
Valentine’s Day Gifts for Your Little Girl

Valentine’s Day is less than a month away. While I think it’s over commercialized like everything else, I want to make the day fun and special for Rosebud. Our tradition is that I surprise her with a small Valentine’s Day gift in the morning. I haven’t decided exactly what her gift will be yet, but I’ll admit that shopping for little girls is too much fun. It gave me inspiration for this post. If you are shopping for a Valentine’s gift for little girl, I got you covered. This post has plenty of gift ideas to get you started.

Valentine’s Day Gifts for Your Little Girl

Build A Bouquet Play Set

Rosebud loves this flower play set. There are a few different kinds and they all look like they can be connected. I got her this set last year and she still plays with it, but I’m thinking of getting her a second set, so that she can make her flower gardens bigger. This toy is great for color recognition, creativity and learning about different kinds of flowers.

Little girl playing with jewelry


Most little girls I know love jewelry. Rosebud has this bracelet and necklace set with rose pendant. She is not a fan of jewelry, so I’m saving it for when she’s a little older. This set is very pretty and I was surprised that it seems well made. I was impressed with it for a little girl’s necklace. There are tons of options for girls jewelry. The options are endless.

Little girl with teddy bear

Stuffed Animal

Stuffed animals are a classic gift. You can go with a classic teddy bear or with something unique. Something soft and cuddly is always nice.

Mother and daughter reading book


You can’t go wrong with books. There are so many great Valentines books out there. Here are just a few to give you an idea.

Girl in red dress

Valentine’s Dress

If you are going anywhere fancy for this Valentine’s Day or if your little girl just loves dressing up, you could get her a nice dress.

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for Girls

Kinetic Sand

I got this sand for Rosebud for Christmas and it is the coolest thing. It doesn’t dry out, you can make so many neat things and it doesn’t make a huge mess. There are lots of cool molds you can buy and lots of colors of sand to choose from. I’m thinking of getting the purple shimmer for Rosebud because purple is her favorite color. You could go with red to celebrate Valentine’s Day or maybe white shimmer for winter time.

Mother and daughter doing crafts

Art Supplies

If your little girl is an artist like mine is, why not get some Valentines themed art supplies? I love art because it allows children to use their imaginations.

Little girl at play kitchen

Play Food

Speaking of imaginations, Rosebud is loving her play kitchen and all the pretend food to go with it. Why not get your child’s favorite food in toy form? Maybe one of these desserts or the fruit salad?

Mother and daughter with heart

Crafting Kits

Rosebud is still too young for some of these things, but if you have a school age girl, a crafting kit might be the perfect thing. Some ideas are jewelry making, latch hook, gimp, modeling clay etc. Not only is creating something fun, but you could do these activities together. It could just be a relaxing activity after a long day at school or you could make Valentine’s Day gifts for others together. Either way, it’s a way to spend quality time which leads me to the last gift idea on my list.

Little girl with Valentines gift

Quality Time

    This doesn’t cost a thing. Well, it doesn’t have to. The main thing to show your children on Valentine’s Day is that you love them and want to spend time with them. Do you have a favorite activity that you like to do together or as a family? Here are some ideas.
  • Baking cookies together,
  • Taking a sight seeing walk,
  • Doing each other’s nails,
  • Spa day with facials and or foot bath,
  • Watching a favorite movie,
  • Reading books together,
  • Planning and cooking a meal,
  • Playing board games,
  • Doing puzzles,
  • Exploring places around town that you haven’t seen before,
  • Writing in a 2-way journal.

If your child is older, this would be a fun way to stay connected. Sometimes it’s easier to talk about things face to face, so it’s a great way to keep the lines of communication open. While this is not exactly an activity that you would necessarily do together, I think it counts as quality time as you are taking the time to stop and listen.

Valentine’s Day Gifts for Little Girls
Will you be getting your little girl a Valentines gift? Do you have any special Valentine’s Day traditions? Tell me in the comments. Happy shopping!


Toy Recommendations for Christmas 2019

When I asked Rosebud what she wanted for Christmas this year, she didn’t have an answer. Luckily for her, I have found some cool toys that she will be excited to find under the tree on Christmas morning.

Toy Recommendations for Christmas 2019
When I’m looking for toys for her, I try to choose things that are open ended to encourage creative play. I also look for toys that will grow with her over time. I like it when toys are educational, but not in a traditional sense. More importantly, I want to get her toys she’ll have lots of fun playing with, so I’m looking forward to seeing what she will do with these new toys. Everything on this list is great for preschoolers ages three to five.

Magnet block castle


Rosebud loves to build and she loves these Picasso magnet tiles. I bought them for Christmas last year and highly recommend them. She’s played with them almost every day since. We’ve made houses for animals, castles for Barbie, trees, divider boxes for sorting items etc. She comes up with new buildings every time she uses these. I was thinking of getting her a second set, but I wanted something different for to add to her creations. Magna Tiles are a great brand and admittedly, they are on the expensive side, but I caved and got her this Stardust set. These tiles are either glittery or have mirrors. I think she’ll love pairing these with the PicassoTiles.

Magnet block bakery

I also saw these magnetic people that work with this kind of blocks. She loves playing with toy people and these community helpers will be great to add to her buildings.

Magnet block tree

Toddler playing in sink


Kinetic sand

This stuff is amazing! It’s popular with my preschool class, so I just had to get some of this for Rosebud. I love how it sticks together like real sand. It’s not too messy and I even like to sit and play with it. I was torn between the beach set and the bakery set, so I bought both. Rosebud is loving the color purple right now, so I’d like to get her the purple shimmer too. The beach set has the most sand out of all of them and it’s actually a good buy. If you want a quiet sensory activity, I highly recommend this sand.

Toy Sink

I originally wasn’t going to get her this, but I got one for a friend of Rosebud’s for his birthday. Since Rosebud saw it, she has asked why she can’t have one. I think I’ll give this to her on her birthday. You put water in the bottom of the sink and when you turn on the fossit, the water comes out like a regular sink. It comes with dishes to wash, pretend dish soap and a sponge. Why not teach kids to wash dishes along side you?

Boy playing with dollDramatic Play

Rosebud loves to play in her pretend kitchen, so I wanted to get her some new play foods to experiment with.

She loves pancakes, so I got her this pancake making set by Melissa & Doug. It has everything you need to make perfect pretend pancakes.

She loves to bake with me, so I got her a spice rack. This way, she can addd spices to her baking or cooking up a nice meal.

She has a lot of fruits and vegetables, breakfast foods and sweets, but I wanted her to have some food to make pretend meals. She loves pasta and I found this cool Melissa & Doug pasta making set. It has a variety of pastas with all the toppings. I know she’ll have fun with this.

To wrap up the dramatic play category, I got her this Baby Alive doll with cupcakes. Her birthday is right around Christmas and I thought this would be a great gift. She has started to really enjoy playing dolls in the past few months and she loves to set up pretend birthday parties.

Kids playing board game


Rosebud is starting to have a better understanding of games and I found a couple simple games to start off with.

First, there’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar. She loves the book, so I thought the game would be fun and easy for her to play. Next, there’s Pete The Cat buttons game. She loves all the Pete the Cat books, so she’ll definitely love this game. The Pete the Cat cupcakes game would be fun too and I may still get that one for her as well.

Toy Recommendations for Christmas 2019

I am also getting her some books, but I will save our winter book list for another post. What will be under your tree this year? Tell me in the comments.

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9Baby Bath Time Essentials

Bath time was one of those things that really worried me when I was a new mom. I questioned everything. Was the bath tub I chose going to be safe? Am I using the right products? What if she gets water in her ears? What if she hates her baths and struggles to let me wash her? I was anxious in general about my baby being in a tub of water. Even though the tub might be made specifically for infants. As bath time helped Rosebud relax before bed, we quickly developed a nice bath time routine. Here is the list of baby bath time essentials that relieved my worry, kept Rosebud clean and made bath time fun.

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Baby Bath Tub

Once we got started, we both became comfortable with bath time and she really enjoyed it. She loves anything to do with water, so that made my job that much easier, but when I first brought her home, she was so tiny. It was obvious that the baby bath tub I bought wouldn’t work. For the first month or two, I used the wash tub they give you at the hospital. It worked perfectly for her. I’d just keep my hand behind her head and wash the rest of her body with the other. Then when she was big enough, we started using this tub.

While it has mixed reviews, it worked perfectly for us. I picked this tub because it could be used until she was a toddler. The top part of the seat inflates so that the baby can lay back and be supported. When your baby is able to sit, you no longer have to inflate the top part of the seat. You just inflate the bottom part and it becomes more like a regular tub. I found that this tub had plenty of room for Rosebud to splash and play once she was sitting on her own. It was also easy to clean and it folds up for storage. Eventually, I had to stop using the tub because it didn’t fit well in my kitchen sink. One day I tried to move the faucet out of the way and it got caught on the tub ripping the plastic. I’d suggest using it inside your bath tub if you can.
Here are some other bath tubs to choose from.

Next, I bought this Munchkin duck tub. Rosebud was a toddler at this point, but I didn’t think she was ready to be in the big tub just yet. While the new tub was easy to clean, cute and definitely didn’t break the bank, I didn’t like it as much as the first tub. It served its purpose, but Rosebud quickly grew out of it. I’d recommend this tub if your baby can sit unsupported, but is not yet ready for the adult tub.

Mother bathing baby

Baby Body Wash

It’s up to you if you want to go organic. For the first few months of Rosebud’s life, I did. A couple of people gave me this Babyganics body wash at my baby shower, so that’s what I used. While I prefer something with scent, this is a great option if you are sensitive to smells and or if you want to go chemical free. Later I used this oatmeal vanilla body wash. It smells great, but it’s not for everyone. I’ll include a few options for you to choose from.

Baby shampoo label

Baby Shampoo

This is another case where you may want to go chemical free. I’ve gone back and forth between Babyganics and Johnson and Johnson since that’s what they gave us at the hospital. Both shampoos have worked for us, but once I get through my current bottle, I will try something different. You’ll have to find what works best for your baby’s hair and which product you feel comfortable with, so I’ve included a couple different options to get you started.

Baby girl in bath

Wash Cloths or Sponge

I prefer wash cloths because they are easier to hang and dry, but sometimes a soft sponge works well too. I found a nice set of wash cloths that have lasted us a while. They are a thicker terry cloth, they are soft and have stood up to many washings.

Bath Thermometer

There are different options for this, but I needed something simple that I could see. This cute little duck by Munchkin did the trick. Once the water was too hot, the word hot would appear in big white letters on the bottom of the duck. I could be sure that the water was at the appropriate temperature and as a bonus, this little ducky doubles as a nice bath toy. It is easy to clean because there is no holes where water can get in.

Baby bath time accessories pin

Hooded Towel

Rosebud would scream when I got her out of the tub because she was cold. Having a good hooded towel was a definite must have! The best hooded towels we had were hand me downs, believe it or not. Normally, I don’t take hand me downs because I get a little worked up over germs and not knowing where something has been, but these towels looked barely used and they were obviously good quality. I’ve looked in the stores and can’t find them anywhere, but there are quality hooded towels out there. I’ve found that thicker and softer is better. You need something that can absorb the water quickly and keep your baby warm. I also loved that these towels were large. Most of the towels I bought myself or got from other people were so small, but these towels fully covered her and the hood actually fit her head. In some cases, the old school products are far superior.

Baby Lotion

Since we live in the northeast, we have long cold winters. With the heat being on all the time, it can quickly dry out our skin. That’s why I’d put lotion on Rosebud most days after her bath. Just like with the body wash and shampoo, I’ve used Babyganics and Johnson & Johnson. I usually stick with the oatmeal and vanilla because I like the smell, but it is not all natural. Luckily, there are lots of options if you are looking for organic products. With the warmer weather, I haven’t had to use lotion on Rosebud as much, but I’ve continued to use it when necessary throughout her toddlerhood.

Rubber ducks in bubble bath


As soon as your baby can sit up and play, this will become their favorite part of bath time. This bath ball was one of Rosebud’s favorite bath toys. She loved to watch the water falling like rain.

Another one of her first bath toys was this set of squirting fish.

When she got a little older, she started to enjoy this tea set and this Fisher-Price boat.

Bath Organizer

With bath toys, you need a place to put them. That’s where this great bath toy organizer comes in handy. I have it hanging on my shower caddy, but it comes with hooks that you can attach to your tub. This bag is a mesh material that allows the toys to dry between bath times. It has one large pocket in the back and three in front. The bottles that I have don’t fit into those pockets, but smaller bottles would. I use the large pocket for toys. To clean the bag, I just through it in the washer. The specific one I bought is no longer available, so here’s something similar.

9 Essential Bath Time Accessories pinDid I miss anything? What are your baby bath time essentials? Tell me in the comments.


10 Must-haves for your Baby Registry

If you’re pregnant and have a baby shower coming up, you’ll definitely want to create a baby registry. You can create one almost anywhere you shop, but when I was in the market for baby products, I found some of the best deals on Amazon. You can use your registry in different ways. Since many of my family and friends prefer to shop locally, I used my registry as my personal baby shopping list, but the best way to use it is for your baby shower guests. It’s easy to navigate, you can find just about anything and if your guests are Prime members, they get free shipping. Plus you get a free baby box just for setting up your registry.

10 must-haves for your baby registry pin

Once you have created your registry, you’ll want to start adding products. There are so many products available, it’s hard to choose. You can end up spending a lot of money and buying a bunch of stuff you don’t need, so I’ve created a list of 10 must-haves for your baby registry. These are some of the products I used most in Rosebud’s first year. The obvious items are diapers, wipes, clothing and bath products, but this list includes products that you might not think of at first, but would find useful.

Baby drinking milk


I’ll start off with some items for feeding your baby.
Comotomo bottles
I tried many bottles and these were the best by far! I love that they are easy to clean, were a softer material and their shape is most similar to breast-feeding. I bought some of their slower flow nipples and they were perfect for paced feeding. Rosebud also didn’t get gassy on these. We had some trouble with some of the other bottles. Whether it was with the flow or shape of the nipple. She would get too much air from the bottle, but not with the Comotomo bottles. The only complaint I have about these bottles is they can be easily tipped because of their shape, so I had to be careful when filling them, but it wasn’t a huge problem for me. They may be a little more expensive than other bottles, but they are worth it.

Spectra S2
If you are breast-feeding and are in the market for a pump, I’d definitely choose this one. In most cases, your insurance will pay for a breast pump and the Spectra S2 is usually on the list you can choose from. I did a lot of research before choosing a pump and I also tried pumps from other brands to compare. I was having trouble with pumping, so I tried a Medela pump to see if my body would respond better to another pump, but I always got the best results with the Spectra S2.
Other Benefits

  • It’s a closed system, meaning the milk can’t get inside the pump or tubing.
  • It’s more gentle than the other pumps.
  • Relatively quiet.
  • Includes a night light.
  • Easy to use and has multiple modes to choose from.

Space saving high chair
I had two different high chairs. My aunt bought me this really nice stand alone high chair that could grow with Rosebud, but it took up a lot of space in my kitchen. However, at my mom’s house, we had this much smaller high chair that did the trick just as well. It was one of those that you attach to a kitchen chair that was already at the table. Of course, I loved that it saved space, but I also liked that I could sit Rosebud right at the table. You can use the high chair with the tray on or off depending on the age and needs of your child.

Mother watching baby sleep

Night Time

Night time is important because we all need our rest. Sleep is hard to get in the beginning, but some of these products can help baby rest or give you peace of mind.
Owl night light soother
I got one of these when Rosebud was a baby and I still use it to this day. The noise from this machine helps block out other sounds. Rosebud has always been a light sleeper, so this has definitely helped. We prefer the ocean sound, but there are songs, white noise, the rainforest and even a heartbeat to choose from. It has a light with different levels of brightness and has a moon and stars projector. You can leave it on all night which is what I do or you can have it shut off automatically. It’s been running for three years now and is still going strong.

Halo Sleepsack
I bought a couple of these for Rosebud because I wanted to cover her, but didn’t want to worry about blankets. In my experience, most baby blankets are too small to wrap with and of course there is always the worry of sids. The baby is in the sleep sack and the loose parts wrap around the baby to create a snug fit, so there is less of a risk of anything covering their face. These sleep sacks come in different materials and designs. I had good luck with these in my infant room as well since we aren’t allowed to use traditional blankets. Like anything else, these work well for some babies and not for others, but they are definitely worth a try.

Baby monitor
This was another useful gift I got at my baby shower and i still use this monitor to hear what goes on in Rosebud’s room. One cool thing about this monitor is if the sound coming from the room is louder, the lights on the monitor flash brighter. It also has a vibrating feature. I’ve never used it, but it may be helpful for some people. I’ve been using this particular monitor for over three years now and have never had a problem with it.

Baby crawling


FisherPrice rocker
I had to find a comfortable place for Rosebud when she didn’t want to play on the floor. She preferred to sit up, but the problem was she couldn’t support herself yet. That problem was solved when I found this Fisher Price Rocker on Amazon. I just want to note that this is not the Rock ‘n Play. This is simply a little rocking chair that can be reclined as well. This one also has a vibrating feature plus hanging toys to keep baby entertained. I’d put her in this chair while I showered and she loved it. It was nice having another place to put her while I needed to get things done.

Mirrors and Toys
Babies love to look at faces and Rosebud was no exception. I found these mirrors on Amazon and got a lot of use out of mirrors. The great things about these mirrors is that you can attach them to cribs, seats or just set them up on the floor. These mirrors also have other items attached that the babies can look at and play with.
Rosebud’s favorite toys were made by Oball. I don’t know if it was the fact that they were easier to hold or maybe they were more entertaining, but all of these were her favorites. I’d highly recommend this brand.

10 Must-haves for your baby Registry pin

Out and About

Lilibaby carrier
If you want to baby wear, I’d suggest the Lillibaby carrier. For me, it was the most comfortable to wear and the easiest to use. I also tried a sling, but could never get the hang of it. While the Lillebaby has a few clips to fasten, it felt more secure. It has several baby wearing positions that you can do depending on the age and size of your baby. It’s a mesh material, so it doesn’t get as hot. The best thing is that your baby can be close to you while your hands are free to do other tasks.

Shopping cart cover

This was an unexpected item that a friend gave me that I never knew I needed. When we went to the store, I would baby wear at first, but sometimes it was just easier to put Rosebud in the cart depending on what I needed to buy. I didn’t like the seats that they have at the store and there was no way I was putting Rosebud on the cold cart that is full of germs,so I was glad to have one of these puffy cart covers which kept Rosebud secure in the cart while she was able to sit up and look at everything while I shopped. I’d recommend one of these even though it’s not an absolute necessity.

What were your baby registry must-haves or those products you got that you didn’t expect to actually use? Tell me in the comments. Happy shopping!


5 Pregnancy Tips for First Time Moms

Being practical in life can go a long way. Sticking with sensible decisions while pregnant is possible even for first-time moms. We’ve gathered a few useful tips for expecting mommas.

Pregnant woman with doctor

Switching to a different OB-GYN is okay

Some are lucky to have an OB-GYN they’re comfortable with even pre-pregnancy. There are some cases though that their beliefs or recommendations do not go in line with our values or gut feel. We’re not discounting the fact that these doctors have studied a lot and have valuable experiences. But, it is essential to know your rights as a patient, especially as a mother who will go through this beautiful experience of giving birth to another life form. 

5 Pregnancy tips pin

Definitely, not all deliveries are the same, but all births should be gentle. This means that the expecting mother’s rights are respected, she is empowered to choose, and that her birth support and providers follow her preferences. Just make sure you bring your records so that you don’t have to go through the necessary checks or tests that the new doctor needs to know.

A pregnant woman with baby clothes

Hand-me-downs are not a bad thing

In fact, this could probably be the most sound thing to do: to be a willing recipient for pre-loved clothes or other baby items like cribs, strollers, babywear, bouncers, high chair, etc. Whether you get them for free or for a very much lower price, it’s a great way to help other families get rid of things that will just end up in storage, and save a lot of money from buying brand new items that will only be used for a month or probably 2 years at the longest.

Bag with baby items

Make use of what you have

Concerning receiving or buying second-hand items, it is also best to look around your house for things that could be of use too. Say, for example, someone gifted you with a stroller; you can probably double it as a high chair. Check on your regular towels if they are hypoallergenic and can be used by the baby too. Or you can take some extra cotton/flannel fabrics and cut them into small squares. With edges sewn, these can be used as cloth wipes! Yes, items for the baby don’t always have to come from the baby section as long as you can do your checks.

Pregnant woman reading a book

Information overload is normal

Just like learning anything new, we are bound to feel overwhelmed with all the information at hand. So take one concept at a time. You have nine months to get just the right knowledge about those topics. Whether it’s about Gentle Birth, Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Attachment Parenting, and any other concepts you’re inclined to. You can also attend seminars and events other than reading about them. This is perfect not just for better retention but also to find people who are into the same beliefs and advocacies.

Mother and father playing with baby girl

Keep your partner/husband/support team in the know

Everything essential you gained from reading, mentioned by your doctor and all the knowledge you have on certain concepts should definitely be shared to your support team. As the old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise the child.” For any support that you need from pregnancy, until birth, newborn stage, toddler stage, and so on, it is best to really involve those important people around you and let them in on the help you need and how you want to raise your child.

5 Pregnancy tips for first time moms pin

This is a life-changing phase of your life. Embrace it and enjoy this rollercoaster experience you’ll be taking on. Don’t worry; you’ll be great.

About the Writer:

Rachel Peralta is a freelance writer who finally took the leap of getting out of her comfort zone in the corporate world for 11 years. She loves traveling, supports the zero-waste movement and strives to practice intentional parenting as a hands-on mom to her active & curious little daughter.

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How to Create Successful Morning and Evening Routines for Kids

Today, I am collaborating with Amanda Tallent from The Zebra to talk about morning and evening routines. Having a consistent routine will definitely set your kids up for success. Predictable routines that work will help you, the busy parent as well. Amanda Tallent generously offered to share her morning and evening routine printables with my readers. If you want to create a new morning or evening routine for your children and don’t know where to start, keep reading for some tips and don’t forget to grab these free resources before you leave!

How to create morning routines pin

Before we get to the tips and tricks, I want to introduce Amanda. Amanda Tallent is a content creator for The Zebra and develops helpful resources for families. Her passion for creative writing has led her to cover unique topics ranging from business to lifestyle. She calls Austin, TX home and enjoys crafting, decorating and traveling in her spare time.

Mother and daughter brushing teeth

Time goes by quickly and as our kids grow older, they learn new skills each and every day. With new life skills, comes more advanced communication and even a bit of responsibility. No matter what age your child or children might be, there are simple ways to teach valuable skills that grow their independence. 

Establishing a routine can be very beneficial for kids of any age. Knowing what expectations are and how to handle a schedule helps set them up for success. From making their bed to picking up their toys, teaching these easy habits can pay off later. 

To help encourage your kids in the morning or when getting ready for bed, The Zebra created some printable routine checklists that show common tasks like brushing teeth and getting dressed. To use these printables each day, you can slip them into a pocket protector and use dry erase markers to check off each item.

Rosebud’s Evening Routine

Now that Rosebud is going to preschool it’s more important than ever that I create a consistent evening routine. Since preschool is new for her and she doesn’t attend everyday, I have some flexibility in our routines, but I try to stay as consistent as possible. Here’s our basic afternoon/evening routine.

When I get home from work, we play for 1-2 hours depending on what I’m making for dinner. If the meal involves more preparation, we have less time to play. While I make dinner, she’s either helping me in the kitchen, playing with a sensory bin or having a bit of screen time. I serve dinner between 5 and 6 O’Clock. There are some days when she’s hungry by 4:30, so I may start dinner a little earlier. Since my shift ends in the afternoon, my schedule allows for this.

Rosebud’s Evening Schedule

6 O’Clock: Play time.

6:45: Clean up toys.

I clean up the kitchen, feed the cat and prepare Rosebud’s backpack for the next morning.7:00 Bath time.

Put on pajamas.

Brush teeth.

7:30 Story time.

7:45 Bedtime.

Boy at bedtime snuggling a plush polar bear

I try to stick to this general schedule, but everything depends on how much work I have to do around the house and what Rosebud and I feel like doing. Sometimes, we skip bath time if Rosebud doesn’t need one. This gives her a bit more play time. Other days, we go out to play after dinner if it was too hot earlier in the day. Rosebud’s not a big fan of the hot weather, so she prefers to go outside later. Outdoor play is important, so everything else on the schedule may get pushed back. Just because bedtime is around 7:45, Rosebud almost never falls asleep that early. She likes me to snuggle with her after stories and I stay with her until she falls asleep. She’s usually asleep by 8:30. I bring a pair of earbuds and listen to an audio book or podcast. I’ve found it’s the only thing that doesn’t keep her awake.

You may have to do a lot of trial and error before you find a routine that works for you. The thing I’ve had to adjust most often is bedtime. Rosebud has always been a night owl, so, I’ve always struggled with getting her to sleep. As we all know, sleep is so important. It can make or break the next day.

Morning and Evening Routines infographic

Morning Routines

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that morning routines are a challenge for me. I’ve never been a morning person. I like my sleep and used to constantly hit the snooze button. Since I’ve moved my workouts to the morning, I’ve been better about getting up on time. My biggest challenge is fitting everything in without feeling rushed. However, here are some tips that have helped me.

  • 1. Prepare what you can the night before. Whether it be lunch or your child’s backpack, it saves time to have it ready.
  • 2. Get up a little earlier than normal. I moved my wake up time to 5:30. This gives me an extra half hour to exercise and spend a few minutes working on smaller blog tasks.
  • 3. Avoid hitting the snooze button and get up when the alarm goes off. If you fall back to sleep, you’ll feel worse.
  • 4. Eat a decent breakfast. Even if it’s just a smoothy, it’ll give you some energy.
  • 5. Have your children help with morning tasks if possible. Since Rosebud gets dressed by herself now, I give her her clothes and have her get dressed while I’m doing something else. Little things like this can not only save time, but will help children feel more confident in mastering these skills.

Mother waving daughter off to school

Our Morning Routine

5:30 Wake up.

Do small blog tasks and exercise.

6:00 Shower and get dressed

7:00 Wake up time for Rosebud.

This varies. If she wakes up earlier, it messes with my routine a bit. She either plays with toys while I’m in the shower or watches something on the iPad.

7:05 Rosebud gets dressed.

7:10 Breakfast

7:30 Hair and makeup for me. Rosebud brushes teeth and hair.

7:45 Packing anything we need that wasn’t packed the night before. If I’m making a sandwich, I make it in the morning. If I have a meal that I will have to warm up, I prepare that the night before. I check Rosebud’s backpack.

8:00 Feed the cat.

Then catch up on anything that needs to be done so we can get out the door on time. My routine never runs like clock work, but I can say it’s gotten so much better in the past year.

How to create Evening Routines pin


To help you with your routines, Amanda has created these free morning and evening routine printables that I have for you today. These printables can help the whole family stay on track and save everyone lots of time and energy by knowing what needs to be done and when. If your evening routine is a challenge or if your morning routine is a nightmare, these printables are definitely for you!

Evening Routine Printable

Morning Routine Printable

What tips and tricks do you use to make your morning or evening routines successful? Tell me in the comments. Also, don’t forget to visit Amanda over at The Zebra where there are many more wonderful resources for families!


55 Journaling Prompts for Moms

As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, I love journaling. I find that journaling has a lot of benefits. It helps clear the mind, look at things from a different perspective and lets you reflect on your past. It’s a great way of keeping track of your goals, remembering dreams, showing gratitude, preserving memories and if you are a writer, it’s one way to create content. Journaling helps me relax before I go to bed, but I’ve been so focused on this blog, I haven’t been journaling as much. That’s something I want to change because I was thinking about how I’ve been writing to preserve memories for Rosebud. When she was a baby, I wrote so many things down, but for the past year, I’ve definitely been slacking which brings me to the topic of journal prompts for moms. I’ll divide them up into categories and hopefully this will help all of us to start or to continue our journaling practice.

55 Journaling Prompts for Moms pin

Prompts to Preserve Memories

  1. What was your child’s birth story?
  1. What was your family life like growing up?
  1. What lessons did your parents teach you?
  1. What do you wish they would’ve done differently?
  1. What have been the most memorable experiences so far with your children?
  1. Make a list of firsts and write the stories behind them. First words, first food, first steps, first birthday party, first day of school, first night away from home etc.
  1. What was your first memory from your childhood?
  1. Where was your favorite place as a child and where is your favorite place now?
  1. Who were your childhood friends?
  1. What are your child’s favorite toys?
  1. What were your favorite toys as a child?
  1. Did you have any childhood pets? If so, what were they like?
  1. Make a list of things you love about your children.

Collection of journals

Exploring the Future

  1. What are your hopes and dreams?
  1. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  1. What is the most important lesson you want your children to learn?
  1. Write a letter to your older self.
  1. Write letters to your children.
  1. Where do you want your life to be in ten years?
  1. What are your hopes and dreams for your children?
  2. Woman writing in diary

Self Discovery

  1. If you could have any career, what would you do?
  1. What places would you like to see?
  1. If you won ten million dollars, what would you do?
  1. Who do you look up to and why?
  1. What relaxes you?
  1. Make a list of things that bring you joy.
  1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  1. What do you love about yourself?
  1. If you’re in a relationship, what do you love about your partner?
  1. If you are not in a relationship, what do you look for in a partner?
  1. What are your biggest secrets?
  1. What is your biggest regret?
  1. What does your perfect day look like?
  1. What new activities or hobbies would you like to try?
  1. What does self-care mean to you?

Pregnant woman writing in journalPrompts for Daily Life

  1. What are you grateful for today?
  1. What happened today that made you smile?
  1. What was the worst thing about today?
  1. What’s on the menu for the day or week?
  1. Write a story with your child.
  1. What conversations did you have with your children today?
  1. Is there something about today that you wish you could have done differently?
  1. What is your morning routine like?
  1. What is your fitness routine like?
  1. Did you have any dreams that you remember?
  2. 55 Journaling prompts for moms pin

Free Writing Prompts

Some people use a word as a prompt and just write whatever comes to mind. It’s a stream of consciousness exercise. I’ll use some words that may pertain to motherhood.

  1. Motherhood,
  1. Growing,
  1. Working,
  1. Change,
  1. Time,
  1. Happiness,
  1. Expectations,
  1. Wonder,
  1. Plans,
  1. Wishes.

Do you have any go to journaling prompts when you get stuck? Tell me in the comments. If you are looking for a new journal, here are some different styles to choose from. Happy journaling!

If you keep a digital journal like me, check out my favorite journaling app.


Why I Chose Preschool for Rosebud

Up until now, Rosebud has been cared for by family members while I work. I’ve never even left her with a baby sitter or a trusted friend. Leaving her with someone I don’t know at all has been completely out of the question. I had very negative experiences with baby sitters and childcare centers as a kid, so the thought of Rosebud being anywhere other than at home causes me a lot of anxiety. I’ve seen what can happen first hand and just the idea that anything could happen to my daughter is scary. If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that I work in a childcare center. Most people would think that the obvious solution would be to bring her to where I work, but the truth is that I know too much. I know exactly what goes on there and there are too many things I don’t want Rosebud exposed to. One example is this experience, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. If it were up to me, we’d live in a society where children didn’t have to go to childcare and they could spend most of the time with their parents, but we live in a world where most families need two incomes just to survive.

Why I chose Preschool for Rosebud pin

The Boredom

After Rosebud turned three, I started noticing a lot of changes in her. She wasn’t listening, she’d argue with everything I said and it seemed like there was something missing for her. She seemed bored. Bored with me and bored with her toys. She seemed more interested in watching tv until we went screen free for a while.

Kids playing in a circle


Her only friend was Little Guy and he only came over occasionally. He comes over even less now since he switched childcare programs. She’d often beg me to have Little Guy come visit, but when he was here, she’d struggle with the idea of sharing her toys. She loves Little Guy. They have a good time together, but since he is a year younger, they don’t play on the same level. she’s really into creative and imaginative play. She loves to set up pretend parties, create art and build intricate buildings out of blocks. On the other hand, Little Guy loves to play on his own. He’s happy with a bunch of rubber ducks or pushing food around in a toy cart which is completely appropriate for his age. His idea of playing with another kid is a boisterous game of chase which Rosebud loves, but she wants to do other things as well. There are two separate struggles there. Rosebud is an only child and is not used to sharing her toys and you add the fact that they aren’t on the same level and don’t always understand each other. It has made for some interesting play dates, but no matter what happens, they seem to forget and love each other in the end. Rosebud talks about Little Guy every day when they don’t see each other and Little Guy smiles and runs right in like he owns the place when he comes back to visit. That being said, I know Rosebud needs more in terms of learning to share and making new friends.

Girl playing with clay

Mom Guilt

Yes. The mom guilt. The struggle is real! Being an early childhood educator, I always felt guilty for not doing enough with Rosebud. At least I felt like I wasn’t doing enough. I wanted to make new sensory bins every week or two, try all kinds of different types of play-dough and do a bunch of art activities. Oh and let’s not forget that she needs outside time. The problem is there aren’t enough hours in the day. When am I going to do all that? I work and am tired when I get home. I work with kids all day and the last thing I want to do when I get home is get out messy finger paints or make up a new batch of play-dough. All I want to do is relax, but what I need to do is make dinner, clean and get ready for the next day. That doesn’t leave me much time with Rosebud, so I usually take her to play outside. I feel a lot of guilt over this because the last thing I want to do is take care of and play with other kids instead of my own, but that’s what I have to do every day. We do art on rainy days and I make up new sensory bins once a month. The crayons and markers are always available to her and we do lots of pretend play in her kitchen. Over the past six months, the mom guilt has been really nagging at me.

Teacher showing a boy and girl dinosaur models


Next fall, Rosebud will be old enough to do the public pre-k, but from what I’ve seen, pre-k is pretty academic these days. I didn’t want Rosebud to go from no structure to all the structure. Academically, I don’t think it would be a problem. She knows her colors, shapes, numbers and is starting to recognize many letters. She knows a lot about the world around her and is a fast learner. I don’t want school to be a negative experience for her, but I think it would be if there were no transition in between.

Why I chose preschool for Rosebud pin


Up until June, I was still on the fence about what to do. I often hear about the different local programs and I know the signs of a quality early childhood program so that’s what I look for. There are only three programs in my area that have a really good reputation. Unfortunately, cost is definitely a factor, so I was holding off. Then one day, someone told me about this preschool summer camp. It’s a three week session that runs three days per week. They do art, music, story time and outside play. It’s only a morning program. It seemed perfect. It was the perfect way to find out how Rosebud would react in a preschool environment. So far, so good. She’s finished her first week. She’s been on a nature walk, painted pictures and played with new toys. More importantly, she’s been playing with other kids. According to her teacher, she helps out in the classroom and is wonderful. The best thing is that she’s so happy in the afternoons. She tells me about her day and is excited to go back. I’ve noticed that she is less bored and is listening better. She even took a nap one afternoon which she hadn’t done in months. I am relieved that she is enjoying it and that her teacher seems to like her.

Back when I enrolled her in the summer preschool, I asked about their fall preschool program. They have a two, three or five day option. I chose the two day option for the fall. Now I’m kind of regretting not going with the three day option, but I wanted to see how things go. What I like about this preschool is that it’s play based and parents have said all good things about the program. I agonized over this decision, but it was a huge step for me and for Rosebud too. While I still worry and wonder what she is doing throughout the day, I know that I made the right decision. She needs this for her social and emotional development and I know she’ll learn things along the way. Now that I know she’ll be getting some other enrichment, I won’t be as worried that I’m not doing enough. I can just enjoy my time with her no matter what we are doing. Is your child starting preschool this fall? What was the deciding factor for you? Tell me in the comments.


Affordable Self-care for Moms

Today, I have a wonderful guest post for you by Andee Schmidt who is working on her new blog. When it is up and running, I will add the link to this post. I often talk about personal development and the importance of self-care for moms, so I was happy when Andee approached me to share this post on affordable self-care for mothers. Thank you, Andee for writing this post and sharing with my readers. If you’re on a budget and are in need of some affordable self-care ideas, you’ll definitely want to check out Andee’s self-care suggestions.

Affordable Self-care for moms pin

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard the term self-care being floated about. Many times this idea conjures up a “treat yourself” mentality of shopping splurges and face masks, but that’s not always the case. Self-care can be accessible.

But, as mothers, it might feel like there’s barely any time –or money– to focus on you. Read on in this list of affordable self-care ideas to find out how mothers can prioritize themselves, because health shouldn’t be a luxury.

Woman sitting on a bath tub with rose petals.

Self-Care for Mothers

Moms have the toughest job in the world. You’re probably feeling overworked and overtired, and that’s precisely why it’s important that you take care of both your mental and physical wellbeing.

Ultimately, self-care is the practice of taking action to improve your own health. Honoring your body, mind, and spirit will help you activate the best version of yourself you can be by improving your physical, mental and/or emotional health.

Although it probably sounds impossible to prioritize an hour for just you, treating yourself to time alone has been proven to improve overall wellbeing. In fact, according to VeryWellMind, it can even make you a better caregiver, because it reduces the feeling of burn out.

Free and Affordable Options

Woman painting at easel

Flex your creativity

You don’t need to be artistic to benefit from an artistic hobby. In fact, the pleasure from art usually comes from the process of creation, not necessarily the final outcome. Whether it’s painting, knitting, drawing or sculpting, budgeting some time per week for a creative hobby can have very positive results. Finding your groove with something artsy is a great way to get into a flow state and let your mind relax.

Remember, coloring books aren’t only for children anymore, but you can always have your kids join the fun and color together!

Woman meditating on beach

Relax your mind

Meditation can be intimidating. I don’t know how to do it well or I get distracted are common concerns of those new to the practice. But, here’s the thing, meditating is just about listening to your thoughts and being present in the moment. You can even meditate while taking a shower or while winding down for bed.

Like anything else, meditation takes practice; but here’s a list of good –and free– applications that can get you started: The Mindfulness App, Headspace and Calm.

Become a yogi

You don’t need a large budget for yoga: as long as you have comfortable clothing and a nice quiet space for your practice, you’ll be good to go.

There’s no need to stress about flexibility, stamina or fitness levels. Yoga is more about the mind than the body: learn to be present and mindful of what your body is capable of without worrying too much about perfection. Plus, there are even positions that allow you to lay flat on the floor–mini nap anyone?

Check out some online tutorials or cheap or discounted beginner classes that you can use to get started.

Woman reading a book at a cafe

Curl up with a book

Oftentimes, reading is something that falls to the backburner when you have so many other things to worry about. However, reading can be excellent for self-care. Reading is a relaxing activity that helps you take a break from the stress of everyday. Plus, with the boom of audio books you can even read while taking care of your other tasks.

If you’re interested in learning more about self-care, you might want to start by reading some of the books on this list, or these, if you want to read about motherhood.

Woman walking in the park with stroller

Take a walk

The good thing about walking? It’s free. And you can do it basically anywhere. Pop in your headphones, or put the kids in a stroller and just walk.

As long as you take the time to think about yourself and take care of your mind, you’ll be practicing some form of self-care. Plus, studies have shown that spending time outdoors can reduce mental fatigue, stress and elevate your mood.
Self-care for moms on a budget pin

Finding Time for Self-Care

Now this is all peachy… but, many of you might be thinking: how do I get enough time alone to do that?! Prioritizing yourself can be tough when you feel that every second is going to taking care of others. It’s certainly not easy, but here’s a list of quick tips you can use to find the time alone you need:

Occupy the kids

Use the time when your kids are busy as time to squeeze in your self-care. Play dates, nap time and after-school activities are great ways to both entertain your kids and get some free time for yourself.

Put it on your calendar

If you make alone time sporadic, it will feel abnormal for your family. But if you do it weekly and let your kids and partner know this is “mom’s time”, it will become part of their routine and yours!

Ask for help

The truth is, getting alone time while being a mother is nearly impossible, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. Make a plan with your partner or anyone in you support system so you can ensure you are getting what you need. Lean on the people in your life. Also, if you are able, there’s nothing wrong with hiring a babysitter to get a few hours to yourself.

Many of these activities can also be done with the whole family: take your kids out for a walk, to the movies, or the park and you will soon find yourself with time on your hands to think. But if you are able to get some precious alone time, don’t feel guilty for enjoying it. Remember, moms need to be taken care of too!

About the author:

Andee Schmidt

Andee is a recent college graduate from Arizona State University with a love of writing, the outdoors, and funky cafes. You can usually find her hiking or planning her next trip. She is passionate about traveling, frugal living, her family, and the perfect cup of coffee. She is the writer behind the blog : xx . Find her on Instagram as @andee_schmidt or Twitter @andeeschmidt.

Looking For My Tribe

I’m writing this post because of situations I’ve had recently both with coworkers and old friends. One reason I have created this blog is to talk about some of the difficult issues that come up surrounding motherhood. For me, isolation is one of those issues. To be honest, I’ve never really fit in anywhere. I’ve always had trouble meeting people and making friends. Maybe it’s my shy and introverted personality. Maybe it’s my visual impairment that puts people off. Maybe it’s another flaw in my personality or maybe it’s the world we live in today. Whatever the reason, I’ve never really found my tribe.

Looking For My Tribe. (Group of friends pin)

This past week, I reached out to an old friend. We exchanged a couple of messages, but the conversation fizzled out pretty quickly. It ended with me asking about his kids and how his work was going. Whenever I hear from this person, there are always excuses about how busy he is, but it’s clear he’s just too busy for me. It’s like that with most interactions I have with people. I make all the effort to keep in touch, but get very little in return.

Upset girl standing away from group of gossuping friends.

The Isolation

I hear this from a lot of adults. They feel isolated. It’s hard to make friends and it’s hard to see the ones we have regularly. Another friend and I were talking the other day about how isolating parenting can be. She told me that many of her friends had kids young, so now they are in a completely different stage of parenting. They don’t want to deal with the birthday parties, the baby showers etc. It’s harder to find things in common. I miss the ease of childhood friendships. Kids bond over playing the same sports, liking the same music or it could just be as simple as deciding they will be friends and then sticking to it. Then we all grow up. Now that we have smart phones and the internet, we seemed to have forgotten how to interact with the people around us.

Are we passing our isolation on to our children?

Two children playing with water ball


Rosebud is social by nature. She still has trouble with sharing her toys, but she generally loves to be around other kids. The thing is, she doesn’t have much of an opportunity for that since she is not in childcare. I want her summers to be fun and memorable, so I took her on a few field trips last year. For starters, I took her to the library where they have a play room. Presumably, children can play together there. We spent some time looking at books and playing and hoped another kid would show up. Well, a father and his two kids eventually did, but he sat with his kids outside the room and was clearly waiting for us to leave. It was awkward, so we left.

Mother carrying toddler


Our next trip was to a small children’s museum. Honestly, it was just a larger preschool classroom that advertises itself as a museum to get funding for their program. Rosebud had a good time playing with the different toys there, but I hoped she’d get to play with other kids. There were a couple other kids her age, but instead of encouraging the kids to play together, the parents hovered and followed the kids from place to place. When I was a kid, the kids played together and the parents would talk. This was true even in new places with new kids. Especially if the place was relatively small and you could see the kids from where ever you were.

Two little boys trying to take a truck away from one another.


Our third trip was to a larger museum for children where Rosebud’s favorite thing was a room full of blocks and balls. There was a boy around her age who was there with his brother. They were building a tower with the blocks and then filling it with balls. Rosebud noticed this and started gathering balls for them, but whenever she brought balls over to them, the smaller boy would tell her to go away and that they weren’t playing with her. She was too young at the time to feel the rejection and kept filling buckets of balls for them.

Are We Isolating Our Children (pin)

After a while, we went to another room that had different kinds of tunnels with balls. They also had an exhibit where you could keep balls floating in the air. It was basically a cone with air being forced out of it. Anyway, there was another boy around her age and she noticed his dad bouncing balls over the cone. He could keep several going at once which made her laugh. When she noticed the boy, she went over to stand next to him. There was plenty of room for them both to play with the ball machines, but the boy kept hitting her and pushing her away no matter what she did. I kept having her move away from him, but she really want to play with him. After a little while, we decided to leave because I didn’t want the boy to keep being mean to her. Maybe he was the one who should’ve left, but I didn’t want to cause a scene or try to have an awkward conversation with his dad. However I told Rosebud to tell the boy that she didn’t like it when he hit or pushed her. I also told her to stay away from him and that she didn’t have to be around people who were mean to her. While hitting and pushing is developmentally appropriate to a point, as a childcare provider, I’m seeing an over abundance of aggressiveness. That seems to be the first response to everything. Many kids seem to get physical without remorse and I’m convinced that there’s more involved than kids just being kids.Sleeping baby holding mother’s hand.


Then one day at our neighborhood playground, Rosebud was enjoying the slide when a father and his four-year-old daughter showed up. While Rosebud was excited to see another kid, I couldn’t wait to leave. I had a quick conversation with the father and we left. While this is what I complain about, I couldn’t help but feel like I needed to get away. First, I wasn’t sure if they wanted the playground to themselves. Then all these things ran through my mind. What would I talk to this guy about while our kids played? What if Rosebud did something to the other child that I didn’t see? What if his daughter did something to Rosebud? What if I had to chase her if she ran off the playground? Sometimes she’d run off and I had to run after her. I didn’t want to do that in front this man who I didn’t know. I didn’t want him to notice my visual impairment and think that I was less of a parent. I didn’t want this stranger to see me make a mistake, so it felt safer for me to leave. Then I wonder if I denied Rosebud an opportunity to make a friend. Will I have to keep doing that?

Looking For My Tribe (Friends eating desserts at cafe pin)

Final Thoughts and


This brings me back to the struggle I have with making friends. Am I unintentionally passing it on to her? Before she was born, I thought it’d be easier to make friends as a mom. I thought there’d be play groups and more ways to connect. Of course we’d have something huge in common, being a mother. Then real life happens, insecurities pop up and then motherhood becomes more isolating than ever. Most of the play groups or children’s activities in my area are during the day. Childrens activities and play groups are great places for making mom friends if you are a sahm or have a flexible work schedule. Unfortunately, I’m a working mom with a standard work schedule, so it’s not possible to attend. There are also the logistics of transportation which makes things even more complicated and I usually decide it’s not worth climbing the mountain.

Since I haven’t figured this out yet, I’m posting some questions to you. How do you make friends as a mom? Do you feel isolated or have you found your tribe? How do you facilitate your children making friends? Let me know in the comments.