 fun summer activities for kids. There are so many cool ideas that I’d love to try with Rosebud. There’s something for every family and I was lucky enough to be included in the round up.

As always, thank you for reading. I’ll be back next month with another round of my favorite things.


13 Up and Coming Mom Bloggers, You Should Be Following

One of the best parts of being a blogger is discovering other bloggers. People who share the same passions and interests that you do. Another wonderful part of blogging is the network you create. Not only with readers, but other bloggers as well. Recently, I’ve connected with a group of up and coming amazing mom bloggers on Facebook and today, I’d like to introduce them to you. There will be a short bio for each along with a link to their blogs and where you can find them on social media. Many of these blogs are brand new, so definitely stop by and show your support. This is a round up post that each of us are participating in.
Mom blogs pin

1. I’ll introduce myself first. For those who don’t know, I’m Darcey, a mom to an active and curious three-year-old girl. I’m an early childhood educator who is passionate about play based learning. You can find me at, I write about motherhood, personal development and my experiences as an educator. Visit my blog for parenting tips, book recommendations, gift ideas and much more.
Follow me on Pinterest.
Follow me on Facebook.
Follow me on Twitter.

Cheerful Nomads
2. I am Mai,  a mother of two beautiful girls in my thirties. In this blog I share about many of my random musings on motherhood — as it has given me a different perspective in life.

A beautiful yet complex journey and not for the faint of heart. Follow me and my random musings here at
Cheerful Nomads.
You can find Cheerful Nomads on Instagram,
3. I’m Pheng Lineses, the face behind Thinker Mom blog. This blog is for mom and moms-to-be, working and stay at home. Sharing life hacks, frugal living, and practical ways to manage a balanced family and work life. You can find Pheng at
Follow her on Pinterest,


Mother hugging toddler
4. I’m Shay and I’m just your average boymom! I love sharing simple tips for moms, fun activities for the kids, and crafts on a budget. As a military wife, I also really enjoy sharing tips and stories about life in the army. My goal is for my blog to have something to offer for all moms. We’re all on this mom boat together and we’re all just trying to make it to bedtime. Visit Shay at
Shay and Sons on Instagram.

Adventures of a Single Mom
5. Hey! I’m Cait, & I am a single mama of two amazing girls. I am a homeschooler, survivor of domestic abuse and a mental health advocate. I also am the owner of my own Virtual Assistance company. Being a mom is tough, & being a single mom is even tougher! On Adventures of Single Mom, I like to share tips, tricks and even personal stories hoping other single mamas can relate & find kinship in the fact that they aren’t alone in this crazy life. Follow along with the fun at Adventures of a single mom.comand find us on




Failure To Thrive No More
6. Failure to Thrive No More writes about the struggles and triumphs of Special Needs Parenting. Her son was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder—Dyrk1a Syndrome—in 2018, and has been raising awareness ever since. She has also included her love for Self-Care, Fitness, and Military Life! Check out her blog at Failure to Thrive No




Family with newborn

Real Mom Moments
7. Real Mom Moments is a place for moms to share and support each other in the moments we cherish, hate, celebrate or just barely survive. Moms also find encouragement here to take time for themselves and nurture their own interests and passions. Living the mom life is incredible — in addition to super draining and lonely. It’s so much easier to get through the ups and downs of each long day when we feel connected with an understanding group! Find relatable, humorous, and motivating experiences at Real Mom Moments – A Place for Moms to Keep it Real


8. Hi, I’m Jenn! A mother, a behavior specialist, a business owner, wife of a scientist, and lover of all things fermented. I was blessed with six amazing kids that range in age from 4 to 24 years old. With a background in behavior, two marriages, and 20+ years of parenting, I’ve got a lot to say about family time and raising kids in different stages of life; where to take them, what to feed them, and how to keep them entertained. Plus, things to do to maintain my own sanity like traveling, crafting, cooking, and shopping. I’d love to share my wisdom with you, so visit me at OneHoppyMomma.comand don’t forget to pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage to enjoy while reading.
9. I started my blog in February 2019 because I love to help other moms! I am constantly recommending products, sharing what has worked or not worked for me, etc. with my mom friends and now I can share these things with many more people! At you will find Mom advice, product recommendations, Mom stories and even some of the adventures I go on with my 3 boys! I work full-time in Human Resources so I do this on the side and love it!

Pregnant woman on the beach

Motherhood By Maredith

10. Meredith is a former pediatric RN turned stay at home mom to two littles. She has never met a carb, Target aisle, or glass of red wine she didn’t love. Join her over at Motherhood By Meredith as she finds grace in the messy side of motherhood.
11. Kale is a blogger, mother, wife, teacher, friend, and child of the one true King.  She also has a soft spot for teaching children about community service. Kale married her exact opposite, Steak.  They are living the dream in the Midwest with their two wonderful children. The family is constantly entertained by their hilarious mutt. is where you can find her writing, guiding, organizing, budgeting, eating plants, and cleaning up after the mutt.

Happy mother and baby
12. I am Haley Crenwelge. I am a college graduate, single mother, writer, dreamer, 911 dispatcher, and future police officer. I have a beautiful daughter named Cahtalina Daenarys who was conceived only a month before my boyfriend committed suicide. I write a lifestyle/journey blog geared towards single mothers and helping them achieve their personal goals while still keeping up with the responsibilities surrounding their title of mother. You can find Haley at

13. Meagan is married to her high school sweetheart and is a stay at home mom to their two little girls. McKenzi, 7, and Sarah, 20 months. McKenzi is deaf and has a cochlear implant so this topic is talked about quite a bit on her blog. Meagan hopes to educate others on hearing loss in children. Her blog also has many tips on breastfeeding, co-sleeping, money saving ideas and more.

You can visit her blog at

Mom Blogs pinI hope you enjoyed learning about these fantastic up and coming mom bloggers. Be sure to visit their blogs and show some love. These ladies are working hard and have great content. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite blog or two. Are there any other mom bloggers we should be following? Tell us in the comments.


My Favorite Things for March

I want to share some of my favorite things and accomplishments for the month of March. This is something new I plan on doing at the end of every month from now on. Writing down my accomplishments will keep me accountable and moving forward and why not share some of my favorite things? You might like them as well. For this month, I have a book, a recipe, a perfume and some articles to pass along.

My Favorite Things Spring PinAccomplishments

I’ll start with my wins for the month of March. At the end of February, I started using my Pinterest account which had no views. As of this moment, there are 39,000 views. I know that’s a relatively small number for Pinterest, but it’s just the beginning. I think it’s good considering the endless accessibility issues I have with Pinterest, my limited ability to create eye catching photos and my lack of knowledge on how Pinterest works. I have been reading and researching which has given me a better understanding of strategies for using Pinterest. It’s a work in progress, but what isn’t? My second win and one of my goals for 2019 was to reactivate my Amazon associates account. I’ve been working hard to update older posts as well as create new content. Now the trick is making those sales. My third accomplishment was getting approved for ShareASale. That will be my next project.


As I’ve talked about on the blog before, I always have an Audible book that I’m listening to. Earlier this month, I read the Ex-Wife by Jess Ryder. It was one of those books that sounded kind of interesting, but I wasn’t too sure about it. I found it in a two books for one credit deal. After the first couple of chapters, I really wanted to know what happened next. I listened to most of it in one weekend. I won’t give anything away, but the ending seemed to be an opening for a second book, but who knows. I’ve read a lot of books lately where loose ends aren’t tied up.

Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks
Macaroni and cheese


Unfortunately, I did not take a picture when I cooked this, but I’m not a food photographer anyway. This Easy Instant Pot Macaroni and Cheese is so simple to make. It tastes good. Rosebud loved it and that is saying something. She’s going through an extremely picky eating phase. The best part is it takes about ten minutes. The other great thing is you make it in the instant pot. I love having only one pot instead of a bunch of pots and pans to wash. The macaroni comes out perfect and it is very cheesy. If you try it, let me know what you think.

Perfume bottles and roses


I ordered some makeup and got a sample of Viva LA Juicy Noir by Juicy Couture. I quickly used it all and then had to order more. It’s hard to describe the scent. It’s kind of fruity, but it’s not over the top sweet. It’s not too strong unless you use more than you should. I normally stick with one or two scents that I use most of the time, but this one has become one of my favorites. What are your perfumes that you absolutely love?

A mac book on a desk next to a cup of coffee.


Okay, so I have several for this month. I couldn’t narrow it down to just one, but they all serve different purposes.

This first article is about raising daughters and gender stereotypes. It’s well written and reminds us what is important about raising a girl. Click here to read, The Trappings of Girlhood.

I saw this cool article from Whimsyroo with a list of bath time activities. I know Rosebud gets bored with the same bath toys and this post has some great ideas to make bath time more fun. I love this blog and all the fun activities she posts. Click this link for Creative Bath Time Activities for Kids.

I am a big fan of journaling and one of the benefits of journaling is gratitude. If you journal about the things you are grateful for, it can boost your mood and if you are a believer in the law of attraction, gratitude will bring you more things to be grateful for. That being said, listing the same five things you are grateful for can be a little boring and not seem worth the effort, but Monica from Mindfully Monica explains how to start a gratitude journal that actually works.

My Favorite Things bulletin board pin

Full disclosure, I saw this one a little before March started, but I have to share it. I’m featured on this post from GROWMOMMY.COM! Rosebud’s antics earned me a spot in this list of 10 Hilarious Reasons for Toddler Tantrums.

This post from Be Anxious About Nothing brings to light the very important and overlooked issues of disabled domestic abuse. The post was written in defense of Dr. Phil and his recent show with a couple where the man is disabled and the woman is not. I knew nothing about it until seeing this post, but there has been outrage online due to the show’s supposed ablism. I say supposed because I have not seen it and don’t want to comment without viewing it first. However, I will share this post because disabled people are more likely to be the victims of abuse and that has to stop.

This final link is to a Ted talk about being a good listener. Too often we forget to really take the time to listen to someone. Sometimes all someone needs is to be heard.

How to Listen Better – Tips From a Deaf Guy, from Stephen O’Keefe.