The Rose

5 Things You Won’t Learn From A Parenting Book

Since Mothers Day is right around the corner, I’ll be doing a series of posts on motherhood. You’ll get the good, the bad and the ugly. If you pick up a parenting book, you’ll read about what to do to have a healthy pregnancy, infant care, tantrums, potty training and how to create a night time routine. They might even touch upon the sleepless nights, for you, the parent. While that information can be very helpful, there are some things they don’t talk about and in most cases, mom’s aren’t talking about these things either. If we’re not talking about the endless joy and unconditional love, it’s as if you’re seen as a bad mom. I love Rosebud more than I’ve ever thought possible. She makes me laugh after a bad day. I am so grateful and proud to be her mom, but there a few things about motherhood in general that drive me crazy at times.

Mother folds laundry next to a sleeping baby

Your idea of clean flies out the window.

I used to take a lot of pride in keeping a clean house. I’d usually vacuum at least twice per week since the cats left hair everywhere. At least one of my weekend days was spent cleaning and doing laundry. I loved having everything in it’s place. There was nothing like coming home to a clean house and knowing that everything would be right where you left it. Well, after you have kids, that all changes. You might still obsess over keeping the place clean and organizing everything, but you’ll find you won’t have time. You’ll spend more time thinking about cleaning than actually doing it and you’ll start to wonder if you’ll ever get to do anything beyond spot cleaning the counters and bathrooms.

5 Things You Won’t Learn From A Parenting Book. Multitasking mom pin.

Not to mention all the new toys and equipment you’ll be adding to the mix. Half of my living room was filled with baby equipment and now that Rosebud is three, it’s filled with toys. Toys that I have to keep organized because if they are not put into containers, I end up stepping on them which of course hurts my feet. When I end up yelling about the stupid toy, Rosebud asks, what’s wrong, Mommy? Have you ever stepped on a lego or toy person? If so, you can feel my pain! We can always look on the bright side, when kids grow up and think back to their childhoods, they don’t remember whether you deep cleaned the house. They remember the time you spent with them. Here are some cleaning products that help me out.

This is a close model to the vacuum I have. It works well on pet hair.

This is the one I want to try because of the anti hair wrap feature. That is a huge problem in my house.

Photographer taking photos of a baby

You’ll try, but you can’t capture everything.

I don’t know about you, but I wanted to capture Rosebud’s every milestone. I have so many pictures and videos, especially during her first year. While it’s nice to preserve and share those memories, if you spend too much time behind the camera, you’re not participating. If you’re too busy watching, you’re not interacting. There have been so many conversations over the past year or two that I wish I could recreate. I can’t, so they will live on in my memory. There are too many things Rosebud says that I want to write down so I won’t forget, but by the end of a long day, I’ve forgotten what she said. It makes me sad, but I know she’ll say something else that’s equally cute or funny tomorrow. The other day she told me that tomatoes couldn’t make catsup because they don’t have hands. I’d love to capture all the times she tells me I’m her best friend or that I’m a good mommy. She told me the other day that we have a good home. It’s moments like these that make my heart melt and make me so glad that I’m Rosebud’s mom.

A thoughtful woman looking towards a mountain

You’ll never do anything alone, ever again.

Yes, you read that right. You’ll never do anything alone unless you have a baby sitter or if you’re lucky enough to have a good sleeper. For the first 15 months of Rosebud’s life, we co-slept, so I was never alone at night either. I was one of those people who was convinced, my kid would sleep in her own bed, but as soon as she was born, I didn’t want to be away from her. Although I tried laying her down in her crib, it was a no go. She’d cry and cry and it was just too heartbreaking to listen to. I’d be sitting in bed next to her responding to E-mails, listening to audio books or pumping and she’d usually sleep through everything. That was as long as I’d stay in the bed, as soon as I’d get up to go to the bathroom, get a drink of water or try to go and watch tv, she was awake in no time.

As she got older and started to crawl and eventually walk, any semi alone time I had was over. She’d follow me into the laundry room when I’d try to start the washer, the pantry closet when I’d try to sneak a snack and of course I couldn’t go to the bathroom alone either. If you are reading this and haven’t become a mom yet, appreciate your alone time while you have it.

Woman sleeping on sofa with throw pillows

You finally find out what exhaustion really is.

This phenomenon of complete exhaustion starts while you are pregnant. You don’t even have to weight for the baby to come for this one. In the first part of my pregnancy, I slept like a baby. I’d literally sit in my chair and be asleep a few minutes later. When I’d go to sleep for the night, I’d be so exhausted, I’d sleep so soundly. This was so unlike me. I had never been that tired and at that point, I didn’t know I was growing a tiny human. After my pregnancy was confirmed, I was still exhausted, but the sleepless nights began. What was I going to do? I was going through a difficult situation and nothing went as I had planned. I had a lot on my mind along with the physical symptoms, so I never slept through a whole night after that and I thought I knew what exhaustion was. The truth was I had no idea until Rosebud was born. It was exhausting trying to breast-feed around the clock, change diapers, and then attempting to function like a normal human being during the day. They say that you should sleep when the baby sleeps, but that was so difficult for me. I managed it a few times, but usually I was too worried about the state of the house or other tasks I needed to get done. As they get older, they sleep through the night, but they tend to go to bed later and in Rosebud’s case, she wakes up just as early.

Sick woman blowing nose

You never get a sick day.

Now that we’ve touched on the exhaustion, that brings me to this little piece of information. Unless you have a village around you, you never get a sick day. It doesn’t matter if you can barely get out of bed, you have to. Your child still needs to be fed and cared for. They’ll still want to play. I remember one day in particular when I had the flu this past winter. I was wiped out. I could barely move without feeling sick, but I had to push myself to at least get up and throw a breakfast together. Then we spent the rest of the day in front of the tv because that’s all I could manage. Rosebud really wanted to play, but I just couldn’t. I made sure her basic needs were met and some days if you are really sick, that’s the best you can do. It helps if you both are sick at the same time because you’ll both want to just lay around, but it almost never works that way. Rosebud is always sick before me. By the time she’s feeling better, I want to spend the day curled up under the covers.

5 Things You Won’t Learn From a Parenting Book. Flowers pin.

This is why self-care is so important. You cannot run on empty. Even though self-care may be seen as selfish, you have to find some time for yourself. Whether it’s relaxing with a book and a bubble bath, going to get your nails done or working on a craft or hobby, it’s well worth it. Then when the sick days come, you won’t feel as depleted. The other part of self-care is forgiving yourself when you make mistakes or when you are a less than perfect mother. We need to accept that we can make mistakes and learn from them and that we are still lovable even with our imperfections. When we tuck our kids in bed each night, we can tell them we love them and we forget about every crazy thing they did that day. We forget about the messes, the chaos, the interruptions and the fact that they woke us up before the sunrise yet again.


12 Spring Themed Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers

12 Spring Themed Books Little girl reading pin

Every season, I like to switch up the books that are out for Rosebud. A couple weeks ago, I brought out the books we have for spring. She still loves some of the board books that she enjoyed last year which is why I’m including them in this list. She knows many of her books by heart and likes to pretend to read them to me. She also is starting to get into longer stories as well. This list is a mix of books for toddlers and preschoolers because you never know what will capture their attention. There are so many books out there and this is just a sampling of what you can find for spring themed books.

You’re My Little Bunny book cover

You’re My Little Bunny by Claire Freedman

This is perfect for bedtime. Follow the adventures of a busy bunny. The book ends with the bunny snuggling up to mother bunny. It’s a perfect way to end the day.

When Spring Comes by Keven Henkes

In this book, children can learn the differences between winter and spring. The snow melts, the birds sing and the plants grow. When spring comes, the world transforms.

The Rainy Day by Anna Milbourne

A group of children take a walk and see the effect that rain has on plants, animals and soil. It’s a great way to introduce the concepts of how clouds are made and how weather changes.

Danny Duck Takes a Dive book cover

Danny Duck Takes a Dive by Debbie Rivers-Moore

Danny duck is scared to go in the water until he jumps in and decides that he likes it. It’s a great book about getting over fears and trying something new with the help of your friends. It’s touch and feel as well.

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

This is a great book about the life cycle of plant. It’s in simple language that kids will understand and it’s by Eric Carle. Any of his books about bugs are great for spring. Rosebud loves The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Very Busy Spider.

It’s Not Easy Being a Bunny by Marelyn Sadler

This book is about a bunny who is unhappy being a bunny. He tries being other animals, but discovers that it is better to be himself after all. This is a great read for teaching about self acceptance and being happy with who you are.

Bluebird’s Nest book cover

Bluebird’s Nest by Dorothea Deprisco

Follow Bluebird as she builds her nest with the help of other birds and by spring, her nest is complete. This book is touch and feel. As she builds her nest, you can feel it getting larger. It also has a pop-up in the end.

Mouse’s First Spring by Lauren Thompson

Mouse and Mama go out to play and discover that spring is here. He finds a butterfly, a bird and more. This book comes in a paper back or a shortened board book version for toddlers.

The Ugly Caterpillar by Carl Sommer

Speckles the Spider and Crumbs the Cricket think Katie the Caterpillar is too ugly to be their friend. Annie the Ant doesn’t agree and her and katie become best friends. This story teaches children about kindness, friendship and beauty in all things.

Let It Rain book cover

Let It Rain by Maryann Cocca-Leffler

This is a cute rhyming book that takes you through spring up until the start of summer. This book has everything related to spring. Birds, bees, rainbows and even newborn kittens. The rhymes and short text on each page makes it a great read with toddlers.

Planting A Rainbow by Lois Ehlert

In this book, children learn about planting and the colors of different types of flowers. This is a wonderful introduction to the variety of flowers that are out there.

A Rainbow of My Own by Don Freeman
Find out what happens when a little boy wants to play with a rainbow.

12 Spring Themed Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers pin

There are so many great books out there. I’m sure there are many I have never read that would be a fantastic addition to our book shelf. What are your favorite spring books? Let me know in the comments.


Easter Gifts for Your Fur Babies

Easter is almost here and by now, you probably have decided what to put in your kids Easter baskets. Maybe you have already put everything together. I have everything stacked up in my closet and will spend the next couple of nights putting items into plastic eggs and filling Easter baskets. Then I remembered that I have nothing for Diamond. Before Rosebud was born, the cats got gifts for all kinds of occasions. They had their own stockings for Christmas, they got special treats and toys on their birthdays and I’ve even bought them Valentines Day themed toys. Well, how about an Easter basket? There are only a couple days left, but here are a few items that your pet would love.

Easter Gifts for Fur Babies dog pin


What pet doesn’t love treats? You can get anything from junk food to something organic. There are so many options and flavors.

I didn’t realize these were only food toppers at first, so I bought some and Diamond and Mellow loved these. They would lick the plate clean.

Dog playing with toy


Toys are a great way to keep your pets entertained even when you are out. I’ve had to try a lot of toys to find one that the cats like. Diamond loves toys that crinkle or toys that she can chase. Mellow loved fleece balls and feather wands.When Diamond was a kitten, she loved bubbles. Not so much anymore. All the dogs I’ve I’ve lived with loved Jolly Balls, tug toys and Kongs.

If you want to get your pet some special Easter toys, here are some cute options.

Cat napping in a bed

A Cozy Bed

How about a nice cozy bed? Diamond loves hers. The softer and more plush, the better according to her. There are lots of options and styles to choose from.

Tea time with the cat

Scratching Posts

This category is strictly for cats. A good scratching post or two are definitely a must have if you have cats. This way, they can scratch in a safe place that won’t damage your furniture. Some cats love the rope, but others like scratching on cardboard or even wood.

Cat Playing with Dog


Maybe your fur baby could use a new collar, leash or different food bowl.

Easter Gift Ideas for your Fur Babies cat basket pin

Are you getting anything for your pets this year? Tell me in the comments. I’ll end this post with one of my favorite pictures of Diamond.

Diamond in the sink


10 Easter Gift Ideas for Your Little Girl

I know most people do egg hunts or fill Easter baskets with candy and other goodies, but when I was a kid, I rarely remember getting Easter baskets. If I did get an Easter basket, it was premade. Usually, my mom would buy me a couple gifts instead of the Easter basket. She thought the premade ones were a waste of money. I don’t know if she never thought to fill one herself or if she didn’t want to take the time, but she preferred to get me a toy or some other gift. I remember getting a game for my Nintendo one year. Another year I got a doll in a pretty christening dress. She would usually get me a plush bunny and some Easter related candy, so I never felt like I was missing much. However, I wanted to create some new Easter traditions with Rosebud. We do a small egg hunt because we love watching her find the surprises inside. I put together an Easter basket every year because like my mom, I believe the premade ones are a waste of money too and they usually have a bunch of junk in them. I have fun finding small items to fill the basket and I know there won’t be too much candy or too many things that will fall apart in a day.

I’m sure that’s enough for her, but I didn’t even realize I was doing this until I was shopping for gifts for Little Guy’s Easter basket. I took a trip down the girls toy isle and just had to get her something. A gift that was a little bigger. Something that wouldn’t be going into the basket, just like my mom used to do. These gifts don’t have to be expensive and some of them just might fit into the Easter basket anyway. If you’re like me and want to give a little extra something or are skipping the basket altogether in favor of a bigger gift, this post is for you.

Little girl playing with doll

Dolls and Accessories

This list mostly be for preschool age girls, but most of these gifts may work for children a little older or younger depending on your child. Within the past few months, Rosebud has really started becoming interested in her dolls. Feeding them, putting them down for a nap, pushing them around in the stroller and all things caring for babies. I love that she’s no longer throwing her babies on the floor. Girls this age really start to get into dramatic play and dolls are great for this. They can also practice dressing and undressing with doll clothes. Not only are they working on cognitive and social development, but they are working on physical development as well. There are so many dolls to choose from and the clothing options are endless, but here are a couple to get you started.

Little girl playing with toy kitchen
Play Food and Cooking

If your daughter is anything like Rosebud, she loves to cook. Her kitchen is her favorite toy and if I ever need to take anything away, the kitchen toys are my first go to. She loves them that much. We have baking sets, a hot coco set, a blender and a toaster to name a few. I really love the Learning Resources play food. They have a variety of options and the material is sturdy and easy to clean. These are great for boys as well. Little Guy loves Rosebud’s kitchen and especially loves to play with the cupcake sets.

Child painting with art supplies

Something Creative

You can’t go wrong with art supplies. Markers, crayons, glitter glue, collage materials or paints with paper are all great gift ideas. Art is great for sparking creativity and working on problem solving skills. It’s also fun and gets them away from the screen.

Girl blowing bubbles

Outdoor Fun

Rosebud loves balls, sand play and bubbles. Since spring is a good time to start getting out the outdoor toys, it’s a good time to buy some new sand toys or a new ball.

Stuffed Animal

Why not get your little girl a new soft friend to hug?

Little girl playing with play-dough


I’m making Rosebud some Easter themed play-dough this year. Play-dough is so versatile and children can develop so many skills when playing with play-dough. You can either make it or buy it at the store and there are lots of options for toys. You can even just use items you have lying around the house.

Little girl in bubble bath

Bath Time

Most kids love bath time and why not make it more fun with a new toy or bubble bath?

Little girl under tree reading bookBooks

You can’t go wrong with books. You can stick with the Easter theme or follow your little girl’s interests.

10 Easter Gifts Easter Dress PinSomething to Wear

Why not get her a nice dress, some jewelry or another accessory?

10 Easter Gift Ideas Spring Flowers Pin

Experiences and Quality Time

This final item doesn’t have to cost a penny. You can spend quality time by just playing with your daughter. Let her pick what she wants to play and go with it. Sometimes Rosebud really appreciates when I just sit there with her and be present. I don’t even have to always interact, but she loves knowing that I’m there, watching and listening. If you want to skip gifts altogether and opt for experiences, that’s a wonderful thing as well. Maybe you want to sign her up for a swim class, go to an amusement park or go on a trip, you are spending quality time and also making memories that will last for years to come.

What are some of your favorite Easter traditions? Let me know in the comments.


Rosebud’s Birth Story: My C-section Experience

Did you know that April is c-section awareness month? I didn’t. I didn’t know much about C-sections until about 15 minutes before landing on the operating table, so I thought now would be a good time to share Rosebud’s birth story.

Positive pregnancy test

The Beginning

When I found out I was pregnant, one of my first thoughts was, oh my god! I’m gonna have to give birth. This is is going to hurt more than anything and how am I going to get through it. I was overwhelmed by the idea. It was scary, but I tried to put that thought out of my mind. I told myself that I’d cross that bridge when I got to it. when I had my first appointment with the midwives, they asked about a birth plan. I had no idea what I wanted, but when they mentioned that I could have a water birth, I liked the idea. I heard it was more relaxing and less painful. That’s what I was going for. Either way, I always expected a natural birth.

Pregnant woman getting ultrasound

After Rosebud’s first ultrasound, they discovered some complications. She had a Velamentous chord insertion which basically means that the chord had become attached in the wrong place. With this condition, the vessels are exposed and they can rupture during labor. In some cases, it can cause still birth. When they explained this condition to me, it was a little confusing and worrisome, but they told me that it wasn’t going to be a big deal, but that they would be monitoring me closely. They told me that they would have to do an induction if I didn’t go into labor by 39 weeks, but both the midwives and doctors said that I wouldn’t have to have a C-section. They said I could have a natural birth. At the time I believed them, but a little piece of me knew the writing was on the wall.

Pregnant woman with nurse in the hospital

Birth Plans Change

Since my plan was to have a natural birth, I never bothered to do my research. On one hand, maybe it was better that way because I would’ve been even more scared. On the other hand, I would’ve known about potential complications and what to expect during recovery. I could’ve learned about a Gentle C-section. Luckily, my midwife and doctor used many of the elements of a gentle c-section, but I had no idea it was a thing until this past year. Anyway, after the Velamentous chord insertion diagnosis, a water birth was out of the question. The midwives told me it wouldn’t be safe, so I opted for a natural birth with no medication. As my pregnancy progressed, everything was going well. Rosebud was healthy. We passed all our tests. Towards the end of my pregnancy, we had to go in for stress tests twice per week. While they were annoying and I could tell Rosebud didn’t like them, I was glad to hear her heartbeat and her constant movement. As expected, I made it to week 39 and still no signs of labor, so an induction was scheduled to start on a Sunday night.

A baby’s nursery

The Induction

The first night was long with barely any progress. They kept upping the dose of Pitocin over Sunday night and throughout Monday. There was still no baby. I was having contractions, but they weren’t painful yet. That night, they decided to use the Foley balloon catheter. That’s a torture device if I’ve ever seen one. Just like that, my birth plan disappeared because now I was getting medication for the pain and to help me sleep. My next step, was no epidural. I was progressing at a snail’s pace. By Wednesday afternoon, there was still little progress and they had me on the highest dose of Pitocin. I think my insurance company told the hospital to get me out of there because they said I could go home and wait a couple more days to see if I went into labor naturally or I could stay and get a C-section.Woman sleeping in bed

Going Home Without my Baby

I decided to go home and rest. I was so exhausted already and hadn’t even had my baby yet. She was still healthy and I was still healthy, so I thought I was making the right decision. A C-section is a major surgery, so I wanted to avoid it unless it was absolutely necessary. There was also a part of me that wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. I spent that night at home in my bed and I actually slept. All I remember from that next day was going grocery shopping. It was pretty close to Christmas and the stores were crowded. I was so uncomfortable walking around. Later that night when I was about to go to bed, I got a call from the midwives telling me I couldn’t come in the next day for my second scheduled induction because there were too many women there already. I told the midwife it was okay, but it wasn’t. I was pissed and I bursted into tears as soon as I hung up the phone. By then I was done. I was done with being uncomfortable and I didn’t want to be induced a second time. I had heard Pitocin contractions were more painful than natural contractions and while I don’t have much to compare it to, I’m sure that’s accurate.

Newborn baby

Part 2

I woke up around 3 A.M to use the bathroom and my water broke. Finally we were getting somewhere. I went back into the hospital and they checked me again, but there was no progress other than my water breaking. The induction started all over again, but they increased the Pitocin at a much faster rate. I started to make some progress, but after about ten hours, the pain was becoming unbearable and we weren’t getting much closer. I finally caved. I asked for the epidural and things went downhill from there.

A couple hours after getting the epidural, the complications started. Rosebud’s heart rate started to increase, I suddenly had a fever, was lower on oxygen and couldn’t urinate. Sorry, tmi. Rosebud’s heart rate and the oxygen mask scared me. It was happening so fast and I had no idea why. It was probably effects from the medication and the epidural plus being induced twice. My body couldn’t handle it. At this point they recommended a C-section. They asked if I’d consent to one. I said yes, please. Let’s get this over with. By this point it was getting late into the night. I’d basically been in labor for the previous week and I wanted to see my baby.

Hand holding baby feetRosebud’s Entrance

About 15 minutes later, I was being wheeled into the C-section room. The anesthesiologist I had previously seen was back to give me the spinal this time. I barely felt it. The next thing I knew. I was numb and they were lifting me onto the table. They put the drape over me and got to work. They put that damn oxygen mask over my face again. I couldn’t breathe and it was scaring the shit out of me. I think I was in shock from everything happening so fast, but The anesthesiologist was wonderful. He was doing his best to keep me calm through everything. I felt some pulling and tugging and then I heard my baby cry for the first time. The crying didn’t last long. She had suddenly stopped, but everyone sounded happy, so I knew she was safe and healthy, but I couldn’t hold my baby right away. I couldn’t stop shaking and I didn’t feel it was safe, so they wrapped her in a blanket and placed her right next to my head. I could feel her little arms and legs and talk to her for the first time. That’s not how I wanted her to be born, but she was finally here.

Mother and baby after C-section

Finally With Rosebud

Once we got back to our room, I was able to finally hold her and nurse for the first time. That was more difficult than expected, but that’ll be another post. As the night went on, I was able to get up and walk around. I didn’t feel much pain since I had plenty of pain meds. I thought things would be fine now that it was over with. I wasn’t prepared for the swelling that felt like it was never going to end. I had no idea about the complications that a C-section could cause for nursing mothers. I didn’t know that it takes longer for milk to come in after a C-section. I didn’t know I’d be in so much pain after I went home even with the prescription they gave me. I didn’t know I’d feel like a failure. Yes, I gave birth and my baby was healthy, but I still felt like my body betrayed me. Not only was I unable to give birth naturally, but now I was having such difficulty nursing. It became my mission to make my body do something right for once. I didn’t know I’d feel so depressed and sad. There is so much pressure to be perfect mothers and perfect women.

Rosebud’s Birth Story: My C-section Experience

Everyone was telling me that it didn’t matter how my baby was born, but it mattered to me. It was an emergency C-section and it was traumatic. It was scary not being able to breathe on the operating room table and to not have any control of my body. It turned out that the reason that was happening was because I’m short and the spinal went a little too high. The thing was I could’ve lost her and that scared me the most. Nothing about my pregnancy, labor or delivery went as planned and I should’ve been expecting that, but it was extremely disappointing. Rosebud is three now and I have come to terms with my birth story. In the end, I know I did what I had to do. I have a happy and healthy daughter and that’s what has always mattered.

Rosebud’s Birth Story: C-section Awareness

C-section moms are not failures. We are strong mothers. Some of us brought our babies into the world through extraordinary circumstances and for others of us, it was planned this way. We did what we needed to for our own health and for the health of our unborn children. While we didn’t bring our babies into the world the natural way, we have our own stories to tell that are just as valid and meaningful.


13 Up and Coming Mom Bloggers, You Should Be Following

One of the best parts of being a blogger is discovering other bloggers. People who share the same passions and interests that you do. Another wonderful part of blogging is the network you create. Not only with readers, but other bloggers as well. Recently, I’ve connected with a group of up and coming amazing mom bloggers on Facebook and today, I’d like to introduce them to you. There will be a short bio for each along with a link to their blogs and where you can find them on social media. Many of these blogs are brand new, so definitely stop by and show your support. This is a round up post that each of us are participating in.
Mom blogs pin

1. I’ll introduce myself first. For those who don’t know, I’m Darcey, a mom to an active and curious three-year-old girl. I’m an early childhood educator who is passionate about play based learning. You can find me at, I write about motherhood, personal development and my experiences as an educator. Visit my blog for parenting tips, book recommendations, gift ideas and much more.
Follow me on Pinterest.
Follow me on Facebook.
Follow me on Twitter.

Cheerful Nomads
2. I am Mai,  a mother of two beautiful girls in my thirties. In this blog I share about many of my random musings on motherhood — as it has given me a different perspective in life.

A beautiful yet complex journey and not for the faint of heart. Follow me and my random musings here at
Cheerful Nomads.
You can find Cheerful Nomads on Instagram,
3. I’m Pheng Lineses, the face behind Thinker Mom blog. This blog is for mom and moms-to-be, working and stay at home. Sharing life hacks, frugal living, and practical ways to manage a balanced family and work life. You can find Pheng at
Follow her on Pinterest,


Mother hugging toddler
4. I’m Shay and I’m just your average boymom! I love sharing simple tips for moms, fun activities for the kids, and crafts on a budget. As a military wife, I also really enjoy sharing tips and stories about life in the army. My goal is for my blog to have something to offer for all moms. We’re all on this mom boat together and we’re all just trying to make it to bedtime. Visit Shay at
Shay and Sons on Instagram.

Adventures of a Single Mom
5. Hey! I’m Cait, & I am a single mama of two amazing girls. I am a homeschooler, survivor of domestic abuse and a mental health advocate. I also am the owner of my own Virtual Assistance company. Being a mom is tough, & being a single mom is even tougher! On Adventures of Single Mom, I like to share tips, tricks and even personal stories hoping other single mamas can relate & find kinship in the fact that they aren’t alone in this crazy life. Follow along with the fun at Adventures of a single mom.comand find us on




Failure To Thrive No More
6. Failure to Thrive No More writes about the struggles and triumphs of Special Needs Parenting. Her son was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder—Dyrk1a Syndrome—in 2018, and has been raising awareness ever since. She has also included her love for Self-Care, Fitness, and Military Life! Check out her blog at Failure to Thrive No




Family with newborn

Real Mom Moments
7. Real Mom Moments is a place for moms to share and support each other in the moments we cherish, hate, celebrate or just barely survive. Moms also find encouragement here to take time for themselves and nurture their own interests and passions. Living the mom life is incredible — in addition to super draining and lonely. It’s so much easier to get through the ups and downs of each long day when we feel connected with an understanding group! Find relatable, humorous, and motivating experiences at Real Mom Moments – A Place for Moms to Keep it Real


8. Hi, I’m Jenn! A mother, a behavior specialist, a business owner, wife of a scientist, and lover of all things fermented. I was blessed with six amazing kids that range in age from 4 to 24 years old. With a background in behavior, two marriages, and 20+ years of parenting, I’ve got a lot to say about family time and raising kids in different stages of life; where to take them, what to feed them, and how to keep them entertained. Plus, things to do to maintain my own sanity like traveling, crafting, cooking, and shopping. I’d love to share my wisdom with you, so visit me at OneHoppyMomma.comand don’t forget to pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage to enjoy while reading.
9. I started my blog in February 2019 because I love to help other moms! I am constantly recommending products, sharing what has worked or not worked for me, etc. with my mom friends and now I can share these things with many more people! At you will find Mom advice, product recommendations, Mom stories and even some of the adventures I go on with my 3 boys! I work full-time in Human Resources so I do this on the side and love it!

Pregnant woman on the beach

Motherhood By Maredith

10. Meredith is a former pediatric RN turned stay at home mom to two littles. She has never met a carb, Target aisle, or glass of red wine she didn’t love. Join her over at Motherhood By Meredith as she finds grace in the messy side of motherhood.
11. Kale is a blogger, mother, wife, teacher, friend, and child of the one true King.  She also has a soft spot for teaching children about community service. Kale married her exact opposite, Steak.  They are living the dream in the Midwest with their two wonderful children. The family is constantly entertained by their hilarious mutt. is where you can find her writing, guiding, organizing, budgeting, eating plants, and cleaning up after the mutt.

Happy mother and baby
12. I am Haley Crenwelge. I am a college graduate, single mother, writer, dreamer, 911 dispatcher, and future police officer. I have a beautiful daughter named Cahtalina Daenarys who was conceived only a month before my boyfriend committed suicide. I write a lifestyle/journey blog geared towards single mothers and helping them achieve their personal goals while still keeping up with the responsibilities surrounding their title of mother. You can find Haley at

13. Meagan is married to her high school sweetheart and is a stay at home mom to their two little girls. McKenzi, 7, and Sarah, 20 months. McKenzi is deaf and has a cochlear implant so this topic is talked about quite a bit on her blog. Meagan hopes to educate others on hearing loss in children. Her blog also has many tips on breastfeeding, co-sleeping, money saving ideas and more.

You can visit her blog at

Mom Blogs pinI hope you enjoyed learning about these fantastic up and coming mom bloggers. Be sure to visit their blogs and show some love. These ladies are working hard and have great content. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite blog or two. Are there any other mom bloggers we should be following? Tell us in the comments.


A Sensory Bin for Fine Motor Skills

Sensory Bin for Fine Motor Skills pin.

I set up this sensory bin often for Rosebud. She likes to be in the kitchen with me while I’m making dinner. I usually try to make foods that she can help me prepare, but when the meal is too complicated or if she isn’t in the mood to help, I put together this quick sensory bin. I don’t have a name for it because it’s random, but it’s fantastic for working on those fine motor skills. Squeezing, pinching, grasping and pouring are all skills that strengthen the hands and fingers, increase hand eye coordination and are a precursor to writing.

Sensory Bin for Fine Motor Skills

What’s in the tub?

  • Water,
  • Dish soap for bubbles,

Sensory bin with all the items

Other things you could include:

  • Tongs,
  • Stones or marbles,
  • Small bottles,
  • Mini strainers,
  • Sponges of different shapes and or textures,
  • Food coloring.

A Sensory Bin for Fine Motor Skills pin.

Rosebud’s favorite part of this sensory tub is the sponges. She loves squeezing all the water out into the cups. I only had these wedge makeup sponges on hand, but I will be buying different sponges to add. She also asked for the animals which allows for more pretend play. She has the penguins and seals swim through the bubbles, dive into the cups and she gives them a bath. It’s a win-win. I can make dinner or do dishes and Rosebud can play and learn at the same time. What are your go to activities when you need to be busy with chores? Tell me in the comments.


Potty Training Strategies That Work

Potty Training Strategies pin

I’m happy to say that Rosebud is potty trained! We have been on quite a journey, but she’s finally got it. We actually started potty training when she was around 18 months old because I bought one of the child sized potties. She learned really quickly what to do. She was staying dry for most of the day plus peeing and pooping in the small potty. Then she came down with a really bad cold and we took a trip to Pensylvania. That ended her interest in the potty. We tried off and on over the next year and a half, but she marches to the beat of her own drum. It became crystal clear that she would do it in her own time and that’s what she did. However, there were a few strategies I used along the way that helped in the potty training process. I’m an early childhood educator, so I know these work with other children as well. You may need to only use a couple of these or combine all of them to work for your children.

Child sized potty

Try a Child Sized Potty

Some people advise against using a child sized potty, but it worked for Rosebud and it has worked for several of the kids I’ve worked with. It especially helps when you are training a child under two. Rosebud was scared of the big potty. When she sat on it, she felt like she was going to fall in and a couple of times, she almost did. I had to hold her up because she couldn’t reach the floor and she wasn’t sure what to hold on to, but once I got the small potty, she was able to relax and focus on peeing or pooping. Some say that it’s harder to transition to the big potty, but in my experience, the kids have wanted to use it when they feel comfortable and are a little bigger. Rosebud still uses the small potty sometimes. She usually uses it when she has to poop because she feels more comfortable, but if it isn’t there, she’ll go on the regular toilet with no problem. If you don’t want to buy the child sized potty, they sell these seats that go over your toilet seat that cover most of the hold so that your child won’t fall.

Little girl eating ice cream.

Sticker Charts

I’m going to say it up front. This did not work at all for Rosebud, but I have seen sticker charts work well for many children over the years. Most children love stickers. In fact, we do this in several classes at the childcare center. For those who don’t know, these charts have a certain amount of spaces that get filled in with stickers. Each time the child uses the potty, they get a sticker. Click here for a variety of free potty training sticker charts. At work, we usually give one sticker for pee and two stickers for poop, but you can decide what would be best for your child. After the chart is filled, the idea is to get a reward. It could be a special treat like an ice cream, a toy or watching a movie. Younger toddlers will care more about the immediate reward of getting the sticker and may not understand the long-term goal of getting a bigger reward. You may want to skip that part and just opt for stickers. However, if your child is a preschooler, he or she will probably understand this concept better. It’s really up to you and what you think is appropriate.

With Rosebud, we might have filled one chart, but she didn’t care about the stickers. They didn’t motivate her at all. I learned that she is internally motivated which will serve her well as an adult. Many of the kids I work with are more motivated externally. Meaning they get their motivation from other people or things in the environment. They love getting the stickers and are so proud to finally get a full sticker chart to show their parents. They want to go on the potty because they’ll know they’ll get a reward. I’d recommend special stickers for this. If your child likes a certain character from movies or tv. Maybe they would like glittery or puffy stickers. Just something out of the ordinary and only used for going on the potty.

Toddler on the potty with an open book.


There are books about anything and potty training is no exception. I read a few of these to Rosebud and she seemed to enjoy them. This was one of the things that helped her make the connection. A Potty for Me is a good one. In one of the books, it showed a cat going in the litter box, a dog going potty outside and of course, a baby trying the potty for the first time. Rosebud started making the connection, realizing that Diamond and Mellow used the litter box and we use the toilet. Books are great because they can reinforce the lessons we are teaching and help them make those connections. Books can teach children about their boddies and some of the life skills they need to learn. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood coincidentally has an episode about using the potty. We watched that several times as well. If you can get a double wammy with books and tv shows, even better.

Little boy puts on his own socks.

Choosing Their Own Underwear

I took Rosebud to the store and let her pick out her own underwear. She liked the Paw Patrol panties, so that’s usualy what she uses. Since she likes them, she wants to keep them dry. One of the women I work with experienced the same thing. Her granddaughter has Frozen underwear that she picked out. She keeps them dry because she doesn’t want to get the characters wet. If all else fails, have them pick out their own underwear and make a big deal about how special they are.

Toddler boy on potty pin.

Use Less Clothes

When Rosebud turned three, I decided to try the Three Day Method. It was a huge mistake. I knew there would be a lot of accidents, but many of them seemed deliberate. She’d go pee in the closet or in other random places in the house. She understood what the potty was for, but since the pressure was on, she decided she wasn’t ready. It was a horrible three days. We both only ended up mad at each other, but I learned that less clothes really does help. She did much bettter if she had no pants on or just her underwear. If she had regular pants on, she still had accidents. During your potty training process, I highly recommend letting them be in just their underwear and a shirt while at home. They can easily pull their underwear down and go potty and there will be less washing for you. Also, there won’t be anything there to absorb it so it will be uncomfortable for them if they do go in their underwear. Chances are, they won’t want to do that many times. As a side note, have them help with clean up. They will start to understand that going outside the toilet makes a mess and they will get tired of cleaning up after themselves.

Proud toddler sitting in a laundry basket wearing training pants on his head.

Follow Their Lead

This is my biggest piece of advice. No matter what advice you hear from family and friends, you know your own child. You know if they are ready. If they are ready, it won’t be as much work. They’ll be willing to let go of the diapers. They will understand what the potty is for and be able to control their boddies. Kids have more intuition and understanding than we give them credit for. Rosebud knew when she was ready. She started telling me she needed to go potty. After she stayed dry through the night for about a week, she was the one who said that she only wanted to wear her underwear at night. She said she didn’t need diapers anymore. She’s been staying dry ever since. There were a lot of steps forward and just as many steps back, but we got there.

Toddler boy washing his hands.

Extra Tips

Role modeling is so important. It might sound a little weird, but have your child go potty with you. Since you probably don’t get too many trips to the bathroom alone anyway, they might as well be productive trips. After a while, Rosebud wanted to go on the smaller potty while I used the big one. Kids are happy to be doing anything that grownups are doing.

Put a stool in the bathroom. This is useful for kids to get up on the toilet and they will have something to put their feet on while they are sitting up there. They may feel uncomfortable since their feet can’t touch the ground. Having the stool there can help them balance, allowing them to focus on the task at hand instead of worrying about falling. It’s also useful for hand washing. I put one of these stools in each of my bathrooms. Rosebud loves them.

Finally, try a special toy, book or game that will help them sit on the potty for a few minutes. Sometimes I’d read a book to her, let her bring a small toy or use the Baby Bubbles app on my phone. She’d sit there for two seconds and decide she was done. I needed something that would keep her attention long enough to sit there and try. Eventually you won’t need these extras, but they can be a big help in the beginning.

Remember, that every child is different. They will learn to use the potty eventually. I find that they learn faster and are more likely to stick with it if they don’t feel pressured into it. Go at their pace even when you want to hurry it up. When Rosebud was finally truly ready, it only took a few days. The piece of advice that really matters is to follow your instincts and not to worry about strategies that won’t work for you or when the other children you know were potty trained. In the end, it won’t matter. I hope you’ve found these tips helpful. Good luck with your potty training journey. What potty training strategies have worked well for you? Tell me in the comments.


Easter Spring Sensory Bin

Easter Spring Sensory Bin pin

This post will be short, but I wanted to check in and share our latest sensory bin. I’m not sure what to call this, so I’m going with the Easter spring sensory bin. I went to the dollar store the other day and stocked up on some random spring and Easter items and here is what I came up with for this week.

Easter Spring Sensory Bin

What’s in the bin?

Easter grass,

Plastic eggs,

Mini and medium sized rubber ducks,

Glass and acrylic rocks,




Rosebud’s hands reaching in the sensory bin

Rosebud mostly just played with the materials, but she hid the mini ducks in the eggs. We scooped up the eggs with the scoops. We hid items in the grass. We put pompoms in the eggs. I told Rosebud to pretend they were little bunnies, but she wasn’t having it. She started making nests for the little ducks and their eggs, but decided to dump everything on the floor instead. She enjoyed picking up items with the tongs and trying to get them free from the grass. It’s a great fine motor activity. She was tired, so this was short lived tonight, but I have a feeling this one is a work in progress. We will be adding and subtracting items when necessary and I will be changing up the sensory bins more often. I have lots of ideas for this spring. What are in your sensory bins right now? Tell me in the comments.

Scooping up an egg

Easter Spring Sensory Bin pin


My Favorite Things for March

I want to share some of my favorite things and accomplishments for the month of March. This is something new I plan on doing at the end of every month from now on. Writing down my accomplishments will keep me accountable and moving forward and why not share some of my favorite things? You might like them as well. For this month, I have a book, a recipe, a perfume and some articles to pass along.

My Favorite Things Spring PinAccomplishments

I’ll start with my wins for the month of March. At the end of February, I started using my Pinterest account which had no views. As of this moment, there are 39,000 views. I know that’s a relatively small number for Pinterest, but it’s just the beginning. I think it’s good considering the endless accessibility issues I have with Pinterest, my limited ability to create eye catching photos and my lack of knowledge on how Pinterest works. I have been reading and researching which has given me a better understanding of strategies for using Pinterest. It’s a work in progress, but what isn’t? My second win and one of my goals for 2019 was to reactivate my Amazon associates account. I’ve been working hard to update older posts as well as create new content. Now the trick is making those sales. My third accomplishment was getting approved for ShareASale. That will be my next project.


As I’ve talked about on the blog before, I always have an Audible book that I’m listening to. Earlier this month, I read the Ex-Wife by Jess Ryder. It was one of those books that sounded kind of interesting, but I wasn’t too sure about it. I found it in a two books for one credit deal. After the first couple of chapters, I really wanted to know what happened next. I listened to most of it in one weekend. I won’t give anything away, but the ending seemed to be an opening for a second book, but who knows. I’ve read a lot of books lately where loose ends aren’t tied up.

Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks
Macaroni and cheese


Unfortunately, I did not take a picture when I cooked this, but I’m not a food photographer anyway. This Easy Instant Pot Macaroni and Cheese is so simple to make. It tastes good. Rosebud loved it and that is saying something. She’s going through an extremely picky eating phase. The best part is it takes about ten minutes. The other great thing is you make it in the instant pot. I love having only one pot instead of a bunch of pots and pans to wash. The macaroni comes out perfect and it is very cheesy. If you try it, let me know what you think.

Perfume bottles and roses


I ordered some makeup and got a sample of Viva LA Juicy Noir by Juicy Couture. I quickly used it all and then had to order more. It’s hard to describe the scent. It’s kind of fruity, but it’s not over the top sweet. It’s not too strong unless you use more than you should. I normally stick with one or two scents that I use most of the time, but this one has become one of my favorites. What are your perfumes that you absolutely love?

A mac book on a desk next to a cup of coffee.


Okay, so I have several for this month. I couldn’t narrow it down to just one, but they all serve different purposes.

This first article is about raising daughters and gender stereotypes. It’s well written and reminds us what is important about raising a girl. Click here to read, The Trappings of Girlhood.

I saw this cool article from Whimsyroo with a list of bath time activities. I know Rosebud gets bored with the same bath toys and this post has some great ideas to make bath time more fun. I love this blog and all the fun activities she posts. Click this link for Creative Bath Time Activities for Kids.

I am a big fan of journaling and one of the benefits of journaling is gratitude. If you journal about the things you are grateful for, it can boost your mood and if you are a believer in the law of attraction, gratitude will bring you more things to be grateful for. That being said, listing the same five things you are grateful for can be a little boring and not seem worth the effort, but Monica from Mindfully Monica explains how to start a gratitude journal that actually works.

My Favorite Things bulletin board pin

Full disclosure, I saw this one a little before March started, but I have to share it. I’m featured on this post from GROWMOMMY.COM! Rosebud’s antics earned me a spot in this list of 10 Hilarious Reasons for Toddler Tantrums.

This post from Be Anxious About Nothing brings to light the very important and overlooked issues of disabled domestic abuse. The post was written in defense of Dr. Phil and his recent show with a couple where the man is disabled and the woman is not. I knew nothing about it until seeing this post, but there has been outrage online due to the show’s supposed ablism. I say supposed because I have not seen it and don’t want to comment without viewing it first. However, I will share this post because disabled people are more likely to be the victims of abuse and that has to stop.

This final link is to a Ted talk about being a good listener. Too often we forget to really take the time to listen to someone. Sometimes all someone needs is to be heard.

How to Listen Better – Tips From a Deaf Guy, from Stephen O’Keefe.